The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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In what appears to be more and more like an (long) episode of the Twilight Zone, we are putting our hopes on a man named 'Mad Dog' to restrain the president from using the nuclear button.
Probably would make them look bad to be complaining about Russia subverting the process then to turn around and openly try to get electors to change who they vote for. Granted there is a difference between citizens of the US trying to urge people to vote one way and an outside government trying to influence that, but you know how certain people would view it.

I believe its not just politics.
They want to respect our political process.
We need to respect and have people believe they can trust how we elect our representatives.

This Russian influence is very disturbing.
But we making it so easy for them is also embarrasing.
The only lesson that needs to be learnt from this election cycle is this.
People saying. "Listen to Us"
all the criticism of the candidates and strategy is secondary.
If the parties listened to people, we would have candidates that are pretty close in policies with perhaps some cultural differences.
This would not suit the corporations.
This is why we have all the turmoil.
Trump adviser says science gets “a lot of things wrong”
Disregards climate consensus because people once thought the Earth was flat.
Scott K. Johnson - 12/16/2016, 8:20 PM


The term “anti-science” gets thrown around too loosely. Even though people are generally not opposed to the institution of science, most of us will stick to the positions of our cultural team when politics rub up against science. While science may be an effort to objectively evaluate the workings of the cosmos, human behavior is not.

Some arguments, however, come pretty close to a general antipathy toward science. On Wednesday, Trump transition team advisor Anthony Scaramucci made one of those arguments in a CNN appearance.

Scaramucci runs an investment firm, hosts Fox Business News’ “Wall Street Week” program, and has written books like The Little Book of Hedge Funds: What You Need to Know About Hedge Funds but the Managers Won’t Tell You. He is part of the Executive Committee for President-elect Trump’s transition—a group that includes Peter Thiel and Trump’s children, among others.

Energy Department says it won’t give Trump team list of climate change staffers
Scaramucci was interviewed by CNN host Chris Cuomo Wednesday about the questionnaire Trump’s transition team sent to the Department of Energy, which asked the agency to list staff who had participated in work related to climate change. Scaramucci downplayed the questionnaire as an “intellectual curiosity expedition.”

When asked about accepting the reality of human-caused climate change, Scaramucci gave a mix of bewildering answers. “I know that the current president thinks that human beings are affecting the climate—there are scientists who think that’s not happening,” he said. While it’s true that there is a small handful of contrarian climate scientists, the evidence does not go away in any field of science just because a few people don’t accept it.

Pressed on the scientific consensus, Scaramucci challenged whether anything in science can be known. “There was an overwhelming science that the Earth was flat, and there was an overwhelming science that we were the center of the world, 100%, you know, we get a lot of things wrong in the scientific community—you and I both know that,” he said.

Later, Scaramucci added, “You’re saying that you do, and you’re saying the scientific community knows, and I’m saying people have gotten things wrong throughout the 5,500-year history of our planet—human history, I should say.”

Scaramucci repeatedly ducked the issue of Trump administration policy on climate change by saying that they valued “clean air and clean water” whether or not they recognized the harm of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the new administration will be focused on “energy independence” through fossil fuel production, even though dirty air and dirty water are often the direct result of fossil fuel.

Further Reading
Trump taps Oklahoma attorney general, friend to fossil fuels, to run EPA
As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Trump’s choice for EPA administrator sued the EPA to oppose a number of air and water pollution regulations. And in a recent interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Trump said of his stance on the environment, “We can't let all of these permits that take forever to get stop our jobs.”

Correction: This story initially quoted Scaramucci without his correction that he meant to refer to human history rather than the age of the Earth.

Why even Drain The Swamp when you can just plonk a mountain of shit on top of it.
:lol: 6:20 - He said the planet is 5,500 years old.

Also 'Science' didn't believe the earth was flat or the earth was the centre of the Universe, it was those people who, y'know burned you alive if you argued against it using actual Scientific data.
Trump adviser says science gets “a lot of things wrong”
Disregards climate consensus because people once thought the Earth was flat.
Try to get that logic. Science may be wrong because it was right, or something.
Wonder how he'll react to the shooting in Turkey. I presume a tweet will come soon.
There'll probably be a few for Bernie at least.

