The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It just blows the mind. Trump sends Barr to meet with Murdoch. Next day he starts praising the network again, and the most honest, sorry, anti-Trump, anchor leaves.

I know their base isn't very clever, but at least pretend to have some ounce of credibility ffs.

Also, Bill Barr - you're quickly climbing up the list to be alongside Devin Nunes as the absolute worst. Top 5 most evil at this stage.
It just blows the mind. Trump sends Barr to meet with Murdoch. Next day he starts praising the network again, and the most honest, sorry, anti-Trump, anchor leaves.

I know their base isn't very clever, but at least pretend to have some ounce of credibility ffs.

Also, Bill Barr - you're quickly climbing up the list to be alongside Devin Nunes as the absolute worst. Top 5 most evil at this stage.
Nunes is stupid evil. Barr seems to be Dick Cheney smart evil. Controlling people like puppets.
Once again Trump making an ocean out of a pond . But it may be enough to fool those farmers that voted for him because they thought he was a business man.
Once again Trump making an ocean out of a pond . But it may be enough to fool those farmers that voted for him because they thought he was a business man.
There’s been undercurrents of that base turning on him. Namely, farmers either fecked over by his trade wars or feeling betrayed by granting oil refineries generous relief on their ethanol blending requirements.

This has me shook, and I ain't American.

On a simple take his hero Trump has broken Lust ("grab them by the pussy"), Greed (his treatment of contractors that have worked for him), Adultery (cheating on his wives), Sloth (backing Turkey and walking away from the Kurds), Wrath (does it really need an explanation?), Gluttony (Mmmmm McDonalds), Greed (the man has stolen from everyone he's ever known), Wrath (read his twitter), Envy (Obama?), Pride (can't take criticism). I don't believe in religion but I fond it easier to believe that God exist than anyone's belief that Trump represents the teaching of their religion.

Edit: @Billy Blaggs said it in less words and much more concisely than I ever could!

This has me shook, and I ain't American.

Holee feck.

Do we learn nothing from our history. How is this any different from countries people like him admonish?? How come those in history with the least claim to morality and being virtuous claim to be those who are that the most?

We have the head of supposed justice in our hand sworn to uphold the law go full blown cleric and private political confidente on us. This is medieval, not unlike the practices of kings and queens of old who claimed to be the only true representative of Christianity on earth.
On a simple take his hero Trump has broken Lust ("grab them by the pussy"), Greed (his treatment of contractors that have worked for him), Adultery (cheating on his wives), Sloth (backing Turkey and walking away from the Kurds), Wrath (does it really need an explanation?), Gluttony (Mmmmm McDonalds), Greed (the man has stolen from everyone he's ever known), Wrath (read his twitter), Envy (Obama?), Pride (can't take criticism). I don't believe in religion but I fond it easier to believe that God exist than anyone's belief that Trump represents the teaching of their religion.

Edit: @Billy Blaggs said it in less words and much more concisely than I ever could!
You said it better mate. I just couldn't be bothered putting that much time into it.
The irreligious in search of the religious vote.
Holee feck.

Do we learn nothing from our history. How is this any different from countries people like him admonish?? How come those in history with the least claim to morality and being virtuous claim to be those who are that the most?

We have the head of supposed justice in our hand sworn to uphold the law go full blown cleric and private political confidente on us. This is medieval, not unlike the practices of kings and queens of old who claimed to be the only true representative of Christianity on earth.
We don't because we are fecking stupid. The ones that do are cowed down as rebels and trouble makers.
The queen only answers to God because she is ordained by God.
This kind of idiocy is a burden on the world. To actually raise people up to be above you no matter what they do is medieval to the most ignorant and religious degree.

This has me shook, and I ain't American.

This is Steve Bannon's America ( Capitalism, nationalism, and “Judeo-Christian values). This is why Betsy Devos was chosen as a Secretary Of Education. She as very strong ties to the religious right and a hunger to create private faith schools and use public schools to fund it. The WH as been taken over by a cult.
This is Steve Bannon's America ( Capitalism, nationalism, and “Judeo-Christian values). This is why Betsy Devos was chosen as a Secretary Of Education. She as very strong ties to the religious right and a hunger to create private faith schools and use public schools to fund it. The WH as been taken over by a cult.
And Trump is nothing compared to Pence. I wonder if they see that opportunity.
God's new army.

The Channel 4 documentary covered and predicted all this over a decade ago. It's all planned. The religious right have the money and the will and a firm plan to take over and control the US government. There are schools funded by evangelicals that exist just to educate and prepare young people to become politicians in the name of the Lord. It's beyond scary.
At least it explains his actions. I listened to a podcast with Mitch McConnell and he basically lays it all out, in the open. The belief is simple: it is our moral duty to Shepard the flock, regardless of what the sheep want.

If that means destroying the democratic ideals of the founding fathers, so be it. If it means having a 'President' who is there just to distract, so be it.

Only the truly devout, white class can be trusted to govern. And the most expeditious way to do so is to use the tools at hand - the courts. All of Trump's disgraces are just noise. Behind that people like Barr and McConnell are dismantling systems designed to stop elite-rule, pushing biased, good-Christian figures into positions of power that will last a generation and deliberately impoverishing the masses so they're too focused on their 3rd job to pay for food to care about the fact their safety-nets are getting taken away, so their kids and their kids will be permanently enshrined in a dumb, poor class that enables the true power to exist in perpetuity.

And from their point of view, it's not evil, or wrong - it's Right with a capital R. It is delivery of the Divine, it is more important than laws of man.

Those are the people we're up against. And they'll win, because they're more disciplined, more focused and don't even care to look at norms or rules.
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