The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Roger Stone has Nixon's face tattooed on his back? Lmao! How did I not know that before? And why is all I can think of The Fonz (Henry Winkler) showing his Roy Orbison tattoo on his arse to Adam Sandler in Waterboy?

:lol: :lol:

Its a fairly well known thing. He's a nutter.
It’s news to me. And why in the feck would anyone choose Nixon of all presidents?

Nixon gave him his first job when he was a Young Republican in college. He went to work for Nixon briefly before Nixon quit. His first job for Nixon was something like making a donation to a Democrat under the name of some radical communist group that could then to used to accuse the Democrat of being supported by the Red Communists.

I highly recommend the Netflix documentary, Get Me Roger Stone, its really insightful into this trail blazer of lies, more lies and fake news.
Nixon gave him his first job when he was a Young Republican in college. He went to work for Nixon briefly before Nixon quit. His first job for Nixon was something like making a donation to a Democrat under the name of some radical communist group that could then to used to accuse the Democrat of being supported by the Red Communists.

I highly recommend the Netflix documentary, Get Me Roger Stone, its really insightful into this trail blazer of lies, more lies and fake news.
But to have a tattoo of him? Either he is a total cultist or has gay love for Nixon.

I’ll be checking out that documentary so thank you for the suggestion.
But to have a tattoo of him? Either he is a total cultist or has gay love for Nixon.

I’ll be checking out that documentary so thank you for the suggestion.

Probably both of those and more to be honest.
Is this legit? An old ad resurfacing?

It feels like the world is ending — and I can’t stop reading about it
Why reading depressing news stories feels so addictive.

I keep thinking that there must be different news somewhere. It’s one reason I keep compulsively clicking through the same sites over and over, like channel surfing: this tip-of-the-tongue feeling that there’s some major news source I’m forgetting about, reporting on an adjacent reality. Even good old earthquakes, wildfires, and boat capsizings feel simple and wholesome now — innocent, accidental tragedies instead of officially mandated ones. Anything but this same slow, inexorable drive toward autocracy, barbarism, and extinction, each day’s headline falling like another blow from the truncheon.

There’s a spectrum of possible responses to this onslaught, ranging from addictive immersion to total isolation. I know a married couple experiencing some friction because one of them pursues the former policy while the other is attempting to institute the latter. Some of my friends wisely decided after the election to devote themselves to a single issue, so as not to fracture their attention and deplete their energies — a policy that proves hard to implement when you’re trying to dedicate yourself exclusively to, say, climate change, and then the government starts locking children in cages seemingly for sheer, sadistic fun.

I am perhaps the person least qualified to offer useful advice on handling this overload sanely. I tend to vacillate uselessly between extremes, ignoring reality as much as I can bear, clicking only on articles sure to pointlessly enrage me. I read the news the same way I recently watched a TV show about dermatological surgery: rapt with revulsion, face half-averted, squinting helplessly at the moist plops and glistening excisions through the chinks in my fingers.

Whenever I’ve gone a week without news, I’ve been chastened, and kind of heartened, to realize how little difference my ignorance has made to the world. But this is obviously not a tenable solution: It’s like zonking yourself out on morphine while the cancer painlessly devours you.

It doesn’t help that a lot of what passes for news falls under the category of Shit Donald Trump Said Today. Reporters and pundits who try to infer a coherent strategy, platform, or policy from his passing spats and tantrums remind me of a circle of middle school girls Talmudically parsing a text sent by a 13-year-old boy.

Unfortunately, the news behind the news — everything that Trump’s antics and scandals distract us from — is even more horrific and demoralizing. It’s easier to get all riled up about the president’s latest unconstitutional ad lib than it is to think about the irrevocable decline of your country, the growing abyss between rich and poor, the world’s slow tilt toward tyranny, or the terminal prognosis of global warming, the same way that it’s a lot more fun to watch Nightmare on Elm Street than Shoah.

Google “happy news,” though, and you’ll find several sites that specialize in human interest stories of generosity and kindness: Gal Gadot in Amazonian garb visiting sick children, a teacher in India driving kids to school and home every day. It’s a distinctly conservative utopia — all individual acts of charity, no systemic improvements.

