The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: Clay who knows Trump really well as he was on two series of The Apprentice with him.

This is apparently completely genuine. Seriously :lol:
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:lol: no, I think we're safe for the time being.

I condemn violence against human beings and property. I think protestors who don't are in danger of losing the moral ground. But civil disobedience in pursuit of a moral good should be fine.

I agree about the civil disobedience and I think picketing is a powerful tool, but downing confederate statues is much more than civil disobedience. You know the other nutters are going to come down in numbers with guns and stuff

Ugh! Seriously disturbing viewing and it just shows how social media, especially Facebook, can be used to help manipulate and target millions of voters. I think it also means we can finally put to rest the who is to blame for Trump's win question. It's Mark Zuckerberg!

Ugh! Seriously disturbing viewing and it just shows how social media, especially Facebook, can be used to help manipulate and target millions of voters. I think it also means we can finally put to rest the who is to blame for Trump's win question. It's Mark Zuckerberg!

Sorry, what exactly is the problem with this?
Even though the man called Mexicans all sorts of things and couldn't go 2min without talking about how Muslims would blow up America unless the travel ban was put in place I still feel as this is the moment where he truly laid out all his cards on the table. Before he could point to for example the gang violence and drug import in the US and the ISIS attacks in Europe and go, 'this is why we need the wall and the travel ban', and while all of it was very transparent he could still get away with it.
But now he has not once, but twice showed where he truly stands by defending those Nazi cnuts, and there is no poor excuse to hide behind anymore. Thankfully he seems to be getting more criticism for this than ever before and hopefully more senators and other officials will be lining up to say that he's way out of line.

I can't for the life of me understand where he's going with this and what he's trying to do though.
He is stuck between the two sides of the right. The right is divided between its establishment and its more extreme groups. He needs the former as it holds political power that he needs but the latter forms a big part of his support and more importantly, shares the same love for the Anti PC, "just saying as it is" movement. He doesn't want to lose them and his staff keep trying to steer him towards the traditional establishment. Something will have to give sooner or later.
Sorry, what exactly is the problem with this?

:wenger: There's nothing wrong with the video (I didn't say there was) It's just some valuable insight in to how groups of voters were targeted with selective adverts right down to certain colours being picked. It also shows how powerful social media, especially Facebook, was in getting Trump elected, and how it's going to continue being in the future. So whilst the video itself is informative, it's quite scary because of how powerful the tool is and how it's being used.

Trump's core base is found on Facebook, the reason his numbers stay steady around 34% is because many of them follow him on Facebook and get their news and information from Facebook. If you want to know what the problem is there, go and check it for yourself, but be warned, it's not pretty.
:wenger: There's nothing wrong with the video (I didn't say there was) It's just some valuable insight in to how groups of voters were targeted with selective adverts right down to certain colours being picked. It also shows how powerful social media, especially Facebook, was in getting Trump elected, and how it's going to continue being in the future. So whilst the video itself is informative, it's quite scary because of how powerful the tool is and how it's being used.

Trump's core base is found on Facebook, the reason his numbers stay steady around 34% is because many of them follow him on Facebook and get their news and information from Facebook. If you want to know what the problem is there, go and check it for yourself, but be warned, it's not pretty.

I don't get what is so disturbing about it, was there something preventing the Clinton campaign using the exact same means to get her message out? Or Romney and Obama last time around? It's the type of stuff that has gone on during political campaigns forever, it's just been adapted to a new digital platform.
I don't get what is so disturbing about it,

I think that's half the problem, it's so normal now it's just accepted and brushed over or even worse, ignored with a virtual shrug of the shoulders. Many people don't even see it as a problem which just shows how normalised this is and that is 100% not right at all. Personally I think the targeting and spreading of false information is extremely disturbing. I especially think how they deep dive in to your personal information/situation to target individuals, families and groups is incredibly disturbing. The fact it has been going on for years doesn't make it right, nor does it make it any less worrying, and yes it will be used in the future, we just have to learn how to educate people to be aware of it and to ignore it and not fall for it.
Slavery by native Indians? That's a new one.

