The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is why civilians should never become presidents. Even with all that education he recieved with his rich family. He’s incredibly stupid as feck and has no idea how the world works. Easily one of the worst president of all time.
This is why civilians should never become presidents. Even with all that education he recieved with his rich family. He’s incredibly stupid as feck and has no idea how the world works. Easily one of the worst president of all time.

What do you mean by civilians? Every POTUS has been one.

As we all expected.

So now he's really playing God and costing lives..

Still crickets coming from the Republicans.

Interesting point though. Why aren't any of these medical professionals speaking out about this? I thought it was against the Hippocratic oath to administer medicine or to be forced to use something they know won't work or instead of other drugs they feel would work better?

Trump could be painting himself in to a corner he can't get out of here. Just a shame it's going to cost lives.
I can't get my head around any health professional wanting to share a platform with this psychopath.
Those conferences are live,

Just wait your chance and when handed the mic, say hes lying, hes trying to get people killed.

No job is better than being involved in this, because guaranteed, when the fallout comes, he'll blame the medical professionals and the gop will too.
Those conferences are live,

Just wait your chance and when handed the mic, say hes lying, hes trying to get people killed.

No job is better than being involved in this, because guaranteed, when the fallout comes, he'll blame the medical professionals and the gop will too.

I wonder if anyone dare do it?
Think most people raised in sub-saharan Africa are aware of the drug. It's a nasty little drug. Even very tiny doses would cause me to itch for days. It once paralysed my sister's neck for a few weeks.
I wonder if anyone dare do it?

Just need to look at Cap America (Crozier) and bite the bullet. Not exactly career suicide either, will get jobs all over the world for being the one true hero and follower of the Oath.
She's like Kellyanne without the wasting disease.
Easiest Job she will ever have.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham leaves job after never once briefing the press
For generations people thought that being president really wasn't something anyone could just become. American Dream and all yes, but let's be realistic Johnny, you ain't gonna be President! Thanks to Donnie it's clear that all you need to do is surround yourself with people smarter than you and you can be the dumbest and emotionless motherfrcker around and still be President.
Plus have people with enough money to back you and hey presto you get president Trump.
Is @Revan Devils Advocate or is he an apologist? Curious. You can answer too btw @Revan...

Devil’s advocate.

I think there are too many bad things of Trump. But owning 15k bucks in an index fund which has a stake at that company is not one of them. And a respected newspaper (who btw, fecked big time when it came to coronavirus minimizing the risk of it near as much as Fox) should not put those irrelevant bits there. It just gives ammunition to the fake news brigade.

In general, I am disgusted with most politicians and media (though sure, I hope Biden wins despite neither particularly liking his policies, nor him).

Taking advantage of his free pass.
Just need to look at Cap America (Crozier) and bite the bullet. Not exactly career suicide either, will get jobs all over the world for being the one true hero and follower of the Oath.

Different scenario. Yes he should be awarded a medal. Yes might even become the secretary of the navy under a different administration.
What I meant was live while Trump is there next to him.
So do I.

I fecking hate him and I hate the fact that he gets away with his blatant and constant shithousery.

I said earlier the medical people should just get on the mic and tell people he's lying.

In a similar way, one journalist should just call him tiny hands when he abuses them. He'd flip, live on TV. He wouldn't be able to control it. If it was a Black woman he would probably try to throw something at her.

For 4 years, the entirety of the US has treated him as they would a president, while he goes out his way to not act like one. Treat him as what he is, a loud mouthed moron.
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