Oppressed White Male
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Capitalism broke the world. It’s just as flawed and idealistic as communism for exactly the same reason - people are inherently greedy.
Yes, but you arent allowed to say that!
Capitalism broke the world. It’s just as flawed and idealistic as communism for exactly the same reason - people are inherently greedy.
I used to think he didn't know what he was saying from one day to the next but that's giving him way to much credit.
He doesn't even know what he's saying from the start of a sentence to the end - a rambling drunk or a 96 year old man with dementia in a care home has better sentence cohesion.
It's almost pointless interviewing him now because if he's wrong or lies, he just says "fake news" or waffles and every reporter let's it go because they're too scared of losing their WH accreditation.
Downing Street attacking the media in response to the latest story is straight out of the Trump playbook.
Just watched a doc on the Hubble telescope and there was a snippet of Bush talking and it became apparent that he was a better public speaker than Trump. Bush!
That is the greatest summary of the worlds leading idiots brain and how it worksHe speaks as if real life had the same restrictions as Twitter where you can only use 140 characters. He speaks in short, stunted sentences as if he doesn't want to waste any characters, with each sentence just trailing off with non sequitur after non sequitur. Nothing flows, there's no context to what he's saying. Just a bunch of words all. spoken. like. this. And then it ends and you're greeted with another word salad to decipher.
A good analogy for how his brain works is to picture blowing up a balloon without tying the end, hold it up high, and then let it go and watch on as it violently and sporadically flies around the room. That's what's happening in his head.
He does it all the time. You often here his three magic words "People don't realize" Or another one he likes is "Not many people know that" Which basically translates to "Everybody knew that apart from my dumb ass and I was only made aware of it about 2 minutes ago"
Our standards have really dropped around the world it seems. We're capable of excusing a lot of crap that only ten years ago would've caused mass uproar.Interesting comparison isn't it.
I do struggle to believe that he is actually as stupid as he sometimes sounds.
Having said that, I have never heard a politician who loves the sound of his own voice quite as much.
Our standards have really dropped around the world it seems. We're capable of excusing a lot of crap that only ten years ago would've caused mass uproar.
He wasn't just listening in, though, according to the report. He was taking part in discussions. The story is significant because the government's get out of jail card has been 'following the science'. It is not following the science if some bloke from vote leave with a history degree is influencing scientific advice.I'm with most of the replies to that Peter Foster tweet ⬆. I think the media have been shit during this pandemic. Loaded questions (looking for a clickbait headline).
someone was listening in as an invited guest (not a member as suggested) and the government response was 'no he wasn't and the media part in the last few weeks hasnt been good'. Sounds about right to me
didn't know he was influencing scientific advice? What decisions did he change?He wasn't just listening in, though, according to the report. He was taking part in discussions. The story is significant because the government's get out of jail card has been 'following the science'. It is not following the science if some bloke from vote leave with a history degree is influencing scientific advice.
Essentially that's what the Guardian is reporting.didn't know he was influencing scientific advice?
If Democrats show up this time, he will be a one term President.Will he get a second term after all this? I'm guessing yes but really is it that cut and dry?
No I get what the Guardian are saying (and I'm sure they don't have any bias) but they seem to be saying Cummings was there so by default, he was probably/was definitely influencing Government policies?Essentially that's what the Guardian is reporting.
Really ?Our standards have really dropped around the world it seems. We're capable of excusing a lot of crap that only ten years ago would've caused mass uproar.
He speaks as if real life had the same restrictions as Twitter where you can only use 140 characters. He speaks in short, stunted sentences as if he doesn't want to waste any characters, with each sentence just trailing off with non sequitur after non sequitur. Nothing flows, there's no context to what he's saying. Just a bunch of words all. spoken. like. this. And then it ends and you're greeted with another word salad to decipher.
A good analogy for how his brain works is to picture blowing up a balloon without tying the end, hold it up high, and then let it go and watch on as it violently and sporadically flies around the room. That's what's happening in his head.
Looking forward to replies to this (insert MJ popcorn gif)Really ? Yes Trump talking about drinking bleach is insane but we only have to go back to the last administration to see well.......something far worse.
The only positive of the Trump presidency is our standards are somewhat on the up.
One; I'm not using Trump saying "inject bleach" as the example of the worst thing he's ever done. Two; there was and still is mass uproar over Flint. If you want to point fingers at Flint though you'd do better to look at the EPA, which was Obama's biggest failing in that he didn't tell McCarthy to feck off.Really ?
