The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It bears bringing up the famous Trump family moment criticizing the Pulitzer Prize:

Jr might be even dumber than his dad. It's a sad indictment on the American political system that I do genuinely expect him to be a serious candidate for President (or presidential nominee) at some point. If that happens, I think violent revolution might be in order.
Jr might be even dumber than his dad. It's a sad indictment on the American political system that I do genuinely expect him to be a serious candidate for President (or presidential nominee) at some point. If that happens, I think violent revolution might be in order.

He's absolutely
a) dumber than his dad
b) going to be a Republican President in our lifetime.
Unless you’re in the army or have time travelled back from the 19th century, it’s very weird. Ah you yanks..
It’s not weird at all within the context of our common etiquette, and thus a bizarre point to focus on with everything else going on.

Just look at the posts above...
I generally hope that the next president is democratic so that Trump can legitimately be held accountable for his crime.

If anybody dies from drinking bleach after his press conference, he should be charged with manslaughter.

Biden will pardon him.

Or there'll be some way of Trump getting off scot-free.

Unfortunately it's just the way it works.

We all hope for the state prosecutions to come after him but they won't.
Taken out the shovel and brought his JCB.

"Sarcasm" is obviously going to be his go-to from now on...

"Ffs Melania, when you caught me cheating on you with that prostitute I was obviously doing it sarcastically".
I try not to care what he says and I really shouldn't, I'm Irish and living in Ireland, he has feck all impact on my life but it's maddening how a person that thick can get to a position like that and have that much money.
I try not to care what he says and I really shouldn't, I'm Irish and living in Ireland, he has feck all impact on my life but it's maddening how a person that thick can get to a position like that and have that much money.

Well no, that's not true. When China, the USA or Germany sneeze economically, the rest of us catch a cold. Our countries are systematically joined to the USA economy and having an able and competent president does have an impact on your life.

The GFC was a result of US investment bankers fecking themselves over. It affected every economy in the world.
I generally hope that the next president is democratic so that Trump can legitimately be held accountable for his crime.

If anybody dies from drinking bleach after his press conference, he should be charged with manslaughter.
I think if you are stupid enough to drink bleach after listening to Trump, then you are lucky to have got this far in life, I get what you mean though and agree.
Ignore my last post, this just pushed that other tweet right out of the top 5 most pathetic tweets list. This is some primary school shit right here.

I know we say this every time, but it's genuinely incredible how he manages to lower the bar yet again. We must be seeing early signs of dementia here, surely? This is not normal, not even for Donald Trump.
It's dementia alright, but it's not early. He's been showing signs for at least five years, if not more. It will kill him within the next five if something else doesn't get him first. Here's hoping, by the way.
Ignore my last post, this just pushed that other tweet right out of the top 5 most pathetic tweets list. This is some primary school shit right here.

I know we say this every time, but it's genuinely incredible how he manages to lower the bar yet again. We must be seeing early signs of dementia here, surely? This is not normal, not even for Donald Trump.

I think he is just a dim narcissist who has made a career of bullshitting and getting away with it. Basically daddy gave him lots of cash, priveledge and a sense of entitlement on an epic scale, when mummy should have smacked.
Unless you’re in the army or have time travelled back from the 19th century, it’s very weird. Ah you yanks..

Americans love their titles. My son is at Uni and his friends find it really hard to call me by my first name. He also had one of his lecturers get the shits with him for using his first name. Here in Australia we are far less formal, far more informal than what I was used to growing up in the UK. When I was in charge of support for a few systems at a University I had to ask the offshore call center to stop calling everyone Professor as I was getting complaints from academics that it was distracting.
Unless you’re in the army or have time travelled back from the 19th century, it’s very weird. Ah you yanks..
Meanwhile over in good old Blighty

Meanwhile over in good old Blighty

Bradleywiggins.jpg the risk of derailing the thread, I think I see the problem. In England it’s a title, like Sir Alex or Sir David Attenborough.

Here, in modern English, it’s just a way of addressing an adult male. So instead of saying ‘hey asshole’ or somesuch, which would be less effective in the context of a press conference in the White House addressing the President, they say ‘sir’. the risk of derailing the thread, I think I see the problem. In England it’s a title, like Sir Alex or Sir David Attenborough.

Here, in modern English, it’s just a way of addressing an adult male. So instead of saying ‘hey asshole’ or somesuch, which would be less effective in the context of a press conference in the White House addressing the President, they say ‘sir’.
Mate, I'm a Brit and I address some people and strangers as sir.

In my field (AI, which the senator mentioned), the vast majority of papers coming from top US universities are authored from foreign researchers, and a large part of those researchers (likely even more than half) are Chinese. Providing that the same holds for other fields, then banning Chinese from studying science and technology in the US will have catastrophic consequences for the science and technology of the US. Most of these people are really bright hard-working people who give significant contributions, and the majority of those that I know decide to continue their careers in the US rather than returning to China.

Especially in tech (where the US is still the undisputed leader), most of the researchers are foreigners. I see far more Chinese and Indians (whoa re studying/working in the US) rather than people born in the US at every conference I attend. Ban them, and you'll suffer the consequences. Both China and European giants like Germany would love such a decision and keep/get those people. the risk of derailing the thread, I think I see the problem. In England it’s a title, like Sir Alex or Sir David Attenborough.

