Honestly i detest Trump as much as the next guy but he's not wrong here, alright he's doing it in a very Trumpy way but the US media are out of control and it's the same in the UK, it's all mass media hysteria and they are loving stoking the flames of people mass panicking... luckily my state don't really buy into it all that much.
You constantly hear about the deaths but absolutely nothing about recovery rates which stands at 97% or so, you're not hearing much about successful drug trials or China managing to get this under control, nope..so as bad as a job Trump has done so far he's rightly calling out the media, i kinda wish he wouldnt doit in such a baby way but whathaveyou.
It also should be noted that the UK are well behind in the US's response to the Pandemic and least Trump is fast tracking (3 weeks for a cheque probably not that fast) money to every American under $75k a year, i can actually see why he has a highish approval rate here - forgrtting the facts that he lied, fired the CDC response team, knew about the failings to handle a pandemic since he first started his Presidency...
We have him for another 4 years if you like it or not as now you'll have him against fecking Biden in the Election, good lord.
The media are simply reacting to Trump's own hostility to being asked firm but fair questions. The questions shouldn't be easier and more dumbed down just because the politician refuses to behave professionally.
Moments later, Pence gets the same question and answers it properly (while Trump fumes nearby).
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