Has Trumps approval rating for his handling of this virus not gone up, not perfectly I agree but which country has handled it perfectly.
No, he had a bump when he first started doing daily conferences (which is very typical of 'wartime' situations, and his bump was much smaller than historic ones like W's post 9/11) and since things have settled back down to his usual 40-45% approval.
The whataboutism is strong with this one. I may not do my job perfectly, but I do a damn site better than most people, which is why I pass performance evaluations and have a job.
Trump has done the wrong thing at every single step bar 1 (China ban) which he only did because it fits into his xenophobic, racist agenda of blaming the China virus. Also almost half a million people traveled from China during his ban. Every other action he's done has been idiotic:
1. Called it a hoax
2. Said there'd be 0 cases soon in the US
3. Said you should go to work if your symptoms are mild
4. Said it's no worse than the flu
5. Wouldn't allow American citizens on a cruise to receive care, because that would inflate the numbers (some died btw)
6. Tried to insert $500bn of unrestricted government slush fund into a bill, which his team could manage
7. Did successfully get $175bn of relief for 'major hotel and resort groups' into the bill. Hrm.
8. Told people he won't be wearing masks because he doesn't like it
9. Pushes people to use a potentially-fatal drug that no one has proved works on Covid for...reasons.
10. Refuses to tell all states to do a lockdown
11. Is holding up federal reserves of PPE as a political football - quickly giving Fl whatever it wants, barely giving NY and Washington what they want
12. Said we'd be back to normal by Easter, next day changed his mind
13. Has been inconsistent and contradictory not just on a daily basis but even within the same f*cking press conference
14. While the military hasn't been mobilised in a significant way yet to help with restrictions and care, they have quietly been deployed to build the wall with the money he stole from the pentagon's budget
I could go on. The most important failure is that had he been a leader, the US could have been producing PPE, preparing hospitals, mobilising the military, identifying key industries that could help and so forth instead of pretending it was a hoax. His actions have directly killed 10's of thousands of his citizens. He should get his own name in history alongside the Vietnam War, OBL and Tim McVey.