The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I've met non-military folks that see it perfectly fine for operators/military to kill randomly and without cause. Trump played to this segment and the bigger "support our troops" red-blooded patriot types.
I've met non-military folks that see it perfectly fine for operators/military to kill randomly and without cause. Trump played to this segment and the bigger "support our troops" red-blooded patriot types.

Either too many video games or that whole we are ''the good guys'' spiel or its the American Exceptionalism idea on steroids.
I've met non-military folks that see it perfectly fine for operators/military to kill randomly and without cause. Trump played to this segment and the bigger "support our troops" red-blooded patriot types.
My local news stations posted the story on Facebook and the responses are a blend of attacking the local news for biased reporting (because they don’t know what the AP even is), saying that folks are mad because Trump is protecting the troops, and the folks you’ve mentioned saying “this is how the special forces should act”.

One of them even said that the fact that SEALs spoke out against proves that there are “braindead liberals” in the military.
Trump, incredibly, blamed the 'deep state':
“I stood up for three great warriors against the deep state,” Trump told supporters at a Thanksgiving rally in Sunrise, Florida, apparently referring to a decision just weeks earlier by Adm Mike Gilday, the US navy’s chief of operations, to deny Gallagher’s appeal for clemency and uphold his demotion.
I've met non-military folks that see it perfectly fine for operators/military to kill randomly and without cause. Trump played to this segment and the bigger "support our troops" red-blooded patriot types.
Either too many video games or that whole we are ''the good guys'' spiel or its the American Exceptionalism idea on steroids.
It has come to a point where trump arent even pretending, he simply says "whatcha gonna do about it?"

And half of america is there behind him.
Now someone has called the SEALs who spoke out against him “cowards with axes to grind”.
War crimes are not committed by American forces. War crimes are only committed by foreigners with different religions or skin colour.

USA forces are there to bring peace and justice to the world. They can do no wrong. They have also never lost a war.

Feck me, they even had a film take credit for capturing the Enigma machine in WWII and it was only at the end credits did they even credit HMS Bulldog.

The American dream of being the best, coming from the best country, to the education system, TV and news and film, the way they have changed Christianity to fit them (Evangelicals) or to even claim credit for the second coming (Joseph Smith and the Mormon church) or complete batshittery (Scientology) everything about the USA fuels their belief they are better than everyone else. This MAGA shit only furthers that and feeds off it.

Pardoning war criminals is sick and sets one dangerous precedent and again shows Trump can do what the feck he wants with no consequences. Where will it end? When will it stop?
So its cowardice to speak out and bravery to keep it quiet? I am confused.
That’s what they’re saying...

“You don’t know how hard his job is. Leave him alone. He’s fighting for our freedom.”

—— other SEALs are calling him out though...

“They’re just cowards with an axe to grind...”
People should be raging about how war crimes are institutionalised to the highest level in US. Every president is guilty with impunity but lets pretend rogue "operators" are the problem.
War crimes are not committed by American forces. War crimes are only committed by foreigners with different religions or skin colour.

USA forces are there to bring peace and justice to the world. They can do no wrong. They have also never lost a war.

Feck me, they even had a film take credit for capturing the Enigma machine in WWII and it was only at the end credits did they even credit HMS Bulldog.

The American dream of being the best, coming from the best country, to the education system, TV and news and film, the way they have changed Christianity to fit them (Evangelicals) or to even claim credit for the second coming (Joseph Smith and the Mormon church) or complete batshittery (Scientology) everything about the USA fuels their belief they are better than everyone else. This MAGA shit only furthers that and feeds off it.

Pardoning war criminals is sick and sets one dangerous precedent and again shows Trump can do what the feck he wants with no consequences. Where will it end? When will it stop?

Regardless of crimes committed or not...I like to think that especially the vitriol against the military will eventually come back to bit Donnie in the ass hardcore. Most people who serve/served I know take pride in the country and those who can appreciate the difficult jobs they can have. They don't want to be political pawns. They just want some appreciation, not unlike your average employee...thats it. Trump and fans showing they ll throw just about anyone under the bus -many of whom are the most decorated among them surely can't end well for POTUS. If the Dems want to gain a lot of fans in the military -this is as good a time as any to pounce on it.
Just looking at his record and he’s always been a DINO. Very conservative man from a conservative district.

I honestly believe that if he was never Obama’s VP, Biden would have made the same switch by now. Maybe not under a Trump presidency but in a normal timeline he would have switch parties
The demonization of Biden and everything that is not far left is reaching absurd levels in this forum.

Something to think about:

Democrats are already the party of the military. When Adam Schiff says military aid to Ukraine is vital to US national security even though some of it goes to neo nazi militias who now train american white supremacists who then travel back to US, he really means it is vital to funnel tax money to his weapon manufacturing donors.
Democrats are already the party of the military. When Adam Schiff says military aid to Ukraine is vital to US national security even though some of it goes to neo nazi militias who now train american white supremacists who then travel back to US, he really means it is vital to funnel tax money to his weapon manufacturing donors.

Yes indeed, both parties support the military. Its national policy to do so.
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