The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The Dems have a quality candidate running this time, so there is a good chance they may pick it up.

One likelihood now is the GOP establishment getting behind another candaidate less controversial than Ward.
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Flake is giving a speech right now - basically saying he's going to free himself from not being able to criticize Trump.
Flake is giving a speech right now - basically saying he's going to free himself from not being able to criticize Trump.

I suspect this means he’s also going to have a few stories about the current GOP dynamic - who’s currently selling their soul to the devil.

You can get killed for doing this in Soviet America.
Tiring - people complaining about it wouldn’t do if the tables had turned, would’ve been ‘oh thank god for our system that we kept him out of the White House’ blah blah

Ps not the first time:

They'd still complain. The US political system has been derided for a long time. The fact it's produced poor results in the past further proves his point instead of denting it.
Apologies can someone explain in lay-mans terms what is happening re Flake?
He’s a senator that’s anti-Trump and won’t stand for re-election? Is that the entirety of the story? Guessing he thinks he’d be beaten by a Trump or Bannon candidate?
They'd still complain. The US political system has been derided for a long time. The fact it's produced poor results in the past further proves his point instead of denting it.
Literally the first I’ve heard of the ‘broken system’ of voting was 08 Nov 2016...
Literally the first I’ve heard of the ‘broken system’ of voting was 08 Nov 2016...

Then you haven't been listening. Complaints were made long ago; you can go back to the controversy surrounding the Al Gore-Bush vote in 2000. Or Donald Trump himself calling for action in 2012 when he believed Romney had won the vote but lost the electoral college. It's a piss-poor system.
Tiring - people complaining about it wouldn’t do if the tables had turned, would’ve been ‘oh thank god for our system that we kept him out of the White House’ blah blah

Ps not the first time:

Doesn't mean that it's right. It's the reason why Dems and the GOP do this sick gerrymandering. I understand the electoral college thing but I really don't see its relevance today...I really don't. However, I think Americans need to take a long and hard look at their electoral process cause year after year there are people working actively to suppress voting rights. You can tout the flag and love of country while eroding it's democracy like that.
:lol: and was discussed extensively during both campaigns then, based on the fact it was such an intensely hot topic....
Literally the first I’ve heard of the ‘broken system’ of voting was 08 Nov 2016...

Lol try the same time in 2000.
That revealed so many problems with the system - the college,, the control of state govts over voting, deliberate confusion in ballots, the Jeb/GWB conflict of interest, new ways to disenfranchise voters, the control of govts over recounts, and the craven politicization of the Supreme Court. Trump's win was much more straightforward than that.
Lol try the same time in 2000.
That revealed so many problems with the system - the college,, the control of state govts over voting, deliberate confusion in ballots, the Jeb/GWB conflict of interest, new ways to disenfranchise voters, the control of govts over recounts, and the craven politicization of the Supreme Court. Trump's win was much more straightforward than that.
So why has it stayed the same and not been a hot topic in any election since? Until well, Hillary fans thought the election was ‘stolen’ from her?

Ps. Thoughts on UKIP getting 4m votes but only 1MP? Guessing that’s fine, right?
I know this whole electoral college thing but something's really messed up in America where the person with the least votes gets to win an election.

No. If you think that you do not understand the electoral college. I was a staunch Hillary supporter in the election but Trump won fair and square. Anyone that doesn't believe that should stick to FB meme and reddit politics.
So why has it stayed the same and not been a hot topic in any election since? Until well, Hillary fans thought the election was ‘stolen’ from her?

Ps. Thoughts on UKIP getting 4m votes but only 1MP? Guessing that’s fine, right?

1. It has stayed the same because it favours a 2-party system, and even if one party was to suddenly oppose it that wouldn't have enough numbers to make a change.

2. I think that FPTP is garbage in general, and the UKIP example is a good example of its stupidity.
I also think there is a difference between having a handful of MPs versus losing/gaining control of the executive branch, as happened with Trump/Bush II. Indeed if you want to look at British elections distorted by FPTP, I think the 1951 general election which changed British political history quite drastically is a better example.
I know this whole electoral college thing but something's really messed up in America where the person with the least votes gets to win an election.

Also, a state like Wyoming that has 580k people gets the same amount of Senators as California which has nearly 40m
It doesn't always reflect the will of the people. It came about to appease slave owners. It's not a system based on fairness.
I know, but you have more chances to form a stable government with this system rather than with a proportional.
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