Probably bs.

It's not. Slavery was practiced by many North American Indian tribes. You're probably not even considering probably the biggest North Amerindian state that institutionalized slavery, the Azteks. Mexico is in North America.

Rest of the interview wasn't much better from her. Additional context is that she was the one who wagged her finger in Obama's face
There was something Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper read that indicated that the White House was shocked not that Trump could say what he said but that he did it in public. He says stuff like that in private all the time. Not sure which newspaper it was though.
Get it right guys....

“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville
Stuff like this is just too much. Could we (that is: the media) just stop paying any attention to bullshitters like those?
Why? You need to call bullshit out as bullshit.
But you also give the bullshit an audience, even multiply its reach via retweeting, quoting, blogging it. I'm rather convinced that containment is the best way to deal with bullshit, you can't reason with the bullshitters anyways.
Even though the man called Mexicans all sorts of things and couldn't go 2min without talking about how Muslims would blow up America unless the travel ban was put in place I still feel as this is the moment where he truly laid out all his cards on the table. Before he could point to for example the gang violence and drug import in the US and the ISIS attacks in Europe and go, 'this is why we need the wall and the travel ban', and while all of it was very transparent he could still get away with it.
But now he has not once, but twice showed where he truly stands by defending those Nazi cnuts, and there is no poor excuse to hide behind anymore. Thankfully he seems to be getting more criticism for this than ever before and hopefully more senators and other officials will be lining up to say that he's way out of line.

I can't for the life of me understand where he's going with this and what he's trying to do though.
It's because Nazis were a white people problem.

No one gave a shit when it was Mexicans or Muslims.
But you also give the bullshit an audience, even multiply its reach via retweeting, quoting, blogging it. I'm rather convinced that containment is the best way to deal with bullshit, you can't reason with the bullshitters anyways.
Shining a light on it works even better.
100%. Anyone that is a self-professed neo-Nazi, white supremacist etc. is a wankstain of the highest order. A gathering which has that as the majority group should be vilified in the strongest possible manner.

Trump is also a racist, bigoted, corrupt, ignorant knobend who no doubt sympathises with them and may well support their cause. However, I do think he has a small point worth making,j and it's the one she's taking issue with. He's making it for all the wrong reasons, and he's right to be called out on it, but I think it's important to use words carefully and I don't think she did.

To say that all Neo-nazis are bad people is true, in my perspective. However, the idea that every person in that rally is a Neo-nazi and/or a bad person by default is erroneous. Some people are not firmly on one side or the other and get caught up in a movement for reasons they don't understand, but certainly don't qualify as them being a supporter of the core ideology inspiring it.

To me this is a beautiful video:

Is he a bad person when he considers joining the movement? Is he a good person when he's forced to confront the issues in it and he repudiates it? I'm of the viewpoint that things are not black and white in either case. I also take the view that a black and white perspective, with a careless attitude to the facts and an inflammatory communication style is part of the problem. There's some evidence to support that too.

I watched that video too. I think a lot of the people at that rally could have done with watching it. However, I'm less hopeful that there's on the fence people among them than you are. They went on a night-time torch-lit mob walk, after all. They're pretty committed to it.
"Nobody knows Nazis better than me."

"I have black Nazis friends, white Nazi friends, yellow Nazi friends. I even have a small person Nazi friend, great guy that one, the greatest."
"Hitler...there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in ONE afternoon! TWO coats!"

Ugh! Seriously disturbing viewing and it just shows how social media, especially Facebook, can be used to help manipulate and target millions of voters. I think it also means we can finally put to rest the who is to blame for Trump's win question. It's Mark Zuckerberg!

The counter point being Trump didn't have these facebook analytics for the primaries and I believe Cruz did?

Vile cnut.
Those that support him are either, thick cnuts, racist cnuts or corrupt cnuts.
Shining a light on it works even better.

What's the proof for that? The evidence suggests that people don't care much for facts and people are inclined to believe what they want to believe irregardless. I reckon spreading information like this is unlikely to do much good other than make people on the other side feel good about themselves.
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