The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Promises made, promises kept!
Trump the kind of dude who promises he has the biggest penis in the country and then goes about chopping everyone else's off to make it true.
Who is this Bill Mitchell feck wit ?

Political analyst genius type. One of only two pundits in the US who I remember accurately predicting Trump’s victory in 2016. Has been proven to be right about pretty much everything ever since.
If the immigration ban is just for 60 days, it's basically the most symbolic and ineffective measure in terms of both public health and labor concerns. All it will do is cause temporary trouble for myself and some thousands of other people (but probably not more than 50k) around the world that would have otherwise likely been submitting their green card application within the next 60 days (a large portion of whom are probably already in the US at this time). This administration is so fecking tiring (and that's what it is on its best day).
If the immigration ban is just for 60 days, it's basically the most symbolic and ineffective measure in terms of both public health and labor concerns. All it will do is cause temporary trouble for myself and some thousands of other people (but probably not more than 50k) around the world that would have otherwise likely been submitting their green card application within the next 60 days. This administration is so fecking tiring (and that's what it is on its best day).

It's nothing more than a headline with no intended substance. Something to keep his supporters onside. It's all he has ever been during his reign. He takes all the flak and keeps eyes on him while the competent members of the GOP do all the damage in the background. It's why the aim shouldn't be to just get rid of Trump, it should be to defeat him and then burn the GOP to the ground. Investigate every single one of them and send everyone of them guilty of crimes to jail. Also investigate any Democrat the same and give the same punishment. Create a situation where there are consequences for being a corrupt politician. This will never happen but it's how it should be dealt with. What's crazy to me is how much sedation of the general public they have achieved. They have learnt from history while we have become complacent. Look at the next election: the saddest thing is that the leading nation of the World have to choose between the bad and the not so bad option and so many accept it as normal. The problem is that it constantly skews worse so that the 'not so bad' choice every time is actually worse than the 'not so bad' choice before them. If this was 100 years ago then America could potentially be in position for an armed rebellion. I'm not advocating that at all but the horrible thing is that there is almost widespread acceptance and only online dissenters (where algorithms ensure that their message only reaches like minded people). There should be protests that exceed the Vietnam War ones but it just doesn't happen because the other side have basically won the war. Instead you have protests by people who don't want to be slaves to the government so they can go back to a job where they are slaves to the business owner. An actual flip in my eyes: the 'hippy' left get on with it while the conservatives have become the protestors.

In my eyes the USA began to die when Nixon was allowed to walk free. Unfortunately this doesn't only apply to the USA. In Ireland we let bankers walk away with bonuses while the general public had to foot the bill for their mistakes (many intentional). This shit can't stop until every nation starts treating the white collar criminals with the same judgement we treat the lower class criminals. A poor person selling drugs harms a lot less people than a rich person cheating the system but we have created a situation where one is the scum of the earth and the other can do what they want.

If I didn't hate this whole thing so much I'd actually quite admire the fact that they have achieved what they did.

Also not at all aimed at you @MTF! I started about the immigration thing but ended up with this. It is fecking tiring!
Trump is the first president of America who believes he does not need to take into account, that he is the president of America.

And he´s totally controlled by his feeling. Things feel good, and things feel bad. Things that make him feel good, are good. Making money feels good. And as long as everything is justified by self interest, who cares how. Things that make him feel bad, are bad. Having a friend in prison feels bad, and therefore it´s very bad that he is in prison. And the people who put him there, are very bad too. To hell with legal principles. What do a country need legal principles for anyway. Criticism feels bad, and is therefore always wrong. A law like Putin introduced in Russia last year, that would be in Trump´s taste. In Russia, It is now forbidden to insult the president. Maybe if Trump gets reelected, it would at least be worth a shot. And maybe adopt the new Russian law against Fake news as well. After all, Trump has - according to himself - "the highest legal authority". He and his gut-feeling.

And every leader on earth knows that he´s totally emotional driven, so they are all playing him. Say good things about him, and he will be your friend. The first thing the Saudis did, was to give him a peace price. Obama got one. And the North-Koreans. "I got this beautiful letter from Kim. A really beautiful letter. He says wonderful things about me. I really fell in love with him". And I can vividly hear Putin. "I have spoken to many American presidents, and finally I am happy that I can speak to an intelligent president". Even the leader of NATO - Jens Stoltenberg - is playing him. "Stoltenberg is my biggest fan". Trump is very proud that Stoltenberg gives him credit for making the other countries pay more. Meanwhile, Trump no longer opposes NATO.

But Europeans spend more money on their militaries, not because if´s unfair that US is paying so much, but because their leader understands neither the meaning nor the value of Western liberalism and democracy. Make America great a again, like it was back in the days, when Trump was young and handsome. It really felt great back then.
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Another shitshow of a briefing.

Trump has continuously made bold statements about the virus and the potential number of lives lost, and he has continuously been way off the mark. This has left him wide open for criticism and attack. So, you would think he would have learned by now to shut the hell up.

