The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So is 'not caring about whether Americans soldiers die', apparently.
I think - ironically, for someone who seems quite cowardly - he has a warped idea about what constitutes manly strength and decisiveness. That's, perhaps, why he champions the morally-wrong type of military person; he's living vicariously through others' ruthlessness and idealises himself as the same (doing deals and dismissing critics are his substitutes for killing opponents)...if he wasn't so busy doing manly things like being the biggest boss of them all. *cue Hail to the Chief* He's an outdated cliché of masculinity.
Nail on head Steve.
The Germans and the French have accused the US of modern day piracy.

Apprently Berlin police ordered 400k protective masks from an American company producing in China. Half of which were supposedly confiscated and "rerouted" to the US when the shipment was being loaded at Bangkok airport.
Apprently Berlin police ordered 400k protective masks from an American company producing in China. Half of which were supposedly confiscated and "rerouted" to the US when the shipment was being loaded at Bangkok airport.
We're hearing rumours of that here (Bermuda) - that we had equipment on a plane to fly here and the US wouldn't allow it out.
Apprently Berlin police ordered 400k protective masks from an American company producing in China. Half of which were supposedly confiscated and "rerouted" to the US when the shipment was being loaded at Bangkok airport.

Same thing happened in China too. This time it was the French who got screwed. Now Canada is getting screwed too. Trump has banned sale of masks to Canada.
It likely reads as very pseudy - and it probably is amateurish cod-psychology - but I honestly believe this is how he squares supporting obviously disreputable sheriffs, soldiers and the like: he's too afraid to actually do their jobs but is so egotistical that he thinks he he should be viewed as equally macho nonetheless.
Rumor has it he doesn't even do his own firing he's that much of a pussy.
Kushner being rolled out:

Kushner has the same dead eyes that Hurd Hatfield had in The Picture of Dorian Gray. In fact, he might actually be Dorian Gray.

Same thing happened in China too. This time it was the French who got screwed. Now Canada is getting screwed too. Trump has banned sale of masks to Canada.

Not selling face masks (if 'booked') is poor especially as it will likely rebound in terms of Canada (and other impacted countries) responding in kind.

And no idea why he has to be so threatening in his tweets. Who finds that an electable trait?

Not selling face masks (if 'booked') is poor especially as it will likely rebound in terms of Canada (and other impacted countries) responding in kind.

From the other thread...
So, on the subject of masks, that order from Donald to 3M not to ship to Canada? Apparently the specific pulp used as part of the N95 only comes from Canada. There are also nurses that cross the border daily and work in hard hit Detroit.

Great move, Donny...
Hopefully a journo finds his balls and confronts the bully with a strong question about Capt. Crozier.

But I know it won't happen.
He's desperately trying to make it sound like he was part of a tough, elite SWAT team raiding a building, the pathetic twonk.
Which might work if he was lean and healthy looking but he's fat and orange.

Never mind the P-Act, he's a P-rick.

I'd say I hope other countries stop any useful exports to America but that would impact on the population and they don't deserve to be punished for him being a knob.

Not selling face masks (if 'booked') is poor especially as it will likely rebound in terms of Canada (and other impacted countries) responding in kind.

And no idea why he has to be so threatening in his tweets. Who finds that an electable trait?

I somehow don´t think that pissing of the few allies they have left is the smartest move right now. I mean Germany for example is amongst the world leaders in chemical and pharmaceutical industiry and machine engeneering. Large car and electronics companies like Volkswagen, BMW, Bosch or Siemens have started retooling their processes to produce ventilators and other essential machines a couple of weeks ahead of US companies and will produce these things on a surplus very soon as Germany in difference to the US is not close yet to run into shortages for this equipment. These companies even have plants on American soil which could produce directly for the American people.

Now is the time for coorperation between countries and not some weird hardball tactics to appear tough as "War time President"...
I can see the USA get even more isolated from the rest of the world because of the Covid tragedies. It's a bit if you have friends like these who needs enemies.
Thought the US spying on their friends couple of years ago was the lowest they would sink but that sinkhole looks bottomless.
There’s a huge story in France at the moment about Americans handing out cash on the airport tarmac in China to divert orders of medical supplies that France had ordered to the US instead.
I really wonder if she has ever had a 2minute convo with the man. I doubt if she would even recognise him on the street without that barnet.
Of course they have.

"Is it in yet?"

*Two minutes later*

"So you've finished? Good. Now feck off"
The most powerful man is the potus. There are lots of grey areas and unless it's absolutely black and white and hitting in the face the DOJ and the Congress is not going to move.
Furthermore who says Biden is going to win? Who says the Dems will win the Congress and the senate?
For what is Trump going to be prosecuted for? It is no crime to be an imbecile. As for the US power around the globe, the gall of it.
Multiple counts of Obstruction of Justice and Obstruction of Congress.
Witness tampering.His tweet while Marie Yovanovitch was testifying.
making false statements to the FBI.
Campaign finance offences, eg Stormy Daniels.
Conspiracy to defraud.
Being an accessory after the fact to Putin.His Helsinki conference refs.
Extortion of Amazon.
Bribery of Zelensky.
He may also be exposed to criminal charges of Involuntary manshaugher as a result of his inept handling of the Covid 19 crisis.He will almost certainly be exposed to civil actions.
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