What happened to the land of opportunity, for anyone, and all that?
He's completely changed that with his America first #MAGA bullshit. Apparently to make America great again only involves actual US citizens.
What happened to the land of opportunity, for anyone, and all that?
This DACA deportation stuff is really upsetting. Why would Trump's government think this is a good idea even by their standards? They're changing the face of The States for the worse, and making the backwards, bigoted, skinhead reprobate's word the voice of America. What happened to the land of opportunity, for anyone, and all that? It's bullshit.
It's the only play they have to keep the base, given that they neither have the political capital nor nous to get tax reform or healthcare legislation through.This DACA deportation stuff is really upsetting. Why would Trump's government think this is a good idea even by their standards? They're changing the face of The States for the worse, and making the backwards, bigoted, skinhead reprobate's word the voice of America. What happened to the land of opportunity, for anyone, and all that? It's bullshit.
Ironic considering a lot of DREAMers are descendents of natives of the Americas.Ethnic cleansing.
Obama would have been crucified for 1/100 of what trump did.
Ironic considering a lot of DREAMers are descendents of natives of the Americas.
Might be a message from some higher power there to Messr Trump and family.
With all these natural disasters, this would be a horrible time for anyone sitting in the Oval Office, but for someone like Trump, who denies climate change, it's absolutely disastrous. Well, it would be if there weren't so many ignorant buffoons in the US who actually believe him.
God's punishment for the transgender military ban?
What on earth are you on about?After trying for 3 days, with Canadian whataboutery thrown in, you finally found a fairly relevant clip. I was wondering when/if you'd find this one.
Muslim ban, Paris Accord pullout etc
True. God probably has a list.
I agree it's funny. The shackles are off him so he can say what he wants. It'd be something if Pena Nieti came out with stuff like that. That'd be really funny!It's just a Laugh. I find it hilarious
Lawyer up!
Lawyers in DC must be busier than ever.
Lawyer up!
Lawyers in DC must be busier than ever.
Is it all on their dime?
Anyways, look, I have no skin in the game, I couldn't give a shit about America and it's politics tbh - but the blinkers and righteousness by lefties liberals is so damaging to themselves. What's the point shouting down ppl with a different or opposing view and then wondering what happened when they just can't be bothered and just vote with their feet instead (see Modi, Brexit, Trump).
It is like an equivalent of the Scouse boom/bust cycle with your bollocks in this thread.
1. Post some nonsense soundbite you've seen elsewhere.
2. Have it debunked/discredited/generally torn apart by people who actually understand what they're talking about.
3. Complain about lefty liberals shutting down opposing views as if facts are open to interpretation (alternative facts?). Throw in a claim of objectivity to suggest you're on some kind of moral high ground.
4. Ignore all reasoned and sourced explanations as to why you're talking shit.
5. Wait a while and return to step 1.
Are you not bored of it yet? Because it's bloody boring to read and tends to distract from an otherwise useful and informative thread.
You just don't get it. There's a reason why you are up there with the worst payers in this thread (you may be caf poster of the year elsewhere). Rado nails it....Anyways, look, I have no skin in the game, I couldn't give a shit about America and it's politics tbh - but the blinkers and righteousness by lefties liberals is so damaging to themselves. What's the point shouting down ppl with a different or opposing view and then wondering what happened when they just can't be bothered and just vote with their feet instead (see Modi, Brexit, Trump).
It is like an equivalent of the Scouse boom/bust cycle with your bollocks in this thread.
1. Post some nonsense soundbite you've seen elsewhere.
2. Have it debunked/discredited/generally torn apart by people who actually understand what they're talking about.
3. Complain about lefty liberals shutting down opposing views as if facts are open to interpretation (alternative facts?). Throw in a claim of objectivity to suggest you're on some kind of moral high ground.
4. Ignore all reasoned and sourced explanations as to why you're talking shit.
5. Wait a while and return to step 1.
Are you not bored of it yet? Because it's bloody boring to read and tends to distract from an otherwise useful and informative thread.
Look at this plonker.
He was born in 1942 so yes, he would very old in 2020.Isn't Biden even older than Trump? Him running (winning) in 2020 would be utter madness.
Look at this plonker.
I know, even worse is how many agree with him too. That's pretty scary tbh.
Talking of scary, Rush Limbaugh said the other day that Hurricane Irma was a liberal hoax and he's just evacuated his home and studio in Florida to head to safetyScary, but I also found it pretty funny.
Does that even surprise anyone?? Trump lying = Scousers saying next year is their year.
Ok guys - lemme just join in:
Omg hahaha Don Trump he has pics on his desk the wrong way around and watches porn all day!hahaha
Omg Drumpf is soo thick and tweets like a kid - hahaha
Am I doing this right?
Ok guys - lemme just join in:
Omg hahaha Don Trump he has pics on his desk the wrong way around and watches porn all day!hahaha
Omg Drumpf is soo thick and tweets like a kid - hahaha
Am I doing this right?
Imagine if even one person stayed around because they believed him. If it happened, I'd say Limbaugh should be sent back.
Hurricane Whut?