The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Kelly Ann trying her best to hit a new low...

There are memes already, but my favorite reply was 'she probably already had them printed out for the President's briefing.'

Four words that rhyme, perfect for the low attention span/intelligence Trump supporters to remember and mimic. They don't even have to know what the words mean.
Odious piece of shit that I'd enjoy a couple minutes in a locked room with.

“This whole white-people business, though, does get a little tired, Charlie,” King said. “I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?”

“Than white people?” Hayes asked, taken aback. “Than Western Civilization itself,” King said.
This whole "Western Civilization" narrative is getting very uncomfortable. It's becoming almost militant. How long before we get these types of morons talking about "reclaiming our civilization"?
The assumption that all Trump supporters are less intelligent than those who voted for Clinton, for one. That vile, pompous thought train has entered this station many, many times now.

If someone kept dipping their hand in a blender would you question their intelligence?
The air of superiority in here from so-called liberals and progressives is astounding at times.
It's easy to see why it is like that though.
The president and his people are objectively lying all of the time and you can prove it by having a look at what the same people said just last year, last month or even last week, it's even in videos most of the time. Then they have a tendency to say things that doesn't make sense objectively either. Like when Conway came out with her alternative facts. When you routinely go around saying oxymorons or contradict yourself two minutes after your initial statement people will start to get fed up with you. And this is before we even touch upon policy. These are things both sides of the aisle should agree on.
Of course people can disagree about policy, that's expected, but when the current government caters solely to the 1% but their own goddamned followers are too thick to realise they're the ones taking the hit, it's sort of hard to sustain any kind of sympathy.

In the end, if we at some point decide democracy isn't really very good anyway, this will be the presidency mentioned in all the textbooks discussing why we couldn't be bothered with it after a couple of centuries.
If someone kept dipping their hand in a blender would you question their intelligence?

I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.
It's easy to see why it is like that though.
The president and his people are objectively lying all of the time and you can prove it by having a look at what the same people said just last year, last month or even last week, it's even in videos most of the time. Then they have a tendency to say things that doesn't make sense objectively either. Like when Conway came out with her alternative facts. When you routinely go around saying oxymorons or contradict yourself two minutes after your initial statement people will start to get fed up with you. And this is before we even touch upon policy. These are things both sides of the aisle should agree on.
Of course people can disagree about policy, that's expected, but when the current government caters solely to the 1% but their own goddamned followers are too thick to realise they're the ones taking the hit, it's sort of hard to sustain any kind of sympathy.

In the end, if we at some point decide democracy isn't really very good anyway, this will be the presidency mentioned in all the textbooks discussing why we couldn't be bothered with it after a couple of centuries.

But haven't all administrations been like that, though? It's easy to look back upon Obama's reign through rose-tinted glasses but let's not forget that many white liberals within the Democratic Party and along its periphery, especially, were disappointed come the end of his second term in office, believing it was a case of a missed progressive opportunity having began so hopeful. This was the message of why Sanders ran in the first place.
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast.

Hillary is irrelevant in the discussion of Trump's presidency. Forget about her.

There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Have you been paying any attention to what's been going on? Just yesterday Trump's own son provided evidence of foreign interference.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.

Are you suggesting that everyone should just ignore everything that's going on and pretend all is well in some vain hope of bringing hard right voters over to a more liberal way of thinking?
The assumption that all Trump supporters are less intelligent than those who voted for Clinton, for one. That vile, pompous thought train has entered this station many, many times now.

What is vile and pompous about thinking people who voted such an obvious incompetent into such an important position made a stupid decision?

It's a bit of a leap to go from that to assuming they're stupid in more general terms but I haven't read many (any?) comments on here along those lines.
But haven't all administrations been like that, though? It's easy to look back upon Obama's reign through rose-tinted glasses but let's not forget that many white liberals within the Democratic Party and along its periphery, especially, were disappointed come the end of his second term in office, believing it was a case of a missed progressive opportunity having began so hopeful. This was the message of why Sanders ran in the first place.
Are you honestly suggesting all administrations are objectively shit to the extent this one is? They aren't showing the WH press briefings anymore, they're criticising the media (except for certain outlets) the whole time, they have even fired the director of FBI who was looking into some of its members and the list goes on. This is completely unprecedented in a western democracy and it sounds more like something that would happen in Turkey in the current climate.

And what about Obama's two terms? It's not what we're discussing. This is about Trump.
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.

Erm, he is a fecking lying dickhead?

It's got nothing to do with Clinton, I don't give a feck about Clinton, my ill feeling towards Trump has nothing to do with the election, the electoral college or anything of that ilk.

