Other projects? Divorce? fecking Brad Pitt and sending pics to Trump? Shafting Trump for every penny he is worth?
We can only hope......
If I remember correctly, jewish voters in the US skew significantly Dem. It's the evangelicals that eat up the Israel stuff.
If I remember correctly, jewish voters in the US skew significantly Dem. It's the evangelicals that eat up the Israel stuff.
Right but you can say the same about pretty much any grouping. Pew put the overall skew at 70-30 in favour of the Dems in 2016, which I think is significant enough.There's no single jewish voting block, there are conservative jews who skew GOP and there's liberal jews who vote Dem. There's mega fundraisers to both sides.
Avenatti wumming Cohen again this morning
Here we go again....
The line at today's press briefing was "there’s nothing to corroborate her claim". Sounds like they're calling her lawyers bluff/not bluff and asking for some (more) proof.
Man, when even Fox News is calling out your bullshit...
Man, when even Fox News is calling out your bullshit...
“We don’t need to get into a debate... there’s different ways of doing this”
Uhhh... no there’s not, dumbass.
One thing I learned early on in life... wealth =/= IntelligenceThat's the trouble though mate, they all think they can do what the feck they want, especially because they are all so rich AND because they pretty much do as they want anyway. The cnuts really need to be taken down a few pegs or two.
For some reason I just don't believe her.
I want to but this just doesn't ring true to me.
Why would there be a $130k payment, that Cohen's already acknowledged, unless there was truth to it?For some reason I just don't believe her.
I want to but this just doesn't ring true to me.
For some reason I just don't believe her.
I want to but this just doesn't ring true to me.
It rings very true to me. But if there's proof, she and her lawyer should just stop f--king around and produce it.
For some reason I just don't believe her.
I want to but this just doesn't ring true to me.
No doubt Carson himself will be gone soon.
Cohen’s hilariously inept lawyer, David Schwartz, is on Anderson’s show in a minute. Hope Avenatti sticks around.
I like how Toobin just sits in the middle as the two boil
He's just there as a buffer zone
Yeah...this time Schwarz came prepared after Avenatti humiliated him last time.
The strategy today was to apparently talk over him so he couldn't get any points across.