Originally posted by vijay_vr:
what are the answers which created more questions?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Christ man, all the given reasons are subjective opinions based upon qualitative evidence, which is in itself misleading and normally due to it's very nature brings up more questions than it solves. I have provided quantative evidence that is almost totally objective in regard to the comparison between the number of goals Scholes and Ronaldihno have scored in their respective leagues.
Yes, of course, the measure is not totally objective in that the leagues are different, the team mates are different, the positions are different, but it IS the most quantative evidence available on the matter.
It in itself because of the slightly qualitative nature of the differences and the subjectivity required to make sense of it gives rise to questions such as him being used out of position etc. But it is the most empirical evidence there is. Opinions people have after watching the two players play a lot is not empirical, it's interpretive.
Stop talking like you have empirical evidence for the suitability of Ronaldinho for United, you dont. That's what I mean, we cant, and the only way to get a better idea is by asking more questions, and trying to find more and more qualitative evidence to thn interpret and ask again.
Some people on here, not me, think that he is over rated. They dont make their case properly either IMO.
I'm not trying to make a case either way. I'm asking questions trying to use both the qualitative and quantative evidence there is. If 99% of 1000 posters here said yes, he's the best thing for us, and they truely based their opinions of actually watching him and not from what they read or other second party material, then I would say yes. We haven't got to that point though yet.
Happy now?