How can you say there is no proof of administration mismanagement? What an unbelievable statement. I'm listening to the administration's own words with my own ears and it is absolutely being mismanaged, how can you even begin to claim otherwise?
Have you been paying any attention to what's been going on? Just yesterday Trump's own son provided evidence of foreign interference. ?

Exactly! :lol: We've literally just had a glaring admission?!

Are you suggesting that everyone should just ignore everything that's going on and pretend all is well in some vain hope of bringing hard right voters over to a more liberal way of thinking?

This is something we've read countless times in this thread from people that claim to be moderate or centrist on American politics, they're actually just shy right wing supporters. I don't get how someone making statements like those I've just witnessed can genuinely claim to be otherwise. Trump voters claim victory for anything and everything. People want me to believe that by sitting here and taking it on the chin when Trump Jr makes such stark admissions that we might see people swing from the right on the next election for being good sports? These people despise everything the left stand for, only (anecdotally) without as much sound logic as I'm seeing from people opposing Trump elsewhere on the political spectrum. You could say this statement re-enforces @Buchan point about an air of superiority, but all I can do is keep my eyes and ears open and make a call. I'm not saying I'm better than the average Trump supporter, but I've certainly set out to make sure I'm more informed.
There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Were you off-planet the last few days?

This story is very real. Just because Trump and his cohorts scream "Fake News! Anonymous Sources! Russia hoax!" it doesn't make it true. People absolutely need to approach every development with a critical eye but as it stands the smoke around the Trump team is all consuming.

More than that it's the well established pattern of deception by team Trump that spells out the bigger picture. Innocent people do not continuously mislead, obfuscate and deceive.

The assumption that all Trump supporters are less intelligent than those who voted for Clinton, for one. That vile, pompous thought train has entered this station many, many times now.

Regarding your point on the superiority in this thread and people viewing Trump supporters as being less intelligent I can kind of see your point. There has been a level of that (less in here but very much so on social media) however I feel that's borne out of frustration more than anything truly malicious.

It's very difficult to sympathise with people who voted for such an odious man who was also quite obviously a snake oil salesman. It's infuriating when people are taken in by a clear charlatan and are either incapable or unwilling to see the truth.

I found a quote in another thread that explains this quite well. It's by some chap called Buchan and is taken from the McGregor/Mayweather thread. Just replace McGregor with Trump:

McGregor is the antithesis of classy. I wouldn't be one to stereotype, but a study of McGregor's fanbase is the closest I've seen to a hive mentality with McGregor their Queen Bee. They lap up everything he tosses their way and is never, ever wrong about anything. Ever. Quite peculiar to say the least.
A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast.

I can't stand the Clintons, hope I never see any of them in politics again. Don't count myself as left or liberal in any strict sense either. In terms of Trump's actual stated policy agendas, there are some I could get on board with, most I'd be indifferent to, and some I'd oppose. Like with most potential candidates probably.

The level of vitriol directed at Trump is down to Trump himself - the type of man he projects himself to be and the growing cult associated with that image, and the methods he's used to launch and pursue his political career. If he's the victim of a 'witch hunt' then he only has himself to blame - perhaps he shouldn't have spent the last eight years or so pushing conspiracy theories, abusing anyone who has the nerve to criticise him, and going on and on and on and on about how fecking great he is. Put aside Russia, Mexicans, Muslims, healthcare, climate change and whatever else and you're still left with the type of personality that asks to be targeted, that naturally provokes resentment and the desire for that moment of schadenfreude.
It's a bit of a leap to go from that to assuming they're stupid in more general terms but I haven't read many (any?) comments on here along those lines.

I'd happily go there. They continue to support a moronic habitual liar who is in the process of trying to remove healthcare access from millions of people and damage the worlds efforts to fight climate change. He's a self obsessed ego driven monster, and that's just fine with them. Either they themselves are monsters or they're very stupid.

I could (maybe just) forgive people who voted for the asshole and didn't realize what they were getting and now regret it. People who have watched 6 months of this carnival and are still behind him deserve everything they get.
One of the things that makes this whole saga bizarre is how Trump is getting to spend so much time watching tv.

Being president is meant to be an incredibly stressful, time demanding job where you barely get much spare time as you're too busy consumed in the duties of being president.

I just hope in the future, it does not set a precedent with future presidents who may be tempted to make their lives easier by delegating too much of their responsibilities to their VP and other WH employees and treat the role in a cavalier way.
The assumption that all Trump supporters are less intelligent than those who voted for Clinton, for one. That vile, pompous thought train has entered this station many, many times now.

