Well she hasn't been elected so the spotlight will be off her now. Without derailing this thread too much, what ***proven*** history do you have access to?
Two points. 1) The accusations of corruption were actually mentioned quite a bit during the election. "Crooked Hillary" and all that. Even though many of the accusations against her were rather light in evidence. 2) Obviously people are going to focus on Trump, he is going to be the president. Why one earth would anyone care as much about Clinton now that's she's relatively irrelevant?
It's been proven her campaign was corrupt and that the MSM is compromised deeply regarding this election - simply read the leaks if you want to see for yourself.
The details of her wikileaks have been/are being pushed under the bed and instead we're hearing, suddenly, that both this election, and Brexit, 'was the Russians'.
And people are swallowing it despite there being no evidence at present, and all the sources are coming from the same media that should be being swept clean after it JUST being revealed that they (the media) have literally just compromised the integrity of a fecking U.S election!
I'm just saying, as something of a neutral, can't you see that you're being told what you want to hear? And that the source you're receiving it from is highly questionable.
I loathe Farage, and I'm a proud, black British fella, who's battled actual racism since I was about 4, so I don't like UKIP, at all, but I also don't believe that '
the Russians' made Brexit happen - it happened due to the awful policies of the last 17 years. You can feel it in England every day - people are fecking tired of policies that don't serve them and have left them worse off.
And although I'm not American, I picked up the same feeling watching this election unfurl - having a candidate roasting Jeb Bush, shouting at him about the money wasted in an illegal war in Iraq while the crowd goes nuts is the type of thing that won Trump the election. And indeed, won him it while the other candidate was (proven) hand in glove with the mainstream fecking media.
People are tired of the established political elite - they've failed us, and we're in debt due to their actions, while their wealth is unchallenged. The world is a worse place because of their actions, and while I don't think Trump, or fecking UKIP will necessarily solve it, I do believe that people are choosing these options because they are at least an alternative.
It's an incredible coincidence that just as the West, on both sides of the pond, reach levels of
clear dissatisfaction with a crumbling, corrupt political order and band together to elect an alternative - is the exact same moment that 'the Russians' manage to intervene and put in place the exact candidate that the people want, but that the established political order
don't want.
Maybe it'd be better if UKIP was discredited by being linked with Putin...but I'd still not believe it, and would rather they were discredited because of their short-sighted, reactionary politics.
Likewise, maybe Trump will be an awful President, but from what I see regarding the Clinton campaign, and her political history, the American people are justified in their choice of electing
something of an alternative.