Yes Trump talking about drinking bleach is insane but we only have to go back to the last administration to see well.......something far worse. Obama visited Flint Michigan during it's water crisis(Which still isn't really over), were the water in Flint was giving people lead poisoning and he gave a speech in which at one point he asked for and drank a glass of 'the 'local'' water in an attempt to prove the water system in Flint was safe, even though it was clearly full of lead. Oh and the Obama administration was also letting the pentagon use Flint as target practise for military weapons . Yet no one has been arrested or charge for what happened to the people of Flint and millions of americans long for the Obama days to come back.
The only positive of the Trump presidency is our standards are somewhat on the up.
it doesn’t sound as if you have read the Guardian story. It doesn’t sound like speculation to me. They are saying multiple people have told them he was taking part in discussions, not just observing. I would say that is influencing the thinking in sage and hence it’s advice to government.No I get what the Guardian are saying (and I'm sure they don't have any bias) but they seem to be saying Cummings was there so by default, he was probably/was definitely influencing Government policies?
Nah, I've read it (difficult to prove I guess but I have). I've seen the multiple attendees quote and I'm sure they'd be pissed at him even attending (fwiw, I think Cummings comes across as a bit of a know-it-all tw@t and I'm not a fan of any individual having too much influence... multiple inputs help good decisions.)it doesn’t sound as if you have read the Guardian story. It doesn’t sound like speculation to me. They are saying multiple people have told them he was taking part in discussions, not just observing. I would say that is influencing the thinking in sage and hence it’s advice to government.
The massive uproar resulted in what ? Again no one faced any actions for these crimes and Obama is now more popular than ever(In fact if there was a uproar in came in 2016 with low voter turnout). Also I would say attempting to trick the people of flint into drinking poised water and using their home as targets is slightly worse mistake than telling the McCarthy to do one.One; I'm not using Trump saying "inject bleach" as the example of the worst thing he's ever done. Two; there was and still is mass uproar over Flint. If you want to point fingers at Flint though you'd do better to look at the EPA, which was Obama's biggest failing in that he didn't tell McCarthy to feck off.
I'm talking about the standards of journalists and the public, to hold politician accountable(We've gone from shite to less shite). Not of the politicians themselves.Standards aren't on the up.
Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning ? Also the Obama administration brag about it's attack on whistle blowers as well(In fairness they used a nice front size).Obama never told journalists to shut up. He never brushed off accusations by saying he never did it, or use the defense "fake news". He didn't put his grossly unqualified relatives into positions of authority and he didn't owe foreign governments millions of dollars.
I’m all for diverse opinions but how does Cummings even qualify to be invited to a group of the preeminent scientists in the country? By all accounts, he is the guy that points Boris where to go, so his presence at SAGE compromises the independence of their advice. Why is he there other than to somehow influence their thinking? Why can’t he wait till they give the advice and then advise Boris given the independent scientific advice? He is a SPAD, he shouldn’t be sitting on scientific advisory group.Nah, I've read it (difficult to prove I guess but I have). I've seen the multiple attendees quote and I'm sure they'd be pissed at him even attending (fwiw, I think Cummings comes across as a bit of a know-it-all tw@t and I'm not a fan of any individual having too much influence... multiple inputs help good decisions.)
How much influence that really has is the key... if really influencing, those attendees maybe have a duty to take further. I've got no issue in non-scientists attending (as I think others apart from Cummings have?) as long as Govt (Cabinet not PM) decisions are based on all information, focus on science/facts. As SAGE report to Cabinet/Cobra, I don't think their message would get diluted (whether it's right is another matter based on initial advice to follow herd immunity)
Hopefully more comes out and if Cummings is managing to influence key pandemic control decisions (based on wider politics and not lives), then Govt will get what it deserves and I'll gladly join in
The massive uproar resulted in what ? Again no one faced any actions for these crimes and Obama is now more popular than ever(In fact if there was a uproar in came in 2016 with low voter turnout). Also I would say attempting to trick the people of flint into drinking poised water and using their home as targets is slightly worse mistake than telling the McCarthy to do one.
Zero sympathy.
He died weeks ago when Trump recommended hydroxychloroquine. The man drank fish cleaner containing chloroquine phosphate. There's a letter from the FDA about it: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterina...phate-intended-fish-treatment-covid-19-humansWhilst I admit the guy's a fecking idiot for doing that, there are thousands if not millions of scared idiots around who see the President as their key authority figure (rightly or wrongly) with a mindset of, “The President knows the facts, he has advisors etc”.
That guy would not have died yesterday if Trump hadn’t said what he said, just like those who died taking Hydrxicholoroquine when they didn’t need to.
Can you believe this guy?
Can you believe this guy?
Can you believe this guy?