The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Younger voters in the U.S. tend to overwhelmingly trend to the left/progressive side. Older voters are slightly more on the right/Conservative side. If you extrapolate this for one or two more Presidential cycles, the country will be more and more Democratic/Left leaning in the coming years as the older Baby Boomers die off.

Thank God. I probably shouldn't be so focused on American politics but I think that if America were to swing in a pro-Trump direction for an extended period of time, the whole world woud suffer.

Apparently a very strong majority of white males under 30 voted for Trump.

Not too surprising. I'm pretty sure Clinton won with every non-white group of any age.

The Democratic party is not as broken as the Republican party is.

That is the tragedy. That the presidency was surrendered to a shattered party. The entire nomination process in the Republican party was hillarious. Trump was pushing the envelope as far as he could.
Personally I thought his entire goal was to ensure Bush did not get the nomination. He was really out to ridicule him which he did. In the process he got the others all attacking him which endeared him to the base.

The 'normal' Republican party would never have passed such a bill.

I'd agree. I think Trump was able to win where Sanders couldn't because the Democrats had a clear idea of what they were doing. The Republicans were too divided to stop Trump and when he won, they just abandoned any scruples to win as a party. They're good at that.
:lol: Chelsea is even worse at public speaking than Hillary. Maybe she'll go for it again.

There were a few articles by friendly journalists saying Chelsea should be left alone to grow and discover her voice - they're building her up for something, soon.
Zuckerberg's the one you should all be watching out for. Dude has found religion and is on a listening tour!
There were a few articles by friendly journalists saying Chelsea should be left alone to grow and discover her voice - they're building her up for something, soon.
2020 is too early for her anyway. I still suspect Hillary may go for it again, she clearly believes it's her destiny.

If Trump messes up badly enough, that campaign slogan they ditched might actually work in 2020.

"It's her turn..."

Not saying it's a good idea, but it's not far fetched at all given the influence she and Bill has in the party.
Zuckerberg's the one you should all be watching out for. Dude has found religion and is on a listening tour!

He's been photographed with farm animals and machinery in all 50 states. Zuckerburg/Chelsea 2020: build the bigger banks.
Excellent appearance from John Kasich on Bill Maher's show this week. He was being slightly disingenuous and playing to the crowd at times but he was refreshingly honest and at least he is a Republican who you could talk to and with. He needs a slap for wearing shit coloured chinos though.
going to see a lot more of that especially after that ridiculous bill.

Expect the Democratic candidate to push for Medicare For All ,which people understand and trust rather than single payer which can be twisted into socialised European health care.
Even if they are the same.

One of the single most bewildering things you can ever do is hear an American defend why they have the worst healthcare in the developed world. They routinely trot out a version of 'Socialism' yadda yadda. Insane.
I don't know about others but I don't have any sympathy. Does it make me a bad person?
I don't know about others but I don't have any sympathy. Does it make me a bad person?

Some people are just easily led. A good friend of mine supported Trump and he got most of his information from Fox and Talk Radio. There are probably millions like him who just voted for Trump because they thought it was the thing to do based on the propaganda they were spoonfed.
Pruitt and Price are the worst of the lot. They are basically agents of special interests who want to destroy the portfolios they have been trusted to safeguard.
After some exposition, I'd consider Sessions by far the most dangerous of appointees.

Pruitt you could say would be the worst in the long term, but he's just a hand puppet in the end.
I don't know about others but I don't have any sympathy. Does it make me a bad person?

"He said: We are going to make the economy better". This i hear time and time again and it's just nonsense, the US economy is the worlds largest by a huge margin (like 25% of the world or something). The problem isn't the US economy being bad, it's that it's hugely in favor of the wealthy.

People still think that the US is the land of opportunity, like it's the Klondike gold rush or something, but the fact is that social mobility in the US is far lower than other industrialized countries and making a leap on the social ladder is just getting harder and harder. I don't remember where i saw it, but it was some talkshow where one of the guests said something of the lines like: "Poor Americans don't view themselves as poor, just temporarily poor and waiting to become rich"

Meanwhile, middle and upper class Americans view poor ones as either lazy or "down on their luck". Can't have anything to do with the shameful minimum wages, proper education being behind a huge paywall or the animosity towards worker unions. Also, regarding unions, just look at this shit.

Start from 14:20.The woman absolutely destroys him. I dont get how people can equate the Dems with the GOP. I am not saying the dems are saints but these lot are on another planet. They have no conscience.
Start from 14:20.The woman absolutely destroys him. I dont get how people can equate the Dems with the GOP. I am not saying the dems are saints but these lot are on another planet. They have no conscience.

I'm fairly certain that guy is getting re-elected next year.
Still waiting on a rational argument as to how Wealthcare is a net positive for the general public that is not housed in rhetoric terminology...........
Big day today by the way. The senate start their Russia hearings today.
Still waiting on a rational argument as to how Wealthcare is a net positive for the general public that is not housed in rhetoric terminology...........

:lol: This guy got jokes!

I admire your spirit and endurance but you will be dead before anyone answers that one honestly.

The huge irony in all of this discussion is that US citizens already pay for some form of socialised healthcare when they contribute towards Medicaid. The even bigger irony is that if the US did switch over to UHC then I should think everyone would be paying far less for their healthcare.
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