Well no, he hasn't. Again he keeps on about there being millions of deaths if he hadn't acted. Last week he was on about getting under 100,000 or 200,000 and saying that would be a good result. Yesterday he said it's looking like between 50,000 and 60,000.

There have been over 2700 deaths so far today and that make the count around 45,000.

So at that rate the USA should be hitting the 60,000 by the end of the Weekend. And then what? It's just suddenly going to stop? With all these states opening up again and planning to?

He's off his fecking head. Why does he continue to set himself up? At the moment the 200,000 figure looks much more likely than his latest 60,000 prediction.
If the immigration ban is just for 60 days, it's basically the most symbolic and ineffective measure in terms of both public health and labor concerns. All it will do is cause temporary trouble for myself and some thousands of other people (but probably not more than 50k) around the world that would have otherwise likely been submitting their green card application within the next 60 days (a large portion of whom are probably already in the US at this time). This administration is so fecking tiring (and that's what it is on its best day).
Yeah but... "feck yeah, Trump has banned those foreigners... wooooo... go team.... yeah.... wooooo...."
Another shitshow of a briefing.

Trump has continuously made bold statements about the virus and the potential number of lives lost, and he has continuously been way off the mark. This has left him wide open for criticism and attack. So, you would think he would have learned by now to shut the hell up.

Well no, he hasn't. Again he keeps on about there being millions of deaths if he hadn't acted. Last week he was on about getting under 100,000 or 200,000 and saying that would be a good result. Yesterday he said it's looking like between 50,000 and 60,000.

There have been over 2700 deaths so far today and that make the count around 45,000.

So at that rate the USA should be hitting the 60,000 by the end of the Weekend. And then what? It's just suddenly going to stop? With all these states opening up again and planning to?

He's off his fecking head. Why does he continue to set himself up? At the moment the 200,000 figure looks much more likely than his latest 60,000 prediction.

He thinks its like the stock market, a game.

Besides, by shooting all over the place, he will eventually get it right and then a few months down the road, he will claim that he was correct as predicted, never mind the 99 other proclamations that were way off the mark.
Being correct in his prediction, he feels gives him legitimacy like some stock analyst.
Was Donald Trump bred in a Chinese laboratory to harm the United States?
Der Postillon, April 20, 2020
Washington (dpo) - It sounds hard to believe - but, according to experts, it cannot be ruled out: More and more people suspect that Donald Trump may not have come into this world the natural way, but that he was bred in a Chinese laboratory to cause serious damage to the United States.
"The Chinese government is now acting as if it had nothing to do with the situation in the United States," explains a user on the Facebook page Corona Truthers. "But is it really a coincidence that we now have a man in the White House who can hardly speak English and does everything possible to undermine a unified response to the crisis?"
Trump's visual appearance is also fueling speculation: Some suspect that the US President's unrealistic complexion and tangled hairstyle are due to the fact that Chinese scientists have no precise idea of what people from western cultures actually look like.
The first demands for compensation from China are already being made - demands that the People's Republic has decidedly rejected.
Reputable scientists are rather cautious: "So far, we are assuming that Trump came into being naturally. However, we cannot completely rule out his creation in a Chinese laboratory," explains biochemist Celine Smith-Garcia from the University of Washington .
Mutual blame is out of place anyway. "Currently, the most important task for the international community is to contain the consequences of Donald Trump as much as possible and to ensure that not too many people die because of him."
This is a decent listen if people have time on their hands:

The Intercept.
The Media helped elect Trump in 2016.
Are they doing it again ?
Click Me.
There's no way the death toll is going to under 60,000 as the Trumpster reckons. I wouldn't be surprised if it's nearer the original 100k estimate, especially the way the dumb Americans are behaving at the moment.
There's no way the death toll is going to under 60,000 as the Trumpster reckons. I wouldn't be surprised if it's nearer the original 100k estimate, especially the way the dumb Americans are behaving at the moment.
A lot of the red states will not test patients who have passed and also will not add suspected Covid deaths to the official figures. Considering their conduct so far I suspect them to be extremely conservative with the figures to keep Trump happy.
This is a decent listen if people have time on their hands:

The Intercept.
The Media helped elect Trump in 2016.
Are they doing it again ?
Click Me.

-----By the way, why aren’t the Democrats doing a daily briefing of their own, offering actual scientific information and rebutting Trump’s lies every night? Why don’t they do that? I guess the Democrats’ desire to always be their own worst enemy is a bigger topic for another show. ---
A lot of the red states will not test patients who have passed and also will not add suspected Covid deaths to the official figures. Considering their conduct so far I suspect them to be extremely conservative with the figures to keep Trump happy.

Yes, this stuff is circulating on social media with examples like - person X died by CV-19 but the media failed to report he had stage 3 lung cancer - and on and on. The disinformation, misinformation, and scapegoating of "the other(s)", along with their exoneration of the orange clown is the reality we're facing.
Sacrifice the weak? And no one's telling him off about that? America is such a scary dystopia now. :(
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