Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

If you've read the original Sherlock Holmes stories, you would struggle to like this movie. The director has tried to take the movie just like the stories; Holmes observing the scene and taking notes, and not discussing much with anyone at the scene, then in the end reveals everything.

Fight scenes were a pisstake.

Edit: I remember watching a Sherlock Holmes movie in Hallmark. I really liked it.
The Social Network 10/10

Holy shit, what a film. What. A. Film.

Best movie of the year by a mile.
The social network Found it really difficult to get excited by the prospect of a film about Facebook, but i have to admit, it was fantastic.9/10.

Winters bone a slow paced and bleak story. But contained some very good performances. 8/10

boy This is how you make a feel good movie. very funny. 9/10
This needs a general release, many people will miss this gem, same with winter bone.
No Country For Old Men

Quality film. Love every aspect of it, not your conventional ending, but it was really well thought out and very good. Some awesome moments in it throughout.
How to Train Your Dragon - Brilliant. Fun. Entertaining. The animation's good as anything I've seen in animated movies. Highly recommended family entertainment.

Looking for Eric - Loved it. 'I'm not a man...I'm Cantona!'
Thirst - It started off well but after that I was unsure about it for a got better towards the end though. It was pretty entertaining and never really got dull, even though it seemed to drift a little at I still have some mixed feelings about it, but mostly positive. Song Kang-ho was decent as always.

Avatar - I acquired it with the best possible quality to sort of replicate the effect a bit...and it was a nice experience, despite the fact it got a bit tiring after one hour...and the fact that you could basically figure out the entire plot of the movie 5 minutes into it.

Barry Lyndon - It's up there with 2001 and The Shining as my three favorite Kubrick films. Visually fantastic.
Barry Lyndon - It's up there with 2001 and The Shining as my three favorite Kubrick films. Visually fantastic.
Interesting. I thought it was great to look at, but I lost interest about halfway through. I'd put it next to Eyes Wide Shut as my least favourite Kubrick film.
Pretty In Pink: Somehow I missed this until now, despite seeing most of John Hughes' other films from the mid eighties - early nineties.
It was very enjoyable, and it was nice to see John Cryer play a likeable character as Duckie. Apart from Hot Shots, I'd not seen him in anything but the awful Two & a Half Men.
It's the usual cliched love story, teen angst stuff. Somehow John Hughes always seemed to do it well and this film is no exception. In my opinion, it's well worth a watch.
The Expendables.
Was not expecting much from this bunch of ageing action hero's , but it was OK.
Plenty of blood , bullets and explosions and some good fighting , considering there age.
Mind you Sly's running was comical
The brief apperance's of Arnie and Bruce were just rubbish , gave nothing to the story apart from them being on the credits.
The story was very weak
BUT I did enjoy it and would watching again.
The best part of the film was the old Catalina flying boat.

Pretty In Pink: Somehow I missed this until now, despite seeing most of John Hughes' other films from the mid eighties - early nineties.
It was very enjoyable, and it was nice to see John Cryer play a likeable character as Duckie. Apart from Hot Shots, I'd not seen him in anything but the awful Two & a Half Men.
It's the usual cliched love story, teen angst stuff. Somehow John Hughes always seemed to do it well and this film is no exception. In my opinion, it's well worth a watch.

as well as a great soundtrack
The Secret in Their Eyes Argentinian thriller about big concepts like "passion", "justice" and "love". Sounds horrible, but it was actually very good.

Pandorum Sci-Fi flick about space travel, aliens and all that. Decent watch I guess.

The Last Emperor It took me about an hour to get used to the silliness of the actors talking in English with a Chinese accent instead of them speaking their native language (with subs), but I guess you couldn't have that in a Hollywood production back then. Overall a quality film.

The Untouchables Having seen it a long time ago, I remember this as a good film. Re-watching it, I just couldn't enjoy it. Kevin Costner paired with over-emotional music makes for many cringe-worthy moments. I think this is the film with the worst use of music I have ever seen. Also, for a film with actors like De Niro and Connery there's some atrocious acting going on. To be honest I didn't even finish watching it.
i'd disagree massively with that! Definitely a 7.5 at least for me.

Was an enjoyable watch i thought.

Well, I'm guessing you fell asleep when you watched it, because it was hilariously bad. It was two hours close-up on Ben Affleck saying the cheesiest lines whilst also showing the world that his directing skills equals his piss poor acting.

The only thing that was slightly captivating with this "Failing a Narrative: for dummies" is that it's actually been made. With USAs studio-mentality I'd guessed this film would get killed at the script, but unfortunately, I guess it has slipped under the radar.
The Untouchables Having seen it a long time ago, I remember this as a good film. Re-watching it, I just couldn't enjoy it. Kevin Costner paired with over-emotional music makes for many cringe-worthy moments. I think this is the film with the worst use of music I have ever seen. Also, for a film with actors like De Niro and Connery there's some atrocious acting going on. To be honest I didn't even finish watching it.

