likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Wish they would allow him do what he wants so we can just get this shambles over with.
Wish they would allow him do what he wants so we can just get this shambles over with.
He probably imagines everyone is thicker than he is. Considering how thick he is, he imagines everyone else is a drooling simpleton.Don't know what he thinks he is achieving here. It is on tape and the people who forced him into a shutdown wants him to hold out.
This. They want a scapegoat and Trump always gives them it.He knows exactly what he's doing.He's a troll and his base loves it.
If he cared, he could/should have done something about it rather than b1tching behind his back to staffers.
Such as ?
someone on Reddit said:Of course he is. It’s the standard cycle we see so often.
Step 1: You do whatever it takes to advance yourself, justifying your actions with things like “if I didn’t take the job/bribe, someone else would have. I might as well be the one benefiting” and “Once I’m in a powerful enough position, I’ll be able to make things better and fix any wrongs I’ve done.”
Step 2: Once you’ve reached the end of possible benefit, denounce those you did wrong with as a public display that while you sinned, you’ve realized the error of your ways and should be forgiven. At the same time, ease your conscience by having confessed, as well as drawn attention to a problem and therefore “helped”
Step 3: Wait for other side to extend you an Olive Branch in exchange for your spilling the beans on everything you saw and heard. Use the publicity to build a personal brand as a survivor/newly minted champion of right. Cash in on new media deals while having retained spoils from previous misdeeds as well.
Step 4: Wait for news cycle to move on, having at no point been held accountable. Feel good about yourself and your bank account. Do speaking engagements as needed.
Why can't he just stop tweeting? He is embarassing.
To be fair, no one posting on this thread is the so-called leader of the free world...
He’s at it again! No closing speech marks by the way so not sure who he is quoting.
And by going to Jessie Watters profile, I found this:
Santi for President.To be fair, no one posting on this thread is the so-called leader of the free world...
That's Merkel...To be fair, no one posting on this thread is the so-called leader of the free world...
Why are we bullying Santi all the time again?
Don't care, tbh.Why are we bullying Santi all the time again?
Guys, boarder walls work, I promise! Plus dying is bad.
He really just lives in his own virtual reality . Where he is more knowledgeable than Generals and he never draft dodged.