In the Game of Thrones you either win or you covfefe. Isn't that right, Ned Winterfell?"Trumpy just pawn in game of life..."
This is what the President of the United States is focusing on today. FFS.
start rebuilding the country.
He can't be found guilty because he can't be charged with anything, as per existing DOJ guidelines.It could backfire the Dems so i get it, but what if he is found guilty?
Fair enough. Didn't know how it worked, so it is better for the Dems to espose him as inept to run a country.He can't be found guilty because he can't be charged with anything, as per existing DOJ guidelines.
Impeachment is entirely a political operation. It's tough to hear but until Trump is political damaged goods, he won't be impeached and it would be risky for Dems to try.
Yup he really Tweeted that.
And this....
All fine and dandy until you're pilot commits suicide by flying in to mountain, or puts it down in the middle of the Indian Ocean or stays up for three days and drops her un the Atlantic of the coast of Brazil.
But all that means nothing when you're pal can just blow them out of the sky and blame anyone he wants. What a fecking wanker this guy is.
Yup he really Tweeted that.
And this....
truly the funniest president ever
Seems he was actually a co-founder based on the replies
Seems he was actually a co-founder based on the replies
From what I can tell, he was indeed in the group that formed the organization and went on to become president of Greenpeace Canada. Since then, though, he’s spent time lobbying for increased use of nuclear energy and for an asian logging firm. One that’s apparently guilty of massive illegal deforestation.
Well he wasn't a co-founder at all. He joined in 1971 a year after it was started. He's a fecking moron and a dangerous one at that.
It seems you’re right and I mis-read his wikipedia page. Either way, he appears to be the embodiment of a corporate sellout. Which of course would make him eligible for being cited in a tweet by Trump.
truly the funniest president ever