That assumption holds for enough people that put him in power.

The issue is the blue team vs red team nonsense.

I haven't met any intelligent Trump supporters. Not one. I loosely know hundreds of Conservatives/Republican voters.

Swing voters that voted Trump and continue to back him because their guy won, are the genuinely stupid people.

Republicans that keep backing their team through their Moyes-era are less so.

The only people I have any time for are Republicans that are anti-Trump. Even if they voted for him.

I'm neither Democrat or Republican. I'm just pro common sense.
The level of vitriol directed at Trump is down to Trump himself - the type of man he projects himself to be and the growing cult associated with that image, and the methods he's used to launch and pursue his political career. If he's the victim of a 'witch hunt' then he only has himself to blame - perhaps he shouldn't have spent the last eight years or so pushing conspiracy theories, abusing anyone who has the nerve to criticise him, and going on and on and on and on about how fecking great he is. Put aside Russia, Mexicans, Muslims, healthcare, climate change and whatever else and you're still left with the type of personality that asks to be targeted, that naturally provokes resentment and the desire for that moment of schadenfreude.

This is absolutely spot on. Trump brings it all on himself then cries like a baby and tries to act the victim and play the martyr, but he's far from that at all. Just look at how spiteful Trump has been and continues to be to Obama. He publically slagged Obama off to the entire world last week at the G20, what kind of person does that? Let alone someone who is supposed to be the President of the United States of America. Obama followed Bush and had more reason than any President in modern history to bitch and moan about his predecessor but he never once did (that I am aware of) He may have moaned about policy and the financial state things were in, but he never came out and bad mouthed Bush. That's class, that's having manners and being a responsible and respectable person. Trump knows nothing about that, and why do it anyway, Is it because Obama is black?

Then look at how he has treated Clinton, someone who was apparently his friend. He still continues to go after her after running an entire campaign on the policy of LOCKING HER UP! yet the first day in office he said she had suffered enough and he wouldn't want to do that, but he still attacks her at every given opportunity. Why? Because she's a woman? It's ok though because many of his supporters have bought in to it all, they think Obama ruined the country, they actually think the world hated him, despite evidence pointing firmly to the opposite. They think Clinton should be in jail, and they want to ban Muslims from the country.

Trump has not acted responsibly since he took office. Any responsible President would have taken office and got on with things, they would credit the current financial and jobs situations and they would say they want to improve it. Trump has done nothing except destroy things Obama put in place and try to pass a Muslim ban and put someone on the Supreme Court. He hasn't bothered to fill half the positions in his cabinet yet he continually goes at the Dems for obstructing his picks. He has embarrassed himself and his country on numerous occasions, he has upset nearly every country and leader on the planet, and he has isolated himself and the USA at both the G7 and G20 meetings. They think the USA should bully the rest of the world because it's so superior to everyone else, so it's no surprise they like having a bully for President, someone who barges his way to the front of the queue for group pictures, yet last week at the G20 he was the next to very last person on the left of the group when the picture was taken. Does the leader of the free world do that? Obama would have been front and centre, not because he would rudely push his way there, but because he would be invited to stand there and he would look natural whilst doing so.

But yeah, he's winning! So much winning, wow! #MAGA!
Were you off-planet the last few days?

This story is very real. Just because Trump and his cohorts scream "Fake News! Anonymous Sources! Russia hoax!" it doesn't make it true. People absolutely need to approach every development with a critical eye but as it stands the smoke around the Trump team is all consuming.

More than that it's the well established pattern of deception by team Trump that spells out the bigger picture. Innocent people do not continuously mislead, obfuscate and deceive.

Regarding your point on the superiority in this thread and people viewing Trump supporters as being less intelligent I can kind of see your point. There has been a level of that (less in here but very much so on social media) however I feel that's borne out of frustration more than anything truly malicious.

It's very difficult to sympathise with people who voted for such an odious man who was also quite obviously a snake oil salesman. It's infuriating when people are taken in by a clear charlatan and are either incapable or unwilling to see the truth.

I found a quote in another thread that explains this quite well. It's by some chap called Buchan and is taken from the McGregor/Mayweather thread. Just replace McGregor with Trump:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Brilliant, says everything it needs to say!
One of the things that makes this whole saga bizarre is how Trump is getting to spend so much time watching tv.

Being president is meant to be an incredibly stressful, time demanding job where you barely get much spare time as you're too busy consumed in the duties of being president.