I hate that film. I've never seen such unrealistic characters in what is supposed to be a serious film.
Well, I'm guessing you fell asleep when you watched it, because it was hilariously bad. It was two hours close-up on Ben Affleck saying the cheesiest lines whilst also showing the world that his directing skills equals his piss poor acting.

The only thing that was slightly captivating with this "Failing a Narrative: for dummies" is that it's actually been made. With USAs studio-mentality I'd guessed this film would get killed at the script, but unfortunately, I guess it has slipped under the radar.

I hate that film. I've never seen such unrealistic characters in what is supposed to be a serious film.

Seriously, get over yourself.

EDIT: I've just quickly checked around for reviews and ratings for the Town - 7.7 on RT and 8.0 on IMDb, perhaps not as 'hilariously bad' as you make out.
Seriously, get over yourself.

EDIT: I've just quickly checked around for reviews and ratings for the Town - 7.7 on RT and 8.0 on IMDb, perhaps not as 'hilariously bad' as you make out.

Neither RT or IMDB has ever been representative of what good films are.

I'd also be annoyed of my assertive ways, but when I'm right I'm right. If you'll ever watch it again, try and watch with your head and not your eyes and you'll see that this equals my shitty drawings of bunnies when I was six. And believe you me, people said that my bunnies was fantastic as well.
Seriously, get over yourself.

EDIT: I've just quickly checked around for reviews and ratings for the Town - 7.7 on RT and 8.0 on IMDb, perhaps not as 'hilariously bad' as you make out.

I thought about watching The Town, but I got the impression they showed half the film in the trailer. Is this a fair assumption?
Thirst - It started off well but after that I was unsure about it for a got better towards the end though. It was pretty entertaining and never really got dull, even though it seemed to drift a little at I still have some mixed feelings about it, but mostly positive. Song Kang-ho was decent as always.

I enjoyed it, was quite different from what I was expecting and the female lead was fantastic in it.
Neither RT or IMDB has ever been representative of what good films are.

I'd also be annoyed of my assertive ways, but when I'm right I'm right. If you'll ever watch it again, try and watch with your head and not your eyes and you'll see that this equals my shitty drawings of bunnies when I was six. And believe you me, people said that my bunnies was fantastic as well.

Firstly RT and IMDB may have their knockers but they're generally a good way to get an idea of how a film is received - you gave the Town a 1 which is clearly not an accurate representation of the film. I understand that reviews are all about opinions but sometimes it's hard not question somebody elses. You clearly have a poor opinion of Ben Affleck so why bother watching a film that not only contains him but is directed by him? It is exactly what it sets out to be - not ground breaking, not controversial just a good watch with a decent storyline.

I thought about watching The Town, but I got the impression they showed half the film in the trailer. Is this a fair assumption?

nah I wouldn't say so, i wasn't so sure about it with the trailer but when I watched it really enjoyed it.

The social Network. Really enjoyed it. Jesse eisenberg does a great job.

Saw this too last night, I went in with little to no hope of it being a decent film - how wrong I was! Enjoyed every bit of it and would definitely suggest seeing it, i know there will be a few who disregard it due to it being a 'facebook' film but its about much more than just facebook.
Cadavres - A French Canadian film that tells the story of a estranged brother and sister brought together by his killing of the mother, their attempt to bury the body leads them onto a journey of more death, 100 piglets, a drug deal gone bad and a hearty proportion of incest (bolded for Spoony). It's a reasonably well played out farce with a few very funny moments and well worth a watch.

The social Network. Really enjoyed it. Jesse eisenberg does a great job.

Just finished this and I thought it was very good.
1. Firstly RT and IMDB may have their knockers but they're generally a good way to get an idea of how a film is received - you gave the Town a 1 which is clearly not an accurate representation of the film. I understand that reviews are all about opinions but sometimes it's hard not question somebody elses.

2. You clearly have a poor opinion of Ben Affleck

3. so why bother watching a film that not only contains him but is directed by him?

4. It is exactly what it sets out to be - not ground breaking, not controversial just a good watch with a decent storyline.

1. It obvious that our preferences in films are completely different.

2. My main problem with Ben Affleck is "The Town", and I didn't know he'd be in it.

3. Free Screening

4. That's my biggest problem with this film, it fails where it tries.

I enjoyed this. Yes it does have some clunky dialogue, the characters are a bit stereotypical and the story's been around for ever but it's well done and for the most part, well acted.

I'm like most people in that I generally don't 'get' Ben Affleck but like Gone Baby Gone he's delivered something that's extremely watchable.

It loses a whole point for having the worst closing line ever. In the history of talkies.