We get a hundred “hot takes” a day in reaction to every development, but few cooler ones. Reading historians like Thucydides, Gibbon, or Caro provides tonic reminders that tribal hysteria is an ancient and predictable disease, that once-respectable republics have debased themselves before, that the resistance to basic human decency in this country has always been fierce and self-righteous. The lesson is neither “things were ever thus” nor “the end is nigh,” but that our current dystopian horror, all but incomprehensible in the chaos of the moment, is at least precedented and intelligible.

But the question, ultimately, is what good being informed does you — or, more to the point, what good it does anyone else. Why ingest all this toxic information if you’re just going to excrete it as opinion? If you’re just getting addictive little hits of outrage and vindication, reinforcing the same crude, useless narrative — assholes at it again — it’s really no different from the righteous loathing that screenwriters easily elicit by having bullies kick the nerdy hero’s books into the mud, or having leering hillbillies harass a vacationing family. It all reinforces a worldview that’s corrosive to the soul: that the American electorate can’t be trusted to name a hamster, that democracy is a failed experiment, and that human beings are ineducably stupid and doomed.

“I could stand all of this,” a friend told me, “if I just knew it were going to end.” Maybe this is why the bad news is so addictive: We enjoy those cruel humiliations in movies because they sharpen our appetites for the righteous Act III ass-kicking to come — the cruel jocks pantsed and laughed at, our nerdy hero triumphant.

We all know how this story’s supposed to end: Nixon resigns in disgrace; McCarthy is denounced as a sniveling drunk; Hitler blows his brains out in the shambles of his capitol. Which is why people are following the excruciatingly plodding, methodical Mueller investigation the same way they wait for Bruce Banner to finally turn into the freaking Hulk, and smash.

And so I keep clicking, waiting for some breaking news from that other, truer universe: Trump frog-marched out of the White House by the Justice Department, or a catastrophe of such enormity that even our government will be forced to acknowledge that climate change is a thing, or maybe a deus ex machina message from space.

But history doesn’t follow any dramaturgical formulas. Its arc may ultimately bend toward justice, but even Dr. King leaned on it a little to help it along. I keep coming back to the unwelcome, do-your-homework realization that if we really want different news, we’re going to have to make it.

I've watched hours of documentaries about him and read countless articles and never once did any mention a Nixon tattoo.

Get Me Roger Stone ? You have to watch if you haven't yet
Interesting how Drumpf Jr. is now being featured by the official GOP account. He and Eric were supposed to have divested from politics to run the Trump org while their Dad is in the WH.

Interesting how Drumpf Jr. is now being featured by the official GOP account. He and Eric were supposed to have divested from politics to run the Trump org while their Dad is in the WH.

Looking further down that page it appears he even spoke in Indiana as well.

Some of those tweets are pretty disturbing on there (perhaps expected the GOP twitter account to be a bit more balanced). This one in particular caught my eye:
Looking further down that page it appears he even spoke in Indiana as well.

Some of those tweets are pretty disturbing on there (perhaps expected the GOP twitter account to be a bit more balanced). This one in particular caught my eye:

Yeah its amazing how the Trump family have slowly become the GOP to where its almost being run as if its the Trump org.
Please stop trolling this forum. You're not even any good at it.

Anyone who doesn't participate in the circle jerk is "trolling the forum". Grow up.

Each one of my posts are relevant to the topic. The article is pertinent to how the constant news cycle shapes one's world view, as we see in this thread. The world is not falling apart as you wish. Sorry, but not everyone has to be in constant doom and gloom.

The last line - "I keep coming back to the unwelcome, do-your-homework realization that if we really want different news, we’re going to have to make it." - is truer than anything you read on here.

What is not good is your hysteria and posts on the forum. Go out for some air every once in a while.

Meanwhile his fanboys and girls are convincing themselves that America's most successful companies (Google and Amazon) are actively against him. Well played, Vlad.
He sounds like America was on the verge of collapsing under Obama. What a fecking cnut!
He sounds like America was on the verge of collapsing under Obama. What a fecking cnut!

