Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
To be fair, most porn stars are STD free. They get tested more regularly than anyone else.
For Ivanka's sake let's hope so.
To be fair, most porn stars are STD free. They get tested more regularly than anyone else.
Wow he is getting roasted as bad as I've ever seen it on Fox News Twitter. Literally hundreds of raging Trump supporters. Pitch forks are out!
Makes me laugh. Like with the sudden outrage over Zuckerberg. I mean, Zuck said this in 2004:Did anyone see this coming? I mean I'm sure nobody said that he doesn't care about anyone but himself. Damn..![]()
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fecks
The people, my people, are so smart, and you know what they say about my people? The polls. They say I have the most loyal people — did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters. It's like incredible.
Why is an increase in pay to the troops a dealbreaker for Trumpersfanz? Also what's this about more Visas in the spending bill?
jicmagik1776 32 points 2 hours ago
Definitely feel like he pays attention to our email submissions, I'm pleased to have sent one opposing the omnibus yesterday.
Makes me laugh. Like with the sudden outrage over Zuckerberg. I mean, Zuck said this in 2004:
Then there's a shock that they've been storing and selling all sorts of data 14 years later.
and Trump saying this:
he said what his fanbase wanted to hear in rallies - lock her up, drain the swamp, build that wall etc - to get in the White House and his only intention once in it was to reverse everything Obama put in place. He's not bothered about the rest.
That too - constantly going to Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties and having security need to pay to stay.Exactly. Although I disagree with the last sentence, he is also in it to make as much money as he can for himself and his rich mates.
Under 30 isn't happening; it'd mean impeachment . Less than 35 would even be remarkable.Might be looking at his approval rating dipping under 30 this week.
Under 30 isn't happening; it'd mean impeachment . Less than 35 would even be remarkable.
'Mad Dog' - the only remaining sane person in that administration, doesn't like Iran at all.Whatever, we have to hope for the guy with the nickname "mad dog" to save us from war now...
Under 30 isn't happening; it'd mean impeachment . Less than 35 would even be remarkable.
'Mad Dog' - the only remaining sane person in that administration, doesn't like Iran at all.
Doesn't a war needs to get approved on Senate? I cannot see Rand Paul ever voting for it, so all it needs is another Republican not voting for the war (or McCain being unable to vote cause of his sickness) to stop it happening.
It could be the biggest irony of this century if McCain from all people stops a war, months after he saved Obamacare.
Edit: checked it, he doesn't need approval of Senate, but Senate can decide to not vote his budget making the war difficult to happen. Thus why Bush needede Democrat votes, something that haunted Hillary forever.
Republicans trying to save their own skin, because if it’s that low that means their base (or, more aptly, votes and $$$) will be abandoning the Trump train in droves.Who's gonna do that?
Base... gone![]()
Base... gone![]()