The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I do wish that more people would say “no” to Trump. He can’t sack everyone and if more people had the courage to do it then maybe others would follow suit.

That’s the problem though, they all say yes for a few months. If they all said “no” at the beginning there wouldn’t be any staff to do his bidding. End of Trump if everyone at the same time said no.

You do realise that these people actually want to do his bidding. They’re in their dream jobs, sure some of it might be questionable but they will get to work at some incredible law firms in a few years time I’m sure.
You do realise that these people actually want to do his bidding. They’re in their dream jobs, sure some of it might be questionable but they will get to work at some incredible law firms in a few years time I’m sure.
They might...but I sure wouldn’t risk it. Working for Trump is probably a nightmare and if most of them are honest they won’t have found it enjoyable. Not like there’s a good, happy feeling around the place. If he goes down then they might soon follow. Fox can’t employ all of them.
The President has declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, and therefore Iran a state sponsor of terror.

Oh boy

Gearing up for war, beating the drum soon. And yet segments of the SA royals and a few other "allies" are legit funders of terrorism and nothing is done against them. We beat our chests as the bastions of democracy and hope and freedom but can't tank our economy, yo.
The US economy is booming, and Trump will easily be reelected in 2020.
Now matter how hard the liberals try they can't make the mud stick.
Another 5 years of this thread :lol:
No it's not. 61% work participation rate and over 90% of new jobs created are temp/contract jobs. Wages have been stagnant for many years and income inequality has also been increasing. Look beyond the stock market man.
Slightly OT but if anyone wants to watch Louise Mensch being tortured she's a contestant on celebrity edition of SAS who Dares Wins on Channel 4 right now and she's already made a right prat of herself in the first task :D
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No it's not. 61% work participation rate and over 90% of new jobs created are temp/contract jobs. Wages have been stagnant for many years and income inequality has also been increasing. Look beyond the stock market man.

He only came here to gloat and troll. He can't look past anything, except Trump's lies, crimes and the Republicans greed.
Because politics is a popularity contest, not a meritocracy. Which is depressing but there you go. For a load more evidence, see Brexit thread (or any other thread about politics really)
Yeah, sadly my question was more on the rhetorical side.

Surely what the last decade or more has shown is that people who run for public office should be made to pass a series of intelligence and psychological tests before be allowed to do so.
Yeah, sadly my question was more on the rhetorical side.

Surely what the last decade or more has shown is that people who run for public office should be made to pass a series of intelligence and psychological tests before be allowed to do so.

I found the clip funny, and it must have been infuriating for Kery to answer that "Science" line of questioning.
But the problem with this guy is on whose behalf he is dumb. Someone wth shit-for-brains, like him, hasn't actually fond that data on 2-million-year-old CO2 levels by himself. He has been fed it by the actual ruling class - the donors who have a vested interest in blocking climate legislation. And the fact is, he would be taking the same position, with maybe some more disguise, if he was Einstein but had the same donors and same voters.
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