It's a strategy they have been driving his whole campaign. Under Obama the US turned into a post-apocalyptic nightmare of a country with mass unemployment and gays running wild in the streets raping kids left right and center. Oh yeah and don't forget white genocide which is the main reason Obama "actively" tried to bring in as many "undesirables" and "bad hombres" from "shit hole" countries.

Nixon gave him his first job when he was a Young Republican in college. He went to work for Nixon briefly before Nixon quit. His first job for Nixon was something like making a donation to a Democrat under the name of some radical communist group that could then to used to accuse the Democrat of being supported by the Red Communists.

I highly recommend the Netflix documentary, Get Me Roger Stone, its really insightful into this trail blazer of lies, more lies and fake news.

I've almost watched that documentary about a dozen times, but each time I'm about to hit play the site of his face makes me move on to something else. It was bad enough hearing the small clips of him in the Trump doc I watched on Netflix recently, but a whole doc on just him?

I might have to bite the bullet now though if you're saying it's good.
Anyone who doesn't participate in the circle jerk is "trolling the forum". Grow up.

Each one of my posts are relevant to the topic. The article is pertinent to how the constant news cycle shapes one's world view, as we see in this thread. The world is not falling apart as you wish. Sorry, but not everyone has to be in constant doom and gloom.

The last line - "I keep coming back to the unwelcome, do-your-homework realization that if we really want different news, we’re going to have to make it." - is truer than anything you read on here.

What is not good is your hysteria and posts on the forum. Go out for some air every once in a while.
I suppose you've got a point.

Personally I like this, it's a bit shorter I guess.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Anyone who doesn't participate in the circle jerk is "trolling the forum". Grow up.

Each one of my posts are relevant to the topic. The article is pertinent to how the constant news cycle shapes one's world view, as we see in this thread. The world is not falling apart as you wish. Sorry, but not everyone has to be in constant doom and gloom.

The last line - "I keep coming back to the unwelcome, do-your-homework realization that if we really want different news, we’re going to have to make it." - is truer than anything you read on here.

What is not good is your hysteria and posts on the forum. Go out for some air every once in a while.
Trump's entire campaign slogan is based on the narrative that the country's currently feck though isn't it? Make America great again implies that it's currently not very great. The entirety of far right politics is based on, our current situation is shite, we need to change something to make it right.

On the subject of news shaping one's world view, that's only correct if you're intake of news is passive. There's a near infinite amount of news sources with different political views and different standards of credibility. If you want you can find something up your alley no matter how dumb your ideas are. Just look at the anti vaxxer or Flat Earth movements. We're no longer reliant on a single radio show telling us what's happening in the world.
Oh and also, the fact that most news is bad news just means that we're doing well. News is something that breaks the status quo. If the status quo is that we're doing a fine job, the news will report instances of fecking up, because it's rare.

To speak in football terms. Germany not qualifying for a world cup is big news. Whereas Wales qualifying for a world cup is equally big news.

Be happy most stuff on the news is depressing, it means that life in general, isnt. And most bad news on Trump is bad news, because the guy is a hare brained, senile, bigot fecknugget that should choke on his own golfclubs.
Anyone who doesn't participate in the circle jerk is "trolling the forum". Grow up.

Each one of my posts are relevant to the topic. The article is pertinent to how the constant news cycle shapes one's world view, as we see in this thread. The world is not falling apart as you wish. Sorry, but not everyone has to be in constant doom and gloom.

The last line - "I keep coming back to the unwelcome, do-your-homework realization that if we really want different news, we’re going to have to make it." - is truer than anything you read on here.

What is not good is your hysteria and posts on the forum. Go out for some air every once in a while.

Honestly no idea why you get accused of trolling. People need to be aware of the fact that they will get fed more of what keeps them reading simply due to how the algorithms of Google/YouTube, Facebook and other work these days. If you read a lot of the "bad" news, that's what these websites will feed you to get as much of your time as possible, it's how they build their business. So yes every now and then it's important to get out of this algorithmic induced cycle of bad news.

