The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Feckers are crazy.

A whole lot of them, and their vulnerables, are going to be stricken down by this virus. Then a majority will be saved by Remdesivir. And they, along with Trump obviously, will say told you so to the rest of the world. Karma is a bitch, no more so than when she doesn't play by the rules.
A whole lot of them, and their vulnerables, are going to be stricken down by this virus. Then a majority will be saved by Remdesivir. And they, along with Trump obviously, will say told you so to the rest of the world. Karma is a bitch, no more so than when she doesn't play by the rules.
The revisionism will be something to behold, that's for sure. "I only ever touted Remdesivir as a possible cure, and now that we've only had 100,000 - far lower than any of our estimates, including my own - I think I deserve a thank you from Obama".
This is something that people still do not get it. Americans don't want to get better, they don't see what's wrong with American First thuggery and feck the rest of the world attitude.

M4A, while it's novel at face value, half (or more) of Americans don't want that, even half of democrats don't want that. Obviously M4A is Sander's, but it goes the same with every big policy. Guns? They don't care about people dying, they want their guns. A presidential candidate who champions guns abolitionism and M4A will not win, because that's not what american wanted.

You and us here are debating based on the assumption that Americans are fair, kind, and just minded collective bunch. They are not. As trump have shown us. Half of them are still racist, the other half are too rich and thinks that M4A are a burden, if poor people dies so be it, it's their fault. Half of america agrees and celebrate Trump thuggery, they think his constant bullying as a sign of MAGA and machismo and boy they're so glad that finally someone actually represents them as a country.

Trump will die eventually, or goes to prison, but there will be other trump. Unless the trump voters are gone then there will always be another trump. Better deal with it. This is the Americans we'll have to get used to for the foreseeable future.

Thanks mate for this post, we share a lot of the same views it seems. It's nice to be reminded of the futility of discussing it from a European's perspective sometimes! In a weird way I guess this is the first time that I've 'pitied' Americans from my tiny little mostly insignificant country. I'm used to fearing, loathing and admiring them in measures but never feeling the things I am now. However you are dead right that it's futile to discuss a country that we don't really 'get'.
Cool dudes...


You can almost smell the BO from second from left.
who are they going to shoot, the virus?

you can tell just from the picture whom you're dealing with

1. Would absolutely love to start shooting because he thinks he will bring about the next civil war.
2 and 5 are basically cosplayers that would be convinced to shoot people once 1. starts
3/4/6 are basically penis envy types that would run the other way when 1. starts shooting.
Just have to keep telling myself these folks are seriously fringe, and just getting disproportionate media coverage.

But the fascist stuff is genuinely scary.
I know zilch about guns but can you tell if these are loaded ?

They are absolutely 100% loaded. These guys dream on a daily basis of getting the opportunity to kill someone. They're probably thinking there's a pretty good chance that Antifa is going to attack their "position". Or maybe BLM. Or perhaps the Black Panthers. Or the Vietcong. Or the redcoats.
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