The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I watched a documentary about Arizona elections (Senate) sometimes ago where they interviewed some republicans. All of them were gonna vota the Dems because they didn't recognize the GOP anymore.
I'll concede you are right that there are still normal republicans.
Can I move my goalpost to say that those currently supporting Trump aren't likely to accept seeing him out of office or heading to jail if/when he riles them up against the "deep state"?
Trump's surprisingly quiet considering this morning his personal lawyer just got sentenced -- unless he has crawled up into a ball and weeping like a baby.
He's the President of the United States. He's got better things to do than tweet.
cool - then he doesnt need dem funding right if mexico is paying?
I have this feeling that Congress will still decide what if any balance will be spent on what.
Does anyone really swallow that during his campaign rallies talking about Mexico paying for the wall . He had this all planned out?
The Believers will. Some of them still think the sun shines out of his A'hole and that he is bigly smart.
Also pretty sure Congress control the spending, he can't just build a wall with funds he claims originated from Mexico.
as commander in chief can he send the army to do it - saying its "essential" for national security?
But then it would come out of military budget? Dunno.

Wall ain't getting built, no point worrying about it
If the wall is ever built I would personally see it as magnet for people wanting to climb over it.
They could turn it into a fancy new outdoor activity.Wall climbing.
as commander in chief can he send the army to do it - saying its "essential" for national security?
They haven’t brought the land yet. They would need billions for the land purchase before they even started to think about building it. They would then need more money for the court cases as people try to contest the compulsory land purchase. This isn’t getting started while he’s in power. Well unless he gets a second term.
Large sections of 'the wall' have been in place for some time. A portion of the budget will be allotted to its standard maintenance, and he will try to claim it as a victory. And that somehow the new NAFTA deal paid for it, I guess...
Hatch is a bit of an outlier in that he's out of the Senate next month and will probably be dead in the not too distant future, so he's likely to say whatever the feck he wants at this point. In the case of impeachment, it could actually get to the point where the Republicans ask the Dems to proceed with impeachment to preserve the party in the face of a litany of Trump crimes. That's the green light when everything would proceed.
Read this, but hard to see it happening. So far, Republicans have been Trump's bitches, and the demographics favor Republicans to keep the senate for the foreseeable future, while when the inevitable debt crisis start having an effect in the economy, they will blame evil Democrats who control the House.
Read this, but hard to see it happening. So far, Republicans have been Trump's bitches, and the demographics favor Republicans to keep the senate for the foreseeable future, while when the inevitable debt crisis start having an effect in the economy, they will blame evil Democrats who control the House.

The Rs don't have any sort of advantage in the Senate since many of them are up for reelection in 2020 (the inverse of the problem the Dems faced during the midterms). They will therefore be vulnerable to public sentiment related to Trump's crimes and will have to modulate their views accordingly.
The Rs don't have any sort of advantage in the Senate since many of them are up for reelection in 2020 (the inverse of the problem the Dems faced during the midterms). They will therefore be vulnerable to public sentiment related to Trump's crimes and will have to modulate their views accordingly.
Normally yes, but America is getting divided. In the last pres elections, pretty much every senator race went the same way it went for president, and despite Republicans having to defend more seats in the next election, most of those seats are in red states.
Normally yes, but America is getting divided. In the last pres elections, pretty much every senator race went the same way it went for president, and despite Republicans having to defend more seats in the next election, most of those seats are in red states.

Divided or not, Rs need independent voters to help them defeat their Dem rivals, especially in the Senate. Rs in deep red states won't have any issues, but those in purple or blue states will have big problems getting reelected if they are viewed by their state level voters as Trump sycophants who are unresponsive to his crimes as the Mueller investigation continues to indict everyone around him. There are currently 33 Senate seats up for grabs in 2020 and 20 of them are Republicans, so they have little wiggle room to be perceived as covering for a deeply unpopular President.
it may seem silly but his defence team can argue that he wasnt aware that he was breaking the law. SDNY will have to prove he knew he was
It seems that they already have satisfactorily, hence why everything in the sentencing etc refers to him doing it at the direction of Individual-1

Trump is such an idiot, he thinks he's being smart by making this argument but all that's going to happen is that the type of evidence Cohen/AMI/etc produced will be revealed. My guess is it will be a recording or emails/texts that are quite damning and beyond a doubt. He keeps painting himself into these corners to try and generate support but he's in the middle of a legal minefield now.
Divided or not, Rs need independent voters to help them defeat their Dem rivals, especially in the Senate. Rs in deep red states won't have any issues, but those in purple or blue states will have big problems getting reelected if they are viewed by their state level voters as Trump sycophants who are unresponsive to his crimes as the Mueller investigation continues to indict everyone around him. There are currently 33 Senate seats up for grabs in 2020 and 20 of them are Republicans, so they have little wiggle room to be perceived as covering for a deeply unpopular President.
Of the 20 up for re election I would say 70 percent of them are not in any real trouble of being re elected if they follow the path of trump. They are mostly in deap red states. He may be unpopular nation wide but that doesn't matter in the Senate
It seems that they already have satisfactorily, hence why everything in the sentencing etc refers to him doing it at the direction of Individual-1

Trump is such an idiot, he thinks he's being smart by making this argument but all that's going to happen is that the type of evidence Cohen/AMI/etc produced will be revealed. My guess is it will be a recording or emails/texts that are quite damning and beyond a doubt. He keeps painting himself into these corners to try and generate support but he's in the middle of a legal minefield now.
Agreed. He keeps boxing himself into a corner by coming out with these statements. His legal advice is truly shocking
it may seem silly but his defence team can argue that he wasnt aware that he was breaking the law. SDNY will have to prove he knew he was

Can they really? I thought the whole “didn’t know it was a crime” thing was nonsense. You break the law and you get the punishment. As a presidential candidate, it’s his responsibility to learn what he can and cannot do.

Besides, they obviously have enough evidence and testimony that he knew precisely what he was doing.
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