The People's President
What did you think of L'armee des ombres, spoony?
Haven't seen it. I've only seen a few old French movies. Loved Les Enfants du Paradis.
Recommend me some, M160RA.
What did you think of L'armee des ombres, spoony?
I saw that movie, and i loved it, pitty the yanks did Vanilla sky
this is the movie i was talking about:
is an almodovar film
I haven't seen it.
I've got Devil's Backbone on DVD. Not seen it yet. Is it any good?
Haven't seen it. I've only seen a few old French movies. Loved Les Enfants du Paradis.
Recommend me some, M160RA.
loved that movie, like most almodovars films
At least one of his films deserves to be on the list:
Talk to Her
All About My Mother
Bad Education
matador is another great almovovar movie
Haven't seen it yet. Speaking of Spanish films, what did you think of the Motorcycle Diaries?
Hammer Michael
Dr. Dwayne
Ivor Ballakov
I'd have added Melb Red, but he's not around thesedays.
So, it's final. Agreed?
We can wait for him to do it. Or we can ask someone else.
I have no idea who is on the panel now and who isn't. Please update the list Spoony.
Geebs, you've raised a good point that the list shouldn't be the author's favorite but there are lots of good movies out there that many (or even one) on the panel might feel was a brilliant movie in every sense but didn't get the recognition it deserved. In the end, we want to list the best 100 movies we've seen which is why it'd be a good idea to watch lots of movies in the next month.
but surely a groundmaking movie or one that made a big impact on the movie world should take preference over some russian movie. Id like each person to be able to comfortably argue the case of each movie they nominate rather than "it was good" for i could say that about 1000's of movies not 100
Unless that 'some Russian' movie is by Tarkovsky, I presume(who was very influential by the way). I hope you're not limiting yourself to Hollywood films, Geebs. And as I said earlier if we're simply looking at films that were ground breaking/highly influential, then we'll end up with a top ten of Tarkovsky's Kurosawa's or Hitchcock's films. I think influence is one category, but there are so many others.
I agree, very wankable.
Unless that 'some Russian' movie is by Tarkovsky, I presume(who was very influential by the way). I hope you're not limiting yourself to Hollywood films, Geebs. And as I said earlier if we're simply looking at films that were ground breaking/highly influential, then we'll end up with a top ten of Tarkovsky's Kurosawa's or Hitchcock's films. I think influence is one category, but there are so many others.
So is this going to be a recognised sub-genre that has to be included in our choice? If so, I nominate the lesbian scenes in Bound and Mulholland Drive right now!
off course there are and rightly so but i think any movie that influenced other movies or was groundbreaking at the time deserves extra merit. They are not all going to be like that off course as we are looking for the "best" movies. However, 1 mans opinion is going to sway from another mans opinion so imho we need some kind of structure to the final 100. I want people to convince me why they feel a particular movie should be in the final cut rather than just throwing obscure names around.
oh and i just took 'russian' at random.
why do we have to send a pm out? id say everyone who is on the list has already seen this thread anyway
Yes, I realised that, but the point I was making is that there are plenty of brilliant films made outside of English speaking nations, they may not be mainstream, but fans of movies will no doubt have seen him. . .or at the very least heard of them. Side notish - Tarantino's been heavily influenced by Takeshi Miike's work. . .and he's plagiarised a few Eastern films, too. They may not have been big in say the US and the UK, but they've clearly been influential to Western cinema and have sizeable following here (and not just in the East.)
As for trying to convince you. . .well my suggestion is that you actually watch the film for yourself first(if you've not actually watched the film), then I suppose you could agree or disagree. As for the structure. . . it's all about opinions, isn't it? which is why we've got 20 people making a list. I'm sure we all won't totally agree with each other's list, but at least we'll have variety.
RedNome, be a pal and send out the PMs please.
fecking cnuts, the lot of you.