Yet more conflicts of interest from the Moron Elect, the man who honestly thinks he's untouchable and the COI laws don't apply to him. Methinks he's in for a rude awakening. (hopefully)

I was wrong... I accused Trump all this time of being stupid. But being one of those square, formal education types, I was thinking about where I think he'd score if he had to take an SAT, or we put him into a challenging graduate-level class (undergrad might be enough), or asked him to write a paper about any topic of his interest.

The truth is though, that The Donald just outdid every play in history. We think that the robbers in movies like The Inside Plan or Ocean's Eleven are so clever... but Donald proved to be the real master. He's going to do use the Presidency to get rich like no one has before, all while being cheered as the swamp-drainer. Well played Donald, well played...

EDIT: I headed over to DC a few weeks ago (post-election) because I had never been. There were some pretty good deals going on hotels, with 4-stars going for as little as $150 a night, highly rated 5-stars for $250-300. Figure a slow weekend. Not Trump International though, think I saw $600 a night. (It does like really nice though... :nervous:)
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No way, he's an idiot who is just being brazen. He will get his comeuppance for sure.

Also, not the best source but running a story that comedian Tom Arnold has copies of the infamous Moron Racism tapes from The Apprentice. I think it won't be long before they come out, just that they wont make any difference which is really quite sad.
I was wrong... I accused Trump all this time of being stupid. But being one of those square, formal education types, I was thinking about where I think he'd score if he had to take an SAT, or we put him into a challenging graduate-level class (undergrad might be enough), or asked him to write a paper about any topic of his interest.

The truth is though, that The Donald just outdid every play in history. We think that the robbers in movies like The Inside Plan or Ocean's Eleven are so clever... but Donald proved to be the real master. He's going to do use the Presidency to get rich like no one has before, all while being cheered as the swamp-drainer. Well played Donald, well played...

He's setting up an oligarchy similar to Putin. Surrounding himself with corporate superpowers.
In regards to Trump's intelligence, I think it depends what sort of 'intelligence' we're referring to. I think he's generally a bit thick when it comes to an understanding of political affairs in a nuanced way and how to deal with others, how to read others etc, as well as forming coherent arguments on important subjects. But what he is good at is garnering attention for himself and garnering support, too. Whether doing so is a form of intelligence or not is another matter.

Yet more conflicts of interest from the Moron Elect, the man who honestly thinks he's untouchable and the COI laws don't apply to him. Methinks he's in for a rude awakening. (hopefully)

Not unless if another Repub fancies ousting him and you'd imagine it'd be at the end of the first term unless it's Pence.

No way, he's an idiot who is just being brazen. He will get his comeuppance for sure.

Also, not the best source but running a story that comedian Tom Arnold has copies of the infamous Moron Racism tapes from The Apprentice. I think it won't be long before they come out, just that they wont make any difference which is really quite sad.

How is it massively different from W and friends?

He already claimed Putin referred to Obama with the N word. So no I don't think it hurts him.
Not unless if another Repub fancies ousting him and you'd imagine it'd be at the end of the first term unless it's Pence.

Nah, Liz Warren has drawn up some changes to the laws she's trying to get pushed through the Senate and there are more than enough Republicans out there that don't want him in charge. He is disgracing the entire country, let alone the Republican party, he's making the USA in to a laughing stock around the world and he's playing everyone for financial gain. He's letting his kids sit in on important meetings and letting them choose cabinet members, he's also winding up countries and world leaders like China, and that's not even mentioning the Russian stuff. If the USA lets this go on for much longer they will NEVER be taken seriously on the world stage as long as the Moron is in charge.

How is it massively different from W and friends?

He already claimed Putin referred to Obama with the N word. So no I don't think it hurts him.

