The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm surprised the orange idiot hasn't been taken out yet. Surely the CIA or the FBI must be thinking about it?

Wow, just wow. New Yorkers now feel like people from a developing country during a famine.

But it's ok, he even has time to joke.

Surely this is enough to make the Republicans see sense?
His poll numbers are up. Tells you all you need to know about that country.

In the video when someone askes Trump why he doesn't wear a facemask..."Presidents, prime minister, dictators, kings, queens..." (won't wear masks)

He really did add dictators to the list, wtf!

And how is that a encouragement for common people to wear one? He's such a moron!

Dictators do wear masks

Wow, just wow. New Yorkers now feel like people from a developing country during a famine.

But it's ok, he even has time to joke.

Surely this is enough to make the Republicans see sense?


Wow, just wow. New Yorkers now feel like people from a developing country during a famine.

But it's ok, he even has time to joke.

Surely this is enough to make the Republicans see sense?

American democracy laid out for all to see.

The President can get away with stealing supplies from other countries and withholding supplies from states that won't vote for him. Then, on election day, he'll reap the rewards from his base for saving their lives at the expense of killing those in blue states and foreign lands.

And there's nothing anyone can do except stand by and watch.

It's easy to blame Trump and leave it at that. But this goes even deeper. It exposes the weaknesses of the US constitution.
American democracy laid out for all to see.

The President can get away with stealing supplies from other countries and withholding supplies from states that won't vote for him. Then, on election day, he'll reap the rewards from his base for saving their lives at the expense of killing those in blue states and foreign lands.

And there's nothing anyone can do except stand by and watch.

It's easy to blame Trump and leave it at that. But this goes even deeper. It exposes the weaknesses of the US constitution.

If anything US is a country best suited to counter something like this since states there do enjoy a lot of rights as opposed to everything being decided at federal or central level.
Arrogantly stupid.

I think most governments will do the same and kicks start infra to stabilise construction companies and supply chain ... Suspect we will see a couple more nuclear plants in the UK start... Perhaps HS2 part 2 or at least the Leeds Manchester / northern rail start asap and the utility infra spend to go through the roof
Biden wouldn't have any say in the matter. These are routine oversight responsibilities that the House and Dem Senate have over the Executive, so all of the material that has been accumulated on Trump, but suppressed under Barr, would be presented to the new DOJ for action. At that point, there's zero chance a Dem DOJ doesn't act. All of this is above and beyond the problems Trump will face at the state level,

I'm saving this one for posterity. @Eboue
Trump working at the weekend. Bet he hates not being able to go to FL.

Has he played golf recently?

He put in an emergency order for a bunch of golf carts for his FBI detail recently. $45,000 for 30 carts. I’m guessing it was his own course renting the carts out.
What do you have to lose?
Just your life in big deal.
It was a clumsy point but he means if you are gasping for air on a vent, likely dying. If that were my mother I'd say give her the fecking drug.

Hospitals are already doing controlled usage of it. Now feckwit is out telling people to just ‘take it’ though, now loads of dumbasses are going to be hassling their GPs for it even if they don’t have Covid, and getting furious when they get told to feck off.
Hospitals are already doing controlled usage of it. Now feckwit is out telling people to just ‘take it’ though, now loads of dumbasses are going to be hassling their GPs for it even if they don’t have Covid, and getting furious when they get told to feck off.

You're stupid if you are taking medical advice from Trump.
Multiple counts of Obstruction of Justice and Obstruction of Congress.
Witness tampering.His tweet while Marie Yovanovitch was testifying.
making false statements to the FBI.
Campaign finance offences, eg Stormy Daniels.
Conspiracy to defraud.
Being an accessory after the fact to Putin.His Helsinki conference refs.
Extortion of Amazon.
Bribery of Zelensky.
He may also be exposed to criminal charges of Involuntary manshaugher as a result of his inept handling of the Covid 19 crisis.He will almost certainly be exposed to civil actions.
Reminds me of the Life of Brian sketch.

"Yes, but APART FROM the obstruction, the witness tampering, the lies to the FBI, the campaign offences, the bribes, the extortion, his negative impact on climate changes, the hookers and the collusion...

what did Donald Trump actually do wrong?"
I feel like he can just say whatever it wants, it's a risk free bet. If this drug actually ends up working he'll somehow be credited for it and if it doesn't he'll just pretend he allways said something else and Americans will move on with the next news cycle.
Trump Organization Unable To Make Loan Payments & Could Be On Verge Of Financial Collapse.
Trump Organization Unable To Make Loan Payments & Could Be On Verge Of Financial Collapse.

The relationship and history between him and Deutsche Bank appears pretty messy. The involvement of the Justice Dept involvement makes it messier.. if true, I could imagine Trump trying to use his POTUS position to put pressure on both to come to some arrangement which suits him. $2B is a lot to risk but would be fun to see his personal assets stripped
Read elsewhere that a state which doesn't vote for Trump received only 17% of crucial medical aid, while one which does received 100% of the requested aid.
Read elsewhere that a state which doesn't vote for Trump received only 17% of crucial medical aid, while one which does received 100% of the requested aid.
Could this lead to states going for independence?
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