Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

Armani’s playing a high risk strategy throwing names out.
If I'm the traitor who isn't Armani or Linda, I'd be starting to ready the bus to put them under
I remember this coming up before, but I don't remember the reasoning behind it, you know the last two people who show up at breakfast, as they're kept at the end as they were up for being murdered, doesn't that clear them?
What's even the point of throwing fellow traitors under the bus? This time traitors don't get revealed right?
I remember this coming up before, but I don't remember the reasoning behind it, you know the last two people who show up at breakfast, as they're kept at the end as they were up for being murdered, doesn't that clear them?

Yeah, that is one thing they need to improve on. I do think that last series one of the traitors was one of the last ones who showed up at breakfast but could be wrong as it was a year ago.
Yeah, that is one thing they need to improve on. I do think that last series one of the traitors was one of the last ones who showed up at breakfast but could be wrong as it was a year ago.
They specifically changed it last year so people arrived in groups as opposed to one at a time so as to try get around that problem from season one.

But if the last group is just the ones they were considering murdering anyway I’m not sure how it helps?
Spoiler episode 2

Charlotte is making way too much of a meal out of things. And is annoying me so please get banished! Armani is being way too mouthy, telling the othersthey need to be as well! If im Minah id get Linda onside and get her banished
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Yeah usual assortment of people that seem quite likeable and relatively normal, and the weirdos that are instantly annoying by overcomplicating things or putting a target on their backs. Be surprised if Linda survives the vote, the way she sounded so defensive.
Minah just needs to jump on the Armani Out bandwagon now. Armani is being far too outspoken.]
I liked how in the mission they introduced an opportunity for the traitors to sabotage it.

If this is something that is present in other missions, then I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for the faithful to get some clues.
Don't think this needs a spoiler as it's just an opinion I'm still on episode 1.

The 3 off the train will turn up later on in some capacity. Seem to remember it done before ?
What's even the point of throwing fellow traitors under the bus? This time traitors don't get revealed right?

I don't really get this rule. If a traitor is caught, they will have to say that they were an innocent? What's the point, therefore, of them even being asked when they leave? Seems a weird one.
I don't really get this rule. If a traitor is caught, they will have to say that they were an innocent? What's the point, therefore, of them even being asked when they leave? Seems a weird one.
It’s only in the final. They’ll just leave without confirming so faithfuls won’t know if they successfully got rid of one.
That turn on thd word traitor was so clear.
I agree!
It always amazes me when they don’t seem to return to someone they suspected of being a traitor at the next round table. The fact that they voted out a faithful - and that person pointed the finger at Linda would surely mean you would suspect her more?

Will see what happens in Ep3 - but both the faithfuls that were voted off voted for Linda.