We covered the similarities and differences with Bush and co in the election thread a few times, so no real point going over it all again. As for the use of the word, it's quite different alleging another world leader said it and being caught saying it yourself, especially when vehemetly denying it for months and months. I agree with Tom Arnold to a certain extent that it wouldn't have made too much difference to many of his supporters, probably quite the opposite BUT! it would still lose him some. Just like the Russian links and the Carrier deal and everything he's done, it all has a small effect and loses him some support. It chips away slowly and eventually people will have enough because he will eventually become completely indefinsible. Personally, I think he went past that stage months ago, but it's apparent that's not the case, but I think it will come and the more evidence the harder he will fall when he eventually does. That may be wishful thinking, but feck, if not then the world is really lost and we may as well all give up now.
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Nah, Liz Warren has drawn up some changes to the laws she's trying to get pushed through the Senate and there are more than enough Republicans out there that don't want him in charge. He is disgracing the entire country, let alone the Republican party, he's making the USA in to a laughing stock around the world and he's playing everyone for financial gain. He's letting his kids sit in on important meetings and letting them choose cabinet members, he's also winding up countries and world leaders like China, and that's not even mentioning the Russian stuff. If the USA lets this go on for much longer they will NEVER be taken seriously on the world stage as long as the Moron is in charge.

They need a 2/3s majority of the house of representatives to vote for it though:

"What, then, is an impeachable offense? The only honest answer is that an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; conviction results from whatever offense or offenses two-thirds of the other body considers to be sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office..." Congressman Gerald Ford, 116 Cong. Rec. H.3113-3114 (April 15, 1970).

All these people will be considering their political futures and whether they want to align themselves with the VP. That priority will outweigh any feeling of how the US is perceived on the world stage or even at home.

I could see it happening at the end of his first term so others can take advantage of him not running. But then again who wants to be portrayed as a traitor?

We covered the similarities and differences with Bush and co in the election thread a few times, so no real point going over it all again. As for the use of the word, it's quite different allging another world leader said it and being caught saying it yourself, especially when vehemetly denying it for months and months. I agree with Tom Arnold to a certain extent that it wouldn't have made too much difference to many of his supporters, probably quite the opposite BUT! it would still lose him some. Just like the Russian links and the Carrier deal and everything he's done, it all has a small effect and loses him some support. It chips away slowly and eventually people will have enough because he will eventually become completely indefinsible. Personally, I think he went past that stage months ago, but it's apparent that's not the case, but I think it will come and the more evidence the harder he will fall when he eventually does. That may be wishful thinking, but feck, if not then the world is really lost and we may as well all give up now.

"Cheney resigned as CEO of Halliburton on July 25, 2000. As vice president, he argued that this step removed any conflict of interest. Cheney's net worth, estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, is largely derived from his post at Halliburton, as well as the Cheneys' gross income of nearly $8.82 million."

As for the Putin/N Word talk. I thought it was a pretty obvious racial abuse when I heard it. The 25% of the US that support him fall into 3 brackets. Racists, misinformed brainwashed idiots and those that prefer a small government, low tax, low regulation economy. The latter aren't actually insane/racist/stupid.

One of my black female friends posted on facebook how she wanted to de-friend anyone who voted for Trump. One of her long term friends responded saying he didn't want to lose her friendship but that was his political leaning. Then they kissed and made up. So I suppose there is some hope there.
The whole COI thing is ridiculous anyway.

They just move their money around, do a few golden handshakes and pickup from a far improved position once they step down.

For most of these people they're at the age they start handing down to the next generation anyway.
Reading Evan McMullin's Twitter and he speaks a lot of sense, very balanced in his viewpoints and heavily critical of Trump as well. Seems to me like what Republicans ideally should be, even if I don't agree with him on many issues.
In regards to Trump's intelligence, I think it depends what sort of 'intelligence' we're referring to. I think he's generally a bit thick when it comes to an understanding of political affairs in a nuanced way and how to deal with others, how to read others etc, as well as forming coherent arguments on important subjects. But what he is good at is garnering attention for himself and garnering support, too. Whether doing so is a form of intelligence or not is another matter.

So a more accomplished version of most reality stars.
Cheney resigned as CEO of Halliburton on July 25, 2000. As vice president, he argued that this step removed any conflict of interest. Cheney's net worth, estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, is largely derived from his post at Halliburton, as well as the Cheneys' gross income of nearly $8.82 million."

Pure coincidence Haliburton bid and won the Iraq war contract. And that Haliburton was the only bid despite law requiring three bids. Oh but there are spins from both sides of coin on it being legal/illegal bid process.
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So a more accomplished version of most reality stars.

In a way...yeah. Suppose you could apply the same to the Kardashians, or people like that. Don't seem particularly bright, yet do a great job at manufacturing an image and remaining relevant. And would oddly probably be more fit to run a country than Trump is.
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