I just hope in the future, it does not set a precedent with future presidents who may be tempted to make their lives easier by delegating too much of their responsibilities to their VP and other WH employees and treat the role in a cavalier way.

Don't forget playing golf too. :lol:

Seriously now, his reaction time to items on the news is uncanny. He must have the TV on all the time. I wonder how much sleep he is getting?
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.

Nah I hate Trump because he's a lying, vindictive, racist, vile, hypocritical, sexist, disgrace of a human being.
And I don't think too highly of Hillary either, but Trump is genuinely pathetic.

The right are getting a taste of their medicine that they've dished out on the likes of Obama for years, and no surprise they don't like it.
Trump as a person:
Lies daily.
Offends someone daily.
Trump supporters:
That's ok, he's MAGA.

Trump attempting to improve perception of America around the globe:
Hated by the majority in the majority of countries bar Russia and Turkey
Ridiculed by other leaders
Barging through a leader of a UN country
Making a fool of himself on the world stage at every opportunity
Trump supporters: That's ok, he's got my back

Trump on improving lives of his supporters:
KKK members - he's actually done well there.
Says everyone will be covered by a beautiful healthcare plan. Now supports a plan that will result in 20,000,000 people losing coverage. His voters hit most.
Pulled out of climate deal. Red states will be hit hardest due to climate change.
Tax breaks for the super rich including himself. Net losses for low income people.
Trump supporters: That's Ok, he's got my back. :wenger:

I will turn this around on his supporters. Their hate of Obama and Clinton, for some fueled by skin color and stone age mentality of a woman's place, is so strong that they are willing to ignore all of this and so much more. They go from hating Russia to loving loving them in the space of a month when their supreme leader tells them to. Did you know Republicans view Putin more favorably than Obama? That is insanity.

You forgot white text after the bit on the administration mismanagement.
One of the things that makes this whole saga bizarre is how Trump is getting to spend so much time watching tv.

Being president is meant to be an incredibly stressful, time demanding job where you barely get much spare time as you're too busy consumed in the duties of being president.

I just hope in the future, it does not set a precedent with future presidents who may be tempted to make their lives easier by delegating too much of their responsibilities to their VP and other WH employees and treat the role in a cavalier way.

Don't forget his 37? 4 hour "meetings" at his golf course resorts.
Nah I hate Trump because he's a lying, vindictive, racist, vile, hypocritical, sexist, disgrace of a human being.
And I don't think too highly of Hillary either, but Trump is genuinely pathetic.

The right are getting a taste of their medicine that they've dished out on the likes of Obama for years, and no surprise they don't like it.
Are you sure it's not because Clinton won the popular vote :lol:
I don't know where you live or how many Trump supporters you've come across, @Buchan, but I live in the south and have come across plenty. Literally, of all those who voted for Trump, I only know one who is politically intelligent. I've heard it all from Trump supporters from the whataboutisms, disregarding all of his lies while making fun of news organizations for lying (especially when they have no evidence of it; just hearsay and conjecture ;)), using Venezuela as the poster child for universal health care, thinking a border wall is a logical solution, saying "God bless Trump" or "God has provided us with Trump", crying about not wanting to pay for other citizens' benefits as they drive on public roads, use public facilities, benefit from labor laws, and so on, claiming they've never acted in rage against Obama when I've known many people who have literally wanted to see Obama assassinated, to their denying of climate change and NASA data and skepticism of science as they use and benefit from many things that science has brought them, thinking NASA is a big conspiracy to steal money, arguing that Earth is 6000 years old.... the list can go on and on. And these are things I've witnessed in person. Online Trump supporters are most of these and then some.

Long story short, it's actually okay to feel justifiably smarter than Trump supporters politically speaking. I feel no remorse. And no, I'm not a liberal or Democrat before you even try.

Edit: The amount of them who believe in crazy conspiracies. You know... things with no proof, evidence, and is based off conjecture.
One of the things he/the right derided Obama for too.

I don't think hypocrisy is a real thing anymore.
Yes. I really have no problem with Carter, Bush, Obama, Trump playing once in a while. They have a stressful job and need to try and relax. But the hypocrisy is maddening. He hates Obama deeply and for whatever reason he and his supporters think Obama didn't have a place on a golf course. Perhaps they'd be ok with him caddying?
I don't know where you live or how many Trump supporters you've come across, @Buchan, but I live in the south and have come across plenty. Literally, of all those who voted for Trump, I only know one who is politically intelligent. I've heard it all from Trump supporters from the whataboutisms, disregarding all of his lies while making fun of news organizations for lying (especially when they have no evidence of it; just hearsay and conjecture ;)), using Venezuela as the poster child for universal health care, thinking a border wall is a logical solution, saying "God bless Trump" or "God has provided us with Trump", crying about not wanting to pay for other citizens' benefits as they drive on public roads, use public facilities, benefit from labor laws, and so on, claiming they've never acted in rage against Obama when I've known many people who have literally wanted to see Obama assassinated, to their denying of climate change and NASA data and skepticism of science as they use and benefit from many things that science has brought them, thinking NASA is a big conspiracy to steal money, arguing that Earth is 6000 years old.... the list can go on and on. And these are things I've witnessed in person. Online Trump supporters are most of these and then some.

