Honestly can’t see Trump losing. Economy is doing great, he’ll get re-elected regardless of who he’s up against.
I can see why people just look at it but it forgets a lot of important things:
Real wages have not gone up
Tax "cuts" have little tangible benefit to show for it- in fact, wouldn't be surprised that loads of people are pissed/get into trouble come next year s filing - not realizing that the new W-4 in essence compels people to give less to uncle Sam (not a bad thing at face value.. But folks who rely on refunds will not understand their take home pay checks was slightly higher)
Infrastructure still crumbling and Republicans keep blocking Dems who try to do something about it. Whether it's roads, underground utilities, airports, bridges etc.. All the same story.
Education still underfunded and costs of it continue to rise beyond the means of many.
Healthcare hasn't gotten any cheaper at all and is still a mess (not to mention the Trump admin attacking the pre existing condition coverage in court despite his pretty words tonight.. Don't forget he said it before and still went ahead and almost was able to fully dismantle the ACA).
Internet and mobile network carries were handed a major win at the FCC with net neutrality to continue to gouge our eyes out with insane costs for internet and phone service.
National debt has yet again increased dramatically
Home prices are out of reach of many and plenty of stories of subprime mortgages doing the rounds again. Rents were insane and still are.
Developments are nice but a lot of it still goes over the backs of tax payer funded tax credits/breaks, often zero accountability of the developers for the strain they put on the infrastructure both above and underground.. Which again.. Continues to crumble and fall further behind the rest of the western world.
Those same developers partly need to be incentived because cost of both labor and materials have skyrocketed causing many to downscale or be canceled.
Farmers continue to need government handouts to survive.
Local governments have seen major reductions in government funding and many are running massive debt loads on their legacy costs.
And the list goes on. In other words - at face value I don't disagree with you, but the economy is and has only been doing great for the few at the top. Investment bankers in particular must love Trump s well timed announcements. Low unemployment is good - but shortages in the market aren't being corrected and a lot of those jobs pay less than ever before, have less benefits and/or are likely to be eliminated as soon as the economy tanks or continues to automate things. It feels a bit like what Germany did to artificially lower its unemployment numbers after the recession.
I'm sure I got something wrong or over sensationalized or missed something but I'm tired as feck.