I was actually just looking up some numbers right now. The reason the claim struck me so hard is that Germany have been running such a huge current account surplus, and if anything Germans are excess savers compared to their consumption, but current account balance is of course very aggregate so maybe it was something else.
excerpt (pdf warning) from the OECD Factbook talks about net household saving rates. 2013 as a comparison (doesn't seem to matter much which year, it looks like): Germany 9.1 %, EU 28 4.7, Euro area 6.1, Italy 3.9, France 9.1, U.K. 0.0.
Eurostat mainly operate with gross household savings rate instead of net, numbers from 2018: Germany 18.5 %, EU 10.3, Euro zone 12.5, France 13.9, Italy 10.0, UK and Spain 6.0.
Maybe @Libano had something else in mind, but I'm drawing a blank.