Here, in modern English, it’s just a way of addressing an adult male. So instead of saying ‘hey asshole’ or somesuch, which would be less effective in the context of a press conference in the White House addressing the President, they say ‘sir’.
At least in the media people who have been knighted in Britain are always addressed as Sir(Soz Fergie, you're great and all but you do have to be a bit of an arsehole to want a knighthood).

In the US it seems really a polite way to address someone.
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Far less absurd than the way we treat the royals who aren't even elected. We are worshiping inherited wealth and power with added forelock tugging.
It's not less absurd. I'm not a royalist by any means and actually can't stand the monarchy but there is a difference between royalty (hate that word) and an elected official. There may be no place for a monarchy in this day and age but they're certainly not on a par with elected ministers and presidents.
It's not less absurd. I'm not a royalist by any means and actually can't stand the monarchy but there is a difference between royalty (hate that word) and an elected official. There may be no place for a monarchy in this day and age but they're certainly not on a par with elected ministers and presidents.

Royalty have no legitimacy as they weren't elected so deserve far less respect. Even less than what out lizard overlords deserve which is often very little indeed.

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
This is something that people still do not get it. Americans don't want to get better, they don't see what's wrong with American First thuggery and feck the rest of the world attitude.

M4A, while it's novel at face value, half (or more) of Americans don't want that, even half of democrats don't want that. Obviously M4A is Sander's, but it goes the same with every big policy. Guns? They don't care about people dying, they want their guns. A presidential candidate who champions guns abolitionism and M4A will not win, because that's not what american wanted.

You and us here are debating based on the assumption that Americans are fair, kind, and just minded collective bunch. They are not. As trump have shown us. Half of them are still racist, the other half are too rich and thinks that M4A are a burden, if poor people dies so be it, it's their fault. Half of america agrees and celebrate Trump thuggery, they think his constant bullying as a sign of MAGA and machismo and boy they're so glad that finally someone actually represents them as a country.

Trump will die eventually, or goes to prison, but there will be other trump. Unless the trump voters are gone then there will always be another trump. Better deal with it. This is the Americans we'll have to get used to for the foreseeable future.

Good post and could not agree more.

Trump is a callous moron, but just getting rid of him wont really solve the underlying problems and the structures that got him into power. Lets be fair here, the US has some of the best this world has to offer. Google, Microsoft, Apple, NASA, Harvard etc. They have some of the finest minds in the world that are on the forefront of science and technology, but that is just a fraction of the country

A sizable and seemingly increasing are poor, stupid and scared, others are straight up brainwashed by right wing media and/or fascist TV-pastors. And imo a majority of the country have bought into the idea of selfish hyper individualization. "Why should they take my guns away", "Why should i pay for someone else getting sick" "Why should i care about your children getting a proper education or not" "What about my rights"

Imo, the took a considerable step right under Regan (who to this date is on of the most popular presidents ever), especially when he took on the Air Traffic controllers. Not saying Labor unions solve everything, but when the workers themselves are convinced its some kind of communist plot you know something is not quite right

Getting a functioning adult as POTUS will help, but the idiots who protest the lockdown and cosplay as action heroes with their guns at State Capitol will still be there. Unless they remove corporate power and money from politics and completely overhaul their education system. It wont get better
Royalty have no legitimacy as they weren't elected so deserve far less respect. Even less than what out lizard overlords deserve which is often very little indeed.

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

Couldn't agree more.

You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!

I will just leave this here....

:wenger: :lol:

:lol::lol: FFS

What i truly cant comprehend is this absurd cult of personality. Hes a rascist bellend and if you are too it makes sense to vote for him, but as a person? Hes utterly horrible in almost every aspect that matters. Charisma? None, he is and sounds utterly lobotomized. Morals? Hes as morally depraved as they come. Intelligence? Not found. Righteousness? No. Honesty? Nope. Compassion? None found. Humility? :lol: Bravery? Hes a thin skinned candyarse.

Does he have any positive qualities?
:lol::lol: FFS

What i truly cant comprehend is this absurd cult of personality. Hes a rascist bellend and if you are too it makes sense to vote for him, but as a person? Hes utterly horrible in almost every aspect that matters. Charisma? None, he is and sounds utterly lobotomized. Morals? Hes as morally depraved as they come. Intelligence? Not found. Righteousness? No. Honesty? Nope. Compassion? None found. Humility? :lol: Bravery? Hes a thin skinned candyarse.

Does he have any positive qualities?

He keeps people employed in the fake tan industry
Royalty have no legitimacy as they weren't elected so deserve far less respect. Even less than what out lizard overlords deserve which is often very little indeed.

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
:lol: excellent reference
I think the best thing for the world at this point would be to unite as one, and just cut the USA out. Leave them to their insanity.
At least in the media people who have been knighted in Britain are always addressed as Sir(Soz Fergie, you're great and all but you do have to be a bit of an arsehole to want a knighthood).

In the US it seems really a polite way to address someone.

You don't want a Knighthood you are given one. And unsure why you'd be looked at negatively for accepting.

Sir or Ma'am is still used as a polite address within the UK and rest of the world too. It's just good manners really.
Not sure about other former British colonies but in Nigeria, 'Sir' is still pretty standard. I often have to consciously stop myself from using it at times, especially with my bosses.
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