The first step is to acknowledge that Fox, CNN, etc. aren't really news anymore, they're an elaborate form of entertainment. If one considers him/herself "addicted" to those you're very much more likely to be addicted to the drama etc. then to any actual news. And then there's twitter.

I firmly agree with his conclusion though. This shxtshow is only ever going to become better if people make it so.
The first step is to acknowledge that Fox, CNN, etc. aren't really news anymore, they're an elaborate form of entertainment. If one considers him/herself "addicted" to those you're very much more likely to be addicted to the drama etc. then to any actual news. And then there's twitter.

I firmly agree with his conclusion though. This shxtshow is only ever going to become better if people make it so.
Putting CNN and Fox in the same group is a bit much imo. Not saying CNN is objective, since they're obviously no fans of Trump, though you could argue that it's hard to blame them. They don't stoop to the level of Fox though, which is simply unwatchable with any sort of functioning brain.
Putting CNN and Fox in the same group is a bit much imo. Not saying CNN is objective, since they're obviously no fans of Trump, though you could argue that it's hard to blame them. They don't stoop to the level of Fox though, which is simply unwatchable with any sort of functioning brain.
I agree that CNN and FOX aren't the same, but I'd challenge you to watch 90 minutes non stop of CNN. I lose it after about 10 minutes these days... Fox is just propaganda, no argument there.

Edit: As an example I'd argue that Sky News is a more sober and informing channel than CNN these days, and that's astonishing, given their owners.
I agree that CNN and FOX aren't the same, but I'd challenge you to watch 90 minutes non stop of CNN. I lose it after about 10 minutes these days... Fox is just propaganda, no argument there.
No argument there. Seems silly to me that there's such a huge amount of news coverage in America anyway. Here we just have a 30 minute news bulletin every night on two different channels. One is a bit left leaning, one a bit more right leaning (they will never admit this).

I honestly prefer just reading the paper like an old man. I have a subscription to the leftist Volkskrant and the central right Telegraaf. That way I stay a bit balanced :)
Putting CNN and Fox in the same group is a bit much imo. Not saying CNN is objective, since they're obviously no fans of Trump, though you could argue that it's hard to blame them. They don't stoop to the level of Fox though, which is simply unwatchable with any sort of functioning brain.

Yeah, the likes of CNN and most of the other news networks have a democrat slant in their reporting and maybe only very slighty stray from the objective truth, whereas Fox is just pain outright lies, fear mongering and propaganda.
I particularly liked the one about it being easier to just watch the latest daily show or read some article making fun of Trump instead of actually engaging in more serious matters like climate change or Americas obvious decline.

But we do that constantly in this very forum yet get accused of being hysterical or not getting out enough. The two are linked too, especially with all Trumps deregulation regarding the environment.
It's a strategy they have been driving his whole campaign. Under Obama the US turned into a post-apocalyptic nightmare of a country with mass unemployment and gays running wild in the streets raping kids left right and center. Oh yeah and don't forget white genocide which is the main reason Obama "actively" tried to bring in as many "undesirables" and "bad hombres" from "shit hole" countries.

Still remember "The Bowling Green massacre" :lol:
I love how posters always point to people residing in social media or Google dictated bubbles, and classify everyone with certain opposing views as such. While either speaking from their own social media or Google dictated bubbles or worse yet from a more objective position but, failing to entertain the thought that other people can also look at an infinite range of news sources across the gamut or the fact that loads of people do not reside in social media bubbles, but may still come to certain conclusions. It's so easy to generalise...

It's just really fecking lazy...
I love how posters always point to people residing in social media or Google dictated bubbles, and classify everyone with certain opposing views as such. While either speaking from their own social media or Google dictated bubbles or worse yet from a more objective position but, failing to entertain the thought that other people can also look at an infinite range of news sources across the gamut or the fact that loads of people do not reside in social media bubbles, but may still come to certain conclusions. It's so easy to generalise...

It's just really fecking lazy...

You literally just did the same thing.
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