Why would send her back be any worse than good people on both sides or grabbing puss*es? There are no depths he wouldn't sink to.
I think we all have a certain amount of racism and prejudice they've ingrained in their subconscious over the years. Our individual experiences and innate humanity quiet those feelings down, for most of us, and it doesn't guide our existence. Buy people like Trump and the Brexiteers purposely tap into that deep-rooted animosity, fertilizing the seeds of bigotry with the shit they spew. The more they're allowed to say, unchecked and consequence-free, the more the problem spreads. These people feel liberated under Trump. When they state "He says what I'm thinking" they're not referring to interest rate policy, let's put it that way.Please set my mind at rest. The crowd at that Trump rally represents a very small amount of the US population right? Its fecking scary as hell.
I would be surprised if he got some sort of warm fuzzy victory feeling if something did happen to her.
In his mind he'd be thinking 'my supporters will kill for me'.
What also baffles me the most about the daily hate mail is the amount of vile comments that get up voted by the hundreds.Piers fecking Morgan has stopped puckering up to Trump's chocolate starfish? Well colour me surprised.
Remember this viral video?
Watch this one
Trump in not paying shocker. Does he ever payTheir manager or whatever he is, is not sure about voting for Trump in the next elections, not because of the disgusting shit he's doing and all the reasons in the world to not do so, but because they did not get paid. They got what they deserved, hopefully the suit don't work and they get f all.
A lot of people saying I deserve one. A general, my general, said sir, you deserve one.He only perked up when the Nobel Peace Prize was mentioned. He's such a dick.
Their manager or whatever he is, is not sure about voting for Trump in the next elections, not because of the disgusting shit he's doing and all the reasons in the world to not do so, but because they did not get paid. They got what they deserved, hopefully the suit don't work and they get f all.
Didn't listen to a word she said.
NADIA MURAD: They killed my mum, my six brothers.
TRUMP: Where are they now?
NADIA: (after a beat) They killed them
A POTUS saying someone kissed his ass. How low standards have fallen.
He's not wrong.https://www.democracynow.org/2019/7/19/donald_trump_ilhan_omar_racist_attacks
Anti-Racist Historian: Attacks on Rep. Omar Rooted in Belief “America Is for White People”
It's as if everything and everyone is fair game now, because the top man, the President is saying things which are shocking and disgusting and getting away with it.As someone who just immigrated to the states after putting In a lot of effort in my studies and spending a lot of money, the send her back clip really gave me the chills. After watching that clip, I felt like this fear, gripping me from the inside, this uncertainty about the future. If that’s what I felt, I can’t even imagine what Ilhan Omar must have felt seeing that clip. It’s sad and scary what this country has become / is becoming.
It's as if everything and everyone is fair game now, because the top man, the President is saying things which are shocking and disgusting and getting away with it.
The "hidden" racists can now feel vindicated and confident about holding racist views.
It's as if everything and everyone is fair game now, because the top man, the President is saying things which are shocking and disgusting and getting away with it.
The "hidden" racists can now feel vindicated and confident about holding racist views.
Now he's saying that "he heard" Ilhan Omar is married to her brother..
This racist shitc*nt is gonna get somebody killed.
Pretty much!That America is for White People?