The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Fauci is the guy who has been getting a lot of screentime, I've only noticed Birx the last 2/3 days. I'm not following this stuff religiously.
Fair enough, but Birx has had a considerable amount of screentime too in all fairness.
Fauci is the guy who has been getting a lot of screentime, I've only noticed Birx the last 2/3 days. I'm not following this stuff religiously.
I'm not in America/American but from the stuff I'd seen, I'd have said the same thing as you. It was Joe 90's grandad for ages, then this school mistress turned up recently (looking petrified of the class idiot)
He's talking bollocks as usual but it is an interesting thought. If we contact trace people, we can estimate a lung cancer risk for someone with data on how often they are in designated smoking zones or close enough to other smokers to inhale passive smoke. Same with obesity, cardiovascular risk and proximity to fast food places, playgrounds and gyms etc.
I’ve been spending most of the day injecting disinfectants and I don’t know about you, but I’m buzzing!
Who is Birx? Has Fauci been replaced?
Birx is a well respected HIV/AIDS expert who is the Coordinator for the White House C19 Task Force. Fauci serves on the same task force as the de facto spokesperson, which is why he is more recognizable.
His supporters desperately trying to turn it onto the media:

Here's former UKIP staffer and Trump brown noser, Raheem Kassam:

It's still incredibly irresponsible for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to even ask such stupid questions that could be easily misinterpreted, whether he said it or asked the question (which we all know in Trump talk, means he's come up with this idea) is just irresponsible at best. What are we all meant to just second guess what he says and wait after the commercial break for the big reveal?

When Obama wore a tan suit, the media stirred up a shit storm and that hasnt even come close to anything what Trump has done
Birx is a well respected HIV/AIDS expert who is the Coordinator for the White House C19 Task Force. Fauci serves on the same task force as the de facto spokesperson, which is why he is more recognizable.
I thought Brix was the weapons inspector from Team America (or at least thats how I hear the name in my head)
In all seriousness she might have more of a profile in the states but outside its certainly bee fauci who has had the most coverage
If she had some sort of backbone she’d resign, but no, she’s sitting there, picking up a fat paycheck and everyone’s applauding her for smirking, while legitimising Trump with her continued presence.
I dunno - I think if I had the qualifications that put me in the room where my advice could save millions of lives Id stick it out despite somebody on the internet saying I had no backbone (technically I dont think from a medical point of view she could sit without a backbone but hey whatevs)
If she had some sort of backbone she’d resign, but no, she’s sitting there, picking up a fat paycheck and everyone’s applauding her for smirking, while legitimising Trump with her continued presence.

This has been said about both her and Fauci, but the longer they can maintain a presence and moderate him (even if only slightly) the better.

They can achieve more doing what they’re doing than getting a one day news story from calling him out which wouldn’t change anything aside from probably earn them death threats from his base.
I did a post on my local Nextdoor page using this entire quote. There are loads of Trumpers on there so I'm curious to see what replies I get.

Be interesting to see the mental gymnastics they pull to explain this one away.
This has been said about both her and Fauci, but the longer they can maintain a presence and moderate him (even if only slightly) the better.

They can achieve more doing what they’re doing than getting a one day news story from calling him out which wouldn’t change anything aside from probably earn them death threats from his base.
What moderation? The guy is one step away from telling people to drink Toilet Duck.
If she had some sort of backbone she’d resign, but no, she’s sitting there, picking up a fat paycheck and everyone’s applauding her for smirking, while legitimising Trump with her continued presence.
I doubt her pay cheque is a huge amount. Probably not much over 100,000. I genuinely think some of these guys see it as duty to their country, regardless of who the president is.
Might not make much sense to us but that's probably how they see it.
Same goes for Fauci who's 79.
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I'll tell you one thing, this new daily soap show we have going on is very entertaining, almost feels like its Days of our Lifes esque.

I wonder if Melania will come storming in the Press conference with some dramatic news, "I'm Pregnant! And it's not yours Donald... it''s.....STEVE'S" dum dun dunnnnn.
Aaaargh, I need to know which Steve, there are so many Steves in the show.
Birx is a well respected HIV/AIDS expert who is the Coordinator for the White House C19 Task Force. Fauci serves on the same task force as the de facto spokesperson, which is why he is more recognizable.

It also helps that Fauci even before was regarded as arguably world’s top researcher in infectious diseases, was arguably the top researcher in HIV/AIDS and has served as the head of the center of infectious diseases under 5 presidents (appointed during Reagan’s administration).
If she had some sort of backbone she’d resign, but no, she’s sitting there, picking up a fat paycheck and everyone’s applauding her for smirking, while legitimising Trump with her continued presence.

From all accounts, her and Fauci have managed to change Trump’s mind several times (including on prolonging the lockout instead of opening the country for Easter Day). Her resigning would just mean that she gets replaced by a yes man (same for Fauci who has actually suffered from all these crazy things). Both of them are highly respected scientists who could easily retire and be happy with their lives and their achievements, instead of risking their lives every day (Fauci is 80yo, an age that you get 10-15% chance of dying if you get it). It is actually really good that they are not resigning.
It's still incredibly irresponsible for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to even ask such stupid questions that could be easily misinterpreted, whether he said it or asked the question (which we all know in Trump talk, means he's come up with this idea) is just irresponsible at best. What are we all meant to just second guess what he says and wait after the commercial break for the big reveal?

When Obama wore a tan suit, the media stirred up a shit storm and that hasnt even come close to anything what Trump has done
The ones that annoy me are the people that still go on about "keeping your doctor" when they've had to change doctors, dentists and specialists multiple times because of their health insurance company or cheap ass employer. Never rely on the media to focus on a real issue (especially conservative media) when there is something shiny in the room.
So now it was a sarcastic comment to the media and not something he was asking Dr. Birx :lol:
What a fantastically appropriate time to be sarcastic.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so fecking tragic. How can we be living this reality?!
Anyone who says they "knew" he was being sarcastic is lying, or kidding themselves. That obviously includes Trump himself. He was not being sarcastic, he was doing what he always does, which is wildly irresponsibly discuss something he is wildly unqualified to discuss.
Oh, he was being sarcastic now. Ok. Sure. Yessiree. Righto. Obviously he was being sarcastic, guys. He's always being sarcastic. That's his thing. The thing Trump does. So when he says he being sarcastic this time obviously he's telling the truth and not lying. Which is never in his character.

Fecking plank.
He got directly called on it being a crazy suggestion and his response was “I’m the President, you’re fake news” for feck sake.

Nobody is stupid enough to genuinely believe he was being sarcastic, it’s wilful ignorance and knowingly lying from the people parroting this latest bullshit.
I remember when I spent two minutes talking at length about using UV lights to see the virus and injecting bleach into my blood just a few hours after saying my administration said it was actually taking his words out of context. Oh wait, no I didn't because I'm not an absolute spanner.

What's the excuse going to change to in the next few hours? He never said it at all? It's fake news?

I just, fecking hell, I just can't even put the words together. He's like Maggie Thatcher pornography for my brain.
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