Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


I enjoyed this. Yes it does have some clunky dialogue, the characters are a bit stereotypical and the story's been around for ever but it's well done and for the most part, well acted.

I'm like most people in that I generally don't 'get' Ben Affleck but like Gone Baby Gone he's delivered something that's extremely watchable.

It loses a whole point for having the worst closing line ever. In the history of talkies.


He was the bomb in 'Phantoms', yo.
The Expendables

Weak plot. A lot of loopholes in the story. A lot of cheesy moments.

But they blew shit up. Which was refreshing to see.

The massacre by the docks

had me whooping in the theater.

This doesn't get an 8 cause they couldn't fit Steve Austin's trademark move into the plot. I think him giving Sly the 2 fingers, kicking him in the nuts and stunning him would have been orgasmic.

The Box. The 20 minute Twilight Zone episode is good but after that it becomes really stupid and really boring. 3/10

The Hole. Joe Dante has made a good, spooky little film. Recycles a lot of horror cliches but does them better than most other imitators. It's aimed at a younger audience but it's suprisingly creepy and unsettling for a 12A certificate. 7/10

Hunger. Brutal, unflinching look at Bobby Sands imprisonment. It's striking to look at, obviously shot with a visual artist's eye. I'm no expert on The Troubles and the film doesn't really attempt to fill in any blanks - concentrating more on the individuals involved and the punishment that takes place. Really interesting film 8/10
A Prophet

If there's a better film about prison life I can't think of one. The first half hour - when the main protagonist is eaten up and spat out by the system - is so uncomfortable and oppressive I actually felt claustrophobic. Two and a half hours long but grips you from start to finish, with one of the finest individual acting performances I can remember at it's core. Outstanding.


What you talkin bout Girish?

Anyone who's read the Sherlock Holmes novels & stories definitely wouldn't have liken the movie.
The Social Network

An engaging tale. Good performances all round with Zuckerberg portrayed unflinchingly as a vindictive uber geek and a delighfully sleazy turn from Justin Trousersnake.

Added bonus in that after watching it I immediately felt like deleting my Facebook account.
A Prophet

If there's a better film about prison life I can't think of one. The first half hour - when the main protagonist is eaten up and spat out by the system - is so uncomfortable and oppressive I actually felt claustrophobic. Two and a half hours long but grips you from start to finish, with one of the finest individual acting performances I can remember at it's core. Outstanding.


On your recommendation, I watched this movie.

Brilliant taste Pogue. 9.5/10
I finally watched Inception.

I felt like it could have been cut down by about 15 minutes, but other than that, very good.

Leo Di Cap is a solid actor

Paranormal Activity: What was all the fuss about? Not scary in the slightest.
The Social Network Boooooooooooooooooring. Hardly very dramatic or interesting. None of the characters were particularly interesting and most of them were downright dislikable. 5/10

Read the wikipedia page and save yourself and hour and a half.
Hm, I could have sword you weren't one of the stupid/rude people on the caf. I'll update the list.

Twasn't rude, I was just doing my Ed Harris 'Glengarry Glen Ross' impersonation. It's hard to read via the medium of text.

That said I do appreciate the irony in your above post. The pen is mightier than the sword an all that....
Inception - I thought it was OK. I didn't find it confusing at all and would have liked some more depth and other things but after all it's a mainstream blockbuster. The fighting scenes were really cool. At one point it suddenly turned into your average action movie and started to drag a little. So yeah, a very good film but not really an all-time great one.

The Great Silence - Decent spaghetti western set in mountainous, blizzard-ridden landscapes...accompanied by a fitting score by Morricone. The bleak, depressing ending was superb and Klaus Kinski was great as the villain.

The Social Network - R.Nilsson7 likes this. 7 out of 10.
Vampires suck, 7/10. It's not going to challenge Airplane! for top parody, but its a refreshing antidote to the twilight stuff, and exposes a lot of the absurdity. Ken jeong's presence is always a bonus.
Watched Scott Pilgrim last night. What a pile of steaming boring shite that was.
You have to be into comic books or something. Or only comic book fans like it.

And yeah, fecking shite.

I'm arguably the most avid comic book fan on the caf, but a shit film is a shit film. Worst I've seen all year.
I'm arguably the most avid comic book fan on the caf, but a shit film is a shit film. Worst I've seen all year.

Yeