The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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None of the 16 look to me to be easy 'yes' votes to me, as not many of them at this point really have any principles at all.
Would that necessarily be a bad thing for the cause given the ship is sinking and they'll likely look to suit themselves?
Here's the question though. A decent number of his cabinet are "acting", not senate confirmed. Do they even matter then?

I haven't seen any language saying actings can participate.

So all it would take is 8 of the below 15 plus Pence. The highlighted ones would be the most likely candidates.

  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
  • Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller
  • Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen
  • Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
  • Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
  • Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  • Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
  • Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  • Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
  • Secretary of Energy Dan Brouilette
  • Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs Robert Wilkie
  • Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf

The only problem is Trump could drag the whole thing out since after 8 plus Pence were to vote to get rid, Congress would ave to vote, then Trump would get a rebuttal, then Congress would have to vote again after considering his response. All of that could take weeks.
Here's the question though. A decent number of his cabinet are "acting", not senate confirmed. Do they even matter then?
That’s an interesting point but I doubt the amendment would have considered such an eventuality. I don’t know though.
Pointless since he's already been impeached and there probably aren't enough Rs in the Senate to do anything with it.
I don't think it's pointless. I think getting Rs on record about it would be a very shrewd move by Pelosi
I haven't seen any language saying actings can participate.

So all it would take is 8 of the below 15 plus Pence. The highlighted ones would be the most likely candidates.

  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
  • Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller
  • Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen
  • Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
  • Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
  • Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  • Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
  • Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  • Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
  • Secretary of Energy Dan Brouilette
  • Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs Robert Wilkie
  • Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf

The only problem is Trump could drag the whole thing out since after 8 plus Pence were to vote to get rid, Congress would ave to vote, then Trump would get a rebuttal, then Congress would have to vote again after considering his response. All of that could take weeks.
I somehow would think that any of Mnuchin, Rosen or Ross are more likely than Chad Wolf. Also Pompeo would be symbolically important, but I don't trust him for a second. In fact all top 4 in the precedence order (State, Treasury, Defense, AG) would be symbolically important.
Can the Republicans actually afford to remove Trump from office? I can't imagine their base would take too kindly to that. According to a yougov poll ( 45% of Republicans actually approve of this incident.

You have to put this in context, even prior to the election, Trump's approval rating within the GOP was in the high 90s so if half of that support eroded over this incident, that is a very significant number. The number of self identified Republicans is 27% of the voting population. So the GOP need to calibrate if appealing to the 45% of those 27% is worth alienating the remaining 55% and independent voters.
Surprisingly she's pretty hot, what in the world is she doing with McTurtle?


Ooh yeah a real stunner :rolleyes:
To be honest, it's a bit strange thinking people are only together because of looks. 90 % of the caf' would be single if that was the case. And look at Trump ffs.
Secretary Chao quits in protest – rather than stay to support 25th Amendment removal

I don’t think impeachment is a bad idea at all if they can get their shit together quick enough.

Dems hold the senate now and control proceedings. They can use it to show what an absolute farce the last two months have been and bring to light just how dangerous and disgusting Trumps behaviour has been.
Just seen Colbert went live for his show last night which was unplanned so as to speak about the insurrection attempt.

Just watching on YouTube, he’s fecking fuming.
What's the status of Trump's twitter account? Hasn't the ban been lifted by now? Strangely quiet...
Isn’t it 12 hours from the time the offending tweets are deleted by the user, and they were only deleted this afternoon?
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