The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Either Ace Frehley or Indiana Jones.

Appearing on Fox's "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes said five of the referrals are related to lying to Congress, misleading Congress and leaking classified information.

The other referrals, Nunes said, are allegations of lying to the FISA court that approves foreign surveillance warrants, manipulating intelligence and what he described as a "global leak referral," which Nunes said wasn't tied to one individual.

Devin Nunes sending 8 criminal referrals to Barr. What on Earth is the matter with this bloke. First he sues Twitter and a parody cow from his farm for upsetting him and now this.
Bet these people he’s referred are either Dems or people who turned against Trump.
The President has declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, and therefore Iran a state sponsor of terror.

Oh boy
The President has declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, and therefore Iran a state sponsor of terror.

Oh boy

Another stunt to help Netanyahu get reelected. Netanyahu must be in some real shit if he is cashing every last penny in his pocket for favors.
I thought the US did that years ago?
This is the first time we've designated a part of a government's military as a terrorist group.

I should have worded the 2nd part differently...

By saying part of the Iranian military is a terrorist group, we've now labeled Iran as a terrorist state.
Let’s ruin another country and create more migrants to destabilize both the middle east and europe, and give other fringe terrorist groups a vacuum of power. Worked great for Dubya and Obama.

Lie: 15k retweets, 24k likes
Correction: 44 retweets, 134 likes

Took him over 2 days to address his 'mistake'
The US economy is booming, and Trump will easily be reelected in 2020.
Now matter how hard the liberals try they can't make the mud stick.
Another 5 years of this thread :lol:
The US economy is booming, and Trump will easily be reelected in 2020.
Now matter how hard the liberals try they can't make the mud stick.
Another 5 years of this thread :lol:

There's actually plenty of markers that suggest an oncoming recession than an economic boom. Don't be deceived by the job numbers, the wage has been stagnant for a long time since the last recession and like the housing market back then, the number of people defaulting on car loans has reached record numbers now. It feels like the roller coaster is gently inching up the cliff.
There's actually plenty of markers that suggest an oncoming recession than an economic boom. Don't be deceived by the job numbers, the wage has been stagnant for a long time since the last recession and like the housing market back then, the number of people defaulting on car loans has reached record numbers now. It feels like the roller coaster is gently inching up the cliff.

In other words, "it's currently working, but it'll surely fail". So many people here are so liberal they must be riding side saddle to work each day.
We're due a recession. It won't be as cataclysmic as 2008 but lending numbers back up the hypothesis. It'll come soon, by Q3 or Q4.
And now he’s killed off a deal between the MLB and Cuba that would have allowed Cuban players to play for MLB clubs without having to defect.

Just fecking great.
The real Terrorist states in the Middle East are Saudi Arabia and Isreal.
So true. Saudi Arabia is even a more conservative and theocratic tha Iran, but they have money.

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