Long story short, it's actually okay to feel justifiably smarter than Trump supporters politically speaking. I feel no remorse. And no, I'm not a liberal or Democrat before you even try.
Where are you from? Guess many are the typical Redneck.
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.

Well to be fair i think you do have a point. The left in the US can seem "elitist" at times, and instead of meeting the concerns of people who voted for Trump, they instead replied with snarling contempt after the election.

That being said, Trump is just a vile, horrible human being and a completely incompetent politician. So yes while the reactions can seem extreme at times his presidency has been one disaster after the other.

Dont agree with your last paragraph though, if anything, Trumps presidency will only galvanize and strengthen the left, because except being a racist he has done nothing and has nothing in common with his core voters
Where are you from? Guess many are the typical Redneck.
I live in Tampa, Florida currently. But you only need to drive short time out of any city in this state and it's Redneck Riviera. I spent some time growing up in the Florida panhandle too and I've had classmates — young girl who is a church-goer specifically comes to mind — saying she wanted to assassinate Obama a few months after he was elected. It wasn't even second term Obama that she was saying this about!
I'm not suggesting Trump is perfect. Far from it. Clinton was equally a poor candidate, for me, however. A lot of the Trump hate appears to stem from the fact that he beat her fair and square in an election her and her cohorts were deemed victors of before a ballot had been cast. There's been an orchestrated campaign against Trump's presidency since early November with cries of foreign interference, administration mismanagement etc., yet no proof of any of this exists, just hearsay, conjecture and 'anonymous sources'.

Can you, or anyone else here, see the harm this is doing the Left and how it is solidifying Trump's hand within his already feverish support? There's a 'Boy who called wolf' element to all this, and I just hope for the liberal/progressive element, it's highlighted before it's too late.

Nah, that's what Trump supporters think we hate about him being President, hence why whenever you question them they go on the 'you lost libtard' offensive.

None of us that want him gone/bankrupt/dead give a shit about Clinton or the election result, especially if we're not American and we're happy to admit she was an awful candidate. I can't stand the woman and she epitomises slime. Americans were truly in a bind when it came to picking between them.

We hate Trump because he's a lying, cheating, misogynistic, race-baiting, hypocritical shitehawk. He's a vile human being and he proves it every day.

Trump supporters will continue to see the boy cried wolf schtick and will continue to solidify their own beliefs and support for him and that's fine. They've made their bed and they're lying in it. You pick a side and you stick with it for as long as it lasts, that's respectable even if the other side sees them as ridiculous. And no, not all of them are braindead, brainwashed, blind-following hicks but a sizeable portion that we see in the media and online certainly are.

You mention there being no evidence which is the time honoured call from a Trump fan but for fecks sake, do you not understand how an investigation works? The FBI and the SIC aren't going to publish a daily play by play of what they've been investigating and what they've found and nothing is going to come out until they finish with their reports and that might take years yet. I hope it doesn't because I want Trump out as quickly as possible but nobody knows how long this will take. I can only guess that it'll take longer than we think. If there was NOTHING to look at I daresay everything would be over and done with already and Trump supporters would be lording it over the rest of us until the end of time but the investigations are still going on

Meanwhile investigative reporting will get us little snippets of things worth knowing hence why we have a clear picture of all the meetings that Trump campaign members and cabinet members failed to disclose with Russian businessmen and government officials tied to Putin. The fact that they keep finding things points to a bigger picture very slowly revealing itself.

I'm quite willing to admit that despite these ties there could still be absolutely nothing to it all but when they've openly lied, deceived, misled the public and also the government in confirmation hearings/security clearance briefings and then they've been found out afterwards by the media to have lied it paints a very prominent picture of the way they've behaved. They're not even very good at covering their tracks or reacting when they get caught out.

It's worth pointing out though that we all definitely know the Russians meddled in the election somehow, it's indisputable. Whether Trump and his team personally allowed it or took part in it is what is up for finding out.
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