The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'd say theres a 1 percent chance he gets impeached and a 0 percent chance he gets convicted by the senate. There isnt a legal answer to a political problem.

If anything, what we've seen so far suggests that his base would react to any charges against him or his family as further evidence of the deep state. They will just regroup and support the Groyper / Charlie Kirk ticket in 2024. The fact is that there are tens of millions of people whose lives are so increasingly desperate and hopeless that they either voted for trump or didn't vote at all. And Mueller and collusion dont do anything to change that. Currently there is only one party attempting to reach these people, only one party even willing to acknowledge they exist.

We have to defeat trump and the Republican party politically, not through a complicated investigation that only upper middle class boomers who watch MSNBC care about.
I'd say theres a 1 percent chance he gets impeached and a 0 percent chance he gets convicted by the senate. There isnt a legal answer to a political problem.

If anything, what we've seen so far suggests that his base would react to any charges against him or his family as further evidence of the deep state. They will just regroup and support the Groyper / Charlie Kirk ticket in 2024. The fact is that there are tens of millions of people whose lives are so increasingly desperate and hopeless that they either voted for trump or didn't vote at all. And Mueller and collusion dont do anything to change that. Currently there is only one party attempting to reach these people, only one party even willing to acknowledge they exist.

We have to defeat trump and the Republican party politically, not through a complicated investigation that only upper middle class boomers who watch MSNBC care about.

So he should be free to have committed crimes with impunity?
I'd say theres a 1 percent chance he gets impeached and a 0 percent chance he gets convicted by the senate. There isnt a legal answer to a political problem.

If anything, what we've seen so far suggests that his base would react to any charges against him or his family as further evidence of the deep state. They will just regroup and support the Groyper / Charlie Kirk ticket in 2024. The fact is that there are tens of millions of people whose lives are so increasingly desperate and hopeless that they either voted for trump or didn't vote at all. And Mueller and collusion dont do anything to change that. Currently there is only one party attempting to reach these people, only one party even willing to acknowledge they exist.

We have to defeat trump and the Republican party politically, not through a complicated investigation that only upper middle class boomers who watch MSNBC care about.
Yep. You can impeach his ass to the moon (and believe me he deserves it), but the fact of the matter is you’ll have another of his ilk prop up in the future likely garnering the same base.

The only way you’re going to defeat the heinous GOP machine is if you cultivate a credible opposition that has bonafide concerns for every American. The Democratic Party in this current state is not that party and actually serves as the GOP’s most effective asset. If they don’t heed the lessons of 2016 then you’ll have another Trump clone in office guaranteed, impeachment or otherwise.
Orrin Hatch's comments yesterday are why he will never be impeached. Rupublicans in Congress have abandoned the role of oversight. Their purpose is to protect their president.
So a question, what do you guys think of this?

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them.

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!).

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.
Why do have to be facetious? That's not what he said at all. Not even remotely close.

That's the outcome of all these discussions about how people should focus on winning democratically instead of holding him to account though. Plenty of Democrats would be fine with him resigning and being pardoned, and it pisses me off to be honest.
Orrin Hatch's comments yesterday are why he will never be impeached. Rupublicans in Congress have abandoned the role of oversight. Their purpose is to protect their president.

Hatch is a bit of an outlier in that he's out of the Senate next month and will probably be dead in the not too distant future, so he's likely to say whatever the feck he wants at this point. In the case of impeachment, it could actually get to the point where the Republicans ask the Dems to proceed with impeachment to preserve the party in the face of a litany of Trump crimes. That's the green light when everything would proceed.
Sounds good to me.
Yup. Now what you just read is from an email going around Trumps base right now.
President Trump is asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party. The TRUMP Rules: Congressional Reform Act of 2018 1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them. 2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. 3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do. 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!). 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies. NO WONDER THEY’RE FIGHTING EVERYTHING HE TRIES! Pass it on!!!! Let's help TRUMP drain the swamp!! Just hold your finger down then hit forward and send it to everyone you know. Let’s help trump get the country straightened out.
Now the deplorable base you have to understand actually believe this. They stopped trusting politicians and the media years ago. They have their own news sources they trust that was developed over a 10 year period including email listings forums and their churches. I have done camera work at events they held before Trump was even an option.They didn't allow any other camera crews in from any news network, including FOX. It wasn't until years later when FOX started to play to them more that they became a more trusted news source. These are the MAGA hat wearers, millions of them all very active and organised politically. This is where the Russian collusion has had the greatest effect as the whole system they created themselves and trust was infiltrated and played like a fiddle by what could be the greatest con ever. The only answer to this can be from the GOP, no DEM will ever be able to, but they ( GOP ) don't give a shit as they're happily riding the Trump train to get what they want done. This is for me the battle that has to be faced. not us or the rest of the world but engaging this base in conversation. People may think they're just a small minority of bigots that hate everyone who isn't them but you have to remember this is the same base that was used to get Reagan to power initially and the same has been done with Trump. They are not a bunch of elderly bods that are going to die out soon either. Their was just as many young people at these events.

I truly hope that the Russian collusion can be proven and that the tide is turning in the base, because at the moment the more everyone else hates Trump the more it empowers the con that has been grown in that base.
Hatch is a bit of an outlier in that he's out of the Senate next month and will probably be dead in the not too distant future, so he's likely to say whatever the feck he wants at this point. In the case of impeachment, it could actually get to the point where the Republicans ask the Dems to proceed with impeachment to preserve the party in the face of a litany of Trump crimes. That's the green light when everything would proceed.
I read an article not long ago about Newt Gingrich. The Republicans were banished from Washington for a decade after They tried to impeach Nixon. Don't you think they late wary about backlash like that?
I'd say theres a 1 percent chance he gets impeached and a 0 percent chance he gets convicted by the senate. There isnt a legal answer to a political problem.

If anything, what we've seen so far suggests that his base would react to any charges against him or his family as further evidence of the deep state. They will just regroup and support the Groyper / Charlie Kirk ticket in 2024. The fact is that there are tens of millions of people whose lives are so increasingly desperate and hopeless that they either voted for trump or didn't vote at all. And Mueller and collusion dont do anything to change that. Currently there is only one party attempting to reach these people, only one party even willing to acknowledge they exist.

We have to defeat trump and the Republican party politically, not through a complicated investigation that only upper middle class boomers who watch MSNBC care about.
Can America do both things at once though? I think the Dems have to follow these investigations right to the end and it may also distract trump enough where a 2020 candidate doesn't get mired in the filth of engaging him on his level and can actually get their message across to these states without being wrongly called a socialist commie.
Can Democrats? No, we've already seen that. It's fine to have the investigations. Any time the FBI spends on this is less time for them to harass activists and entrap muslim teenagers. But nothing will happen to trump or his family.
would love to know why a prosecutor has an approval rating as if he is a politician. Such a pointless poll. Hard left thinks he's not doing enough hard right thinks he's doing too much.
Times we live in I guess.
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