The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So all the people who’s countries are going to be flooded out, and forced to migrate to countries that already don’t want smaller numbers of people now, feck them right?

The arrogance of this post is astounding. “It’ll be terrible for many many people, but humanity isn’t going to end”. Wow. I’m really lost for words there.

Oh piss off, what self righteous nonsense. You couldn't infer any of that from my post, you just don't have a counter to the post, so go all emotional completely irrelevantly (which is ironic given you advocate getting rid of half the population a few posts above). The entire point is all this misanthropic glad we're going extinct stuff isn't even correct.

You also think a quote from the bloody Matrix sums up the world which anyone with any vague understanding of the subject would know the quote, nice for a movie, complete bullshit ecologically. Mammals exhaust resources all the time. Humans aren't some aberration, they're just better at it than other mammals.
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Cheers, I'll give it a watch.
it's pretty shit but it does have this glorious moment of television.


look at him go.
If Giuiliani were interested in fairness then he'd be rallying Trump to re-introduce the fairness doctrine that Reagan so wonderfully got rid of and created the monster that is Fox News.

Only fairness when they're involved though, not for Democrats.
Oh piss off, what self righteous nonsense. You couldn't infer any of that from my post, you just don't have a counter to the post, so go all emotional completely irrelevantly (which is ironic given you advocate getting rid of half the population a few posts above). The entire point is all this misanthropic glad we're going extinct stuff isn't even correct.

You also think a quote from the bloody Matrix sums up the world which anyone with any vague understanding of the subject would know the quote, nice for a movie, complete bullshit ecologically. Mammals exhaust resources all the time. Humans aren't some aberration, they're just better at it than other mammals.

Remove the ones that are better at it than other mammals (by a massive margin) and the earth might be alright.

it's not other mammals in general really causing global warming to any extent that it's even worth comparing to the damage we do.

Human beings are hellbent on destroying each other and the most extreme example of that is we're destroying the very planet we live on to accomplish that goal. We are fecking awful as a species, there's no other way around it, and we're doomed to carry on creating the conditions for our extinction through our own greed and pettiness.
The man is so thick. First one didn't work out well...let's give him another one.
Oh piss off, what self righteous nonsense. You couldn't infer any of that from my post, you just don't have a counter to the post, so go all emotional completely irrelevantly (which is ironic given you advocate getting rid of half the population a few posts above). The entire point is all this misanthropic glad we're going extinct stuff isn't even correct.

You also think a quote from the bloody Matrix sums up the world which anyone with any vague understanding of the subject would know the quote, nice for a movie, complete bullshit ecologically. Mammals exhaust resources all the time. Humans aren't some aberration, they're just better at it than other mammals.

How many animals have humans hunted to extinction? What other creatures kill other animals for fun (besides dolphins) ? The disregard humans have for every other living thing on the planet is abhorrent.

And it’s not just other species. Humans have systematically slaughtered their own people for the entirety of our civilization, not to mention slavery etc.

Last but not least, we are also destroying the planet. The delicate ecosystem of our world that has been around for so long, being shifted entirely due to our own actions.

The only thing we’ve ever done is make things better for ourselves at the cost of everything around us, which is why I will always say humanity is a net negative to the planet. So no, I will not piss off.
What other creatures kill other animals for fun (besides dolphins) ?
Well, fun is hard to identify, but certainly unnescessarily in surplus:
Cats, Martens, weasels, damselfly larvae, honey badgers, wolves, foxes, Orca, lions, leopards, hyaenas, bears, coyotes, lynx, racoons, etc, etc...

Old people and technology.

He doesn’t have a fecking clue what happened. I assume someone has tried to tell him but he hasn’t got a hope of understanding.
Well, fun is hard to identify, but certainly unnescessarily in surplus:
Cats, Martens, weasels, damselfly larvae, honey badgers, wolves, foxes, Orca, lions, leopards, hyaenas, bears, coyotes, lynx, racoons, etc, etc...

Fair enough I stand corrected on that. Standing firm on the rest of my point though.
Trump on Coming Debt Crisis: ‘I Won’t Be Here’ When It Blows Up

To be fair to him he's not wrong from his perspective. Much of the problems we've faced since 2008 are due to Reaganomics and yet conservatives can hardly conceal their hard on when his name is mentioned. His electorate don't care for the debt unless they can use it as a stick to beat a democrat with, just look at Bush the 2nd. and his record spending in the run up to the mentioned 2008...

He doesn't have to care about the debt because his party has no backbone or morals, not because it will become a hot topic after his presidency. That's the only point where I disagree with him.

Edit: I posted after reading the piece, @Wednesday at Stoke beat me to make the point.
The whole climate change is hopeless to stop thing is just the next thing successfully pushed by those who were denying it a couple of years ago. Just the next stop along.

For years it was climate change is a hoax, now the predominant thought among those pushing that is, well, its too late, might as well continue as we are now. Only this time they get a bunch of overly negative people who actually wanted climate change reform unwittingly pushing the propaganda line.

The world isn't going to end regardless for humans so the whole disease to the planet stuff, please stop. Even if the earth warms up over 5 degrees it'll change the habitat distribution, it'll be terrible for many, many people, but humanity is not going to end from climate change barring some sort of runaway climate scenario, which doesn't seem plausible based on our current understanding. What we can do, and what is not beyond us is to limit emissions, 2 degrees ain't happening now, 2.5 degrees might. It'll be bad for many, but help many more.
The thing is, the biggest contributors don't give a feck. Hence the doom and gloom...
I just watched Colbert, apparently Giuliani is Trump's cyber security advisor. :lol:

That’s very much a way of getting his lawyer access to critical data without suspicion.
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