Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Personally Id go with 4 out of 10. Rubbish. Films like this enhance my belief that the movie Idiocracy is actually a true story.......

That Arnie bit about being the president :lol:


It was always going to be a film where the plot, script and acting was second fiddle to explosions, fights and gunfire. That's what I was expecting and I found it enjoyable.

Were you expecting something a bit more highbrow?
Probability of me watching Scott Pilgrim now approaching zero. I didn't like Watchmen or Sin City either.

I thought Sin City and Watchmen were very boring but really enjoyed Scott Pilgrim.

Having since skimmed through bits of the comic it seems very different from the film. The film seems to have much more in common with the tv show Spaced. I'd recommend it if you liked the show.
Tell No One 8.5/10 A good murder mystery thriller. French. Really good dialogue, nice plot, very good movie.

The Social Network 7/10 Watchable. Interesting to see how facebook was made. Good bit of overdramatisation, but the basic premise is there.

Invictus 8.5/10 Great movie, great cast, great story.

Red 4/10 Terrible slow moving plot, terrible effects, even with the great cast.
Red 4/10 Terrible slow moving plot, terrible effects, even with the great cast.

Again not expecting much from this ageing cast.
But I enjoyed it , the story was good and the acting was good.
Worth 2 hours of anybody's time


I saw this last night. I was expecting it to be awful, but I actually enjoyed it. It doesn't take itself seriously and if you switch off your brain and don't ask too many questions then it's worth a watch.

It starts off very well with Bruce Willis and Mary-Louise Parker being the main focus of the story (she reminds me of Carrie Fisher). This was the most entertaining portion of the film for me. When John Malkovich got involved, I found his character to be a bit hit and miss. He was either mildly amusing or annoying!

When the whole cast teamed up for the last third of the film, it switched back into top gear and became quite enjoyable again.

I would probably rate it somewhere between the reviews above. Not worthy of an eight, but nowhere as bad as a four.
Wall Street - Money never Sleeps ( it would if it had to sit through this film! )

Michael Douglas was quite good, but it was nowhere near as good as the first film - in which Charlie Sheen was actually quite good too - but I didn't particularly like either Shia Leboeuf of Carey Mulligan

Wall Street - Money never Sleeps ( it would if it had to sit through this film! )

Michael Douglas was quite good, but it was nowhere near as good as the first film - in which Charlie Sheen was actually quite good too - but I didn't particularly like either Shia Leboeuf of Carey Mulligan


I would give it the same rating, Shia Leboeuf for christ sake why? Totally a missed oppurtunity of a film, the whole collapse could have made for a very interesting movie.
I'm still convinced that a sequel to Wall Street with a cheesy subtitle like 'Money Never Sleeps' that has Shia Leboeuf in it is a prank. There's no way its real, you're all just trying to trick me.
The Town.

Entertaining and very watchable movie, will probably be one of the best movies of the year but it wasn't as if I was blown away by it. A solid session at the cinema though.

I'm still convinced that a sequel to Wall Street with a cheesy subtitle like 'Money Never Sleeps' that has Shia Leboeuf in it is a prank. There's no way its real, you're all just trying to trick me.

Yeah, when I heard the name I immediately thought it was going to be shite. Then I heard Shia was in it, and thought it couldn't be serious... Not that I think he's shit, but he's not right for that kind of movie.
Vampires suck, 7/10. It's not going to challenge Airplane! for top parody, but its a refreshing antidote to the twilight stuff, and exposes a lot of the absurdity. Ken jeong's presence is always a bonus.

It's twilight zone up in this.

I swear to GOD I've never ever heard Ken Jeong's name before, but as soon as I read it in your post I knew exactly who you were talking about... And a quick google of the name proved me right. fecking hell I should become a psychic.
Yeah, when I heard the name I immediately thought it was going to be shite. Then I heard Shia was in it, and thought it couldn't be serious... Not that I think he's shit, but he's not right for that kind of movie.

he wasn't right at ALL.

Josh Brolin, Frank Langella , Michael Douglas, all very good, but those other two really let it down ( and made Charlie Sheen seem far better in the original than he possibly was )
Kikujiro - Warm and enjoyable film about a boy who goes looking for his mother, who's he's never met during a summer vacation. Kitano plays the lousy ex-yakuza who accompanies him on the trip (the character was apparently based on his own father) and is very funny at times.
TSPDT - The 1,000 Greatest Films: The Top 400 Films (1-25)

Not many omissions on this one as it's rounded up by using all the lists, so it's pretty solid unless you like incredibly obscure independent and foreign films.

Yeah, very good list. Great to see two Mizoguchi films in the top 100.

I don't really get what's so great about The Rules of the Game that supposedly makes it one the best movies ever...The Searchers wasn't all that either.

Due Date:6/10 (if you've seen both trailer, you've pretty much heard all the good jokes already)

Hereafter: I'm not going to give this one a rating because it's too hard to. You can say it's the most boring film of all time or one of the greatest made, depending on your take on how Eastwood tackles the concept of death.
The wildest dream: conquest of Everest

Saw this today on an IMAX screen. Documentary about George Mallory's attempts to reach the summit and Conrad Anker's attempt to recreate Mallory's 1924 climb using 1924 equipment. Did Mallory reach the summit? Whatever happened, it was a remarkable effort to get so close.


Tamara Drewe

Posy Simmonds's reworking of Hardy's Far from the madding crowd. Bathsheba Everdene, Gabriel Oak, Troy, Boldwood and Fanny Robin are all modernised. What's new is a couple of teenage girls who move the plot along, and an earnest token American with writer's block.



This is the biopic, and apparently it takes a few liberties with the truth. Alternatively, watch his Belmont win (by 31 lengths) on youtube. Diane Lane is suitably elegant as the main human character.

Due Date- 5/10 - I like Robert Downey JR but the film needlessly focuses on "Alan from the Hangover" who really is a one trick pony. He functions better as a background character than a lead character in movies. The director has clearly used his Hangover character and milked his one liners. Thats all thats funny about this film....the one liners. The swearing. The storyline is shit, "the same director who brought you the hangover"...if this is what he had to put to make people go see this then clearly HANGOVER 2 is going to be piss.
Ending was dire too. Really wish i went to see Jackass 3d instead
Due Date- 5/10 - I like Robert Downey JR but the film needlessly focuses on "Alan from the Hangover" who really is a one trick pony. He functions better as a background character than a lead character in movies. The director has clearly used his Hangover character and milked his one liners. Thats all thats funny about this film....the one liners. The swearing. The storyline is shit, "the same director who brought you the hangover"...if this is what he had to put to make people go see this then clearly HANGOVER 2 is going to be piss.
Ending was dire too. Really wish i went to see Jackass 3d instead

Agreed. Very unorginal with lots of old tired jokes...just the odd funny moment.
Double Review of Judah -


Utter shit. Had to turn it off mid way through and out of morbid curiosity managed to finish it off the next day. Tries and fails miserably to recapture the atmosphere of the first film. The acting is universally shite with Adrien Brody woefully miscast as a black ops bad ass doing a silly Christian Bale'esque gruff voice to emphasise how hard he is. The rest of the characters were as cliched and insulting as you would expect.

0/10 It didn't get a single thing right.


Probably made more enjoyable that it was watched after the previously reviewed shit-fest but truth be told it's no more than an average movie. Malkovich, Mirren & Freeman phone in performances. Willis can still play a tough guy to decent effect, even when he's given little to work with as he is here. The plot is as predictable as you might expect with a pointless twist and an even more pointless love interest for old baldylocks. Seriously, who was that woman and what was the point of her? :confused:

5/10 And that's being generous.
The Escapist

Brian Cox is a top actor and he's got a good material to work with in this one. Quality flick, good story and a heartbreaking ending.


Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

Based on the early 80s book by Chuck Barris, the American TV personality, where he claimed that he had lead a double life by working as a top CIA assassin in between his dating show gigs. Ridiculous and very entertaining. Sam Rockwell's best role to date, and Clooney's debut as a director. Liked it a lot.

The wildest dream: conquest of Everest

Saw this today on an IMAX screen. Documentary about George Mallory's attempts to reach the summit and Conrad Anker's attempt to recreate Mallory's 1924 climb using 1924 equipment. Did Mallory reach the summit? Whatever happened, it was a remarkable effort to get so close.


Tamara Drewe

Posy Simmonds's reworking of Hardy's Far from the madding crowd. Bathsheba Everdene, Gabriel Oak, Troy, Boldwood and Fanny Robin are all modernised. What's new is a couple of teenage girls who move the plot along, and an earnest token American with writer's block.



This is the biopic, and apparently it takes a few liberties with the truth. Alternatively, watch his Belmont win (by 31 lengths) on youtube. Diane Lane is suitably elegant as the main human character.


The Archer book on Mallory was pretty good.
Beneath Hill 60

On recommendation of Scoreboard Red , I watched this.
Fantastic film , no special effects or big names.
About the first World War and the tunnels that Australians built under the German front lines.
Hill 60 was one of the German main holds and it was blown up in the biggest explosion the world has ever seen.
9/10 highly recommend watching it.
Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

Based on the early 80s book by Chuck Barris, the American TV personality, where he claimed that he had lead a double life by working as a top CIA assassin in between his dating show gigs. Ridiculous and very entertaining. Sam Rockwell's best role to date, and Clooney's debut as a director. Liked it a lot.

Great movie. Rockwell makes you both hate the character but love the stuff he gets up to, and got a few nice cameos from a few people. I'd give it a 8 or 8.5
Enter The Void - A great but flawed film. Set in the desolate neon landscape of Tokyo with focus on drugs, sex and the after life. My eyes are still a bit worn out by all the flashing lights. Visually fantastic, psychedelic, engrossing, indulgent...The first parts of the film were really good but it was was way too long in the end, about an hour or so to precise. I have a feeling this is an extreme case of the type of movie you either like or hate with a passion.

Dersu Uzala - Capitan! Capitan! One of Kurosawa's most accessible films, with themes like the ruthlessness of nature and friendship. I liked the shot when they were sitting by a fire alongside a stream talking about the anger of fire, water & wind...then a gust came and blew at the opposite way the stream was going, almost putting out the fire.
Saw 3D
I've liked most of the saw films, and i was a fan of the main story throughout the series, but this film i was extremely dissapointed, it seems they didnt bother with the storyline and just concentrated on getting the most gory traps for the 3d effect. I guessed the ending after i saw the last films ages ago, it was pretty obvious. They hardly had anyone of jigsaw, the best character, in the film which was disappointing as despite what happened to him in the earlier films he still remained a presence through other films.

Avatar 7/10

It wasn't good. But it somehow was. I watched the extended version and despised the first 45 minutes as hackneyed garbage. But somewhere I became engrossed in it. I'm not entirely sure how, probably something to do with my own personality and beliefs, but it happened.

Damn you Cameron.