The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I basically just point out to them their hypocrisy and then watch as they squirm around it. I can occasionally be a bit of a dick about it.

At least they react. My siblings are all bi-coastal (bluest of blue - NYC and SF) so there isn't much of a discussion. Basically an echo chamber.
That one is utterly bizarre. It's not even just wrong, it's pretty much literally the opposite of the truth. You can't be that wrong by accident.
People really do believe that. I know a Navy guy personally who has claimed that other countries now “fear us”. I was laughing in my head.
At least they react. My siblings are all bi-coastal (bluest of blue - NYC and SF) so there isn't much of a discussion. Basically an echo chamber.
Out of my entire family, other than me, the only blue voters are my brother’s fiancée and my dad’s mom. The rest are dyed in the wool red.
The Boston Globe@BostonGlobe
Robert D. Chain, 68, of Encino, Calif., allegedly made approximately 14 calls to the Globe, calling the paper "the enemy of the people," and threatening to kill employees.
Out of my entire family, other than me, the only blue voters are my brother’s fiancée and my dad’s mom. The rest are dyed in the wool red.

People are strange. Many are so stuck in their ways and with the same principles they had from their youth. It's almost as if they are afraid to admit they were wrong or change their stance and ideology. It's truly bizarre. That's why I don't really like Liberal nor identify myself as one. Progressive is a lovely word and explains how mabybare that they can progress and change their views over time.

To be honest I'm more of a communist anyway and although I want everyone to have equal rights and opportunity I also think we should be allowed to kill those that think differently and dangerously. Or those that bang on about Hillary all the time. Yes @Cal? I mean you.

He loves the media.He's a media whore ,so it must pain him that the news is concentrating on McClain's funeral.
A man has just been arrested for making 14 death threats to The Boston globe. He is a Trump supporter and he called the paper "The Enemy of The People"

I'm amazed Trump hasn't done something to try and upstage the McCain funeral coverage.

this is a very moving eulogy from Joe Biden. You just can't imagine Trump ever speaking so eloquently and with such genuine love for someone.
I'm amazed Trump hasn't done something to try and upstage the McCain funeral coverage.

this is a very moving eulogy from Joe Biden. You just can't imagine Trump ever speaking so eloquently and with such genuine love for someone.
Will give you the eloquence - but he speaks with absolute genuine love for himself every single day.
He loves the media.He's a media whore ,so it must pain him that the news is concentrating on McClain's funeral.
That one is utterly bizarre. It's not even just wrong, it's pretty much literally the opposite of the truth. You can't be that wrong by accident.

Fake truth?
'True Detective!?! I may have to get involved in re-naming this!'
I doubt if the Congress will agree. It's their job anyway to approve.

Not the point is it? He's tried and that's funny enough. Damn he's stupid.

Just to show how stupid these feckers are....

So many LOLZ in one single comment from Rudy G :lol: Honestly the best thing he has said since becoming a Trump lawyer Nd he's had some beauties.
Not the point is it? He's tried and that's funny enough. Damn he's stupid.

Just to show how stupid these feckers are....

So many LOLZ in one single comment from Rudy G :lol: Honestly the best thing he has said since becoming a Trump lawyer Nd he's had some beauties.

Giuliani went on to say that the name of the report would be "Massive Additional Obstruction of Justice Awesome Plan" and that they kept it in a folder marked "Crimes" in large crayon letters.
Not the point is it? He's tried and that's funny enough. Damn he's stupid.

Just to show how stupid these feckers are....

So many LOLZ in one single comment from Rudy G :lol: Honestly the best thing he has said since becoming a Trump lawyer Nd he's had some beauties.

A face only a mass-murder would love.
Watching Trump' s rally on C-span just for the LOLZ.

Best quote of the night so far...

The Republican party is the party who want to fight for Medicare and Medicaid. The Democrats want to take funding from Medicaid and Medicare to pay for Socialism.

Lots of boos and then applause.

fecking room full of geniuses right there.

Where's the drones when you need them?
Watching Trump' s rally on C-span just for the LOLZ.

Best quote of the night so far...

The Republican party is the party who want to fight for Medicare and Medicaid. The Democrats want to take funding from Medicaid and Medicare to pay for Socialism.

Lots of boos and then applause.

fecking room full of geniuses right there.

Where's the drones when you need them?
Feck he just beat that.

People love Ice. They stand at their windows and applaud Ice when they come in to town and watch them liberate their town. Eradicating the scum.

I have no words for what I just witnessed. I watched every single one of his campaign rallies and have purposely avoided them for over a year or so but that was fecking insane. He must have told over 100 lies. It was ALL about him and he was fear mongering, lying, contradicting himself and generally talking absolute shit for over an hour. But Damn that is scary. That is the President of the USA selling an alternate reality that many are buying. He was flat out telling people their pay checks had improved and you could see their faces to know it hadn't yet they still cheered and applauded.

feck. That was shocking. All about him on a level I haven't seen before.

Mueller needs to hurry the feck up because this man is seriously making people believe in a false reality and telling them to defend it at all costs. feck hyperbole. Just watch that rally.

He knows exactly what he's doing too. He could say anything and his supporters would eat it up. It's not a Presidency, it's a cult.
Roger Stone has Nixon's face tattooed on his back? Lmao! How did I not know that before? And why is all I can think of The Fonz (Henry Winkler) showing his Roy Orbison tattoo on his arse to Adam Sandler in Waterboy?

:lol: :lol:
Fox News host takes credit for ‘radicalizing’ Donald Trump: ‘He’s turned the White House into an alternative Fox show’

A Fox News host took credit for “radicalizing” Donald Trump on Thursday.

Appearing on The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld said that Fox News is single-handedly responsible for the president’s conspiracy-driven, aggrieved and race-based view of the United States.

“Trump was radicalized by something — because he was a Democrat for a long time,” Gutfeld said. “He was pro-choice, liberal on many things. He was radicalized. What was he radicalized by? Us. Fox News….[He starts watching Fox News] and the world starts to make sense to him. All he’s doing is what we do, which is bash the media. He’s turned the White House into kind of an alternative Fox show.”

“Oh no,” said several of the other co-hosts.

“Oh my God,” said liberal leaning co-host Juan Williams. “I thought you were trying to help him.”

“No, I’m actually being honest,” said Gutfeld. “It’s kind of refreshing.”

“You know what it reminds me of? You know what Chuck Todd at NBC said, it’s like one of those old guys going down the sidewalk, mumbling to himself. Except he has, what a million-plus Twitter followers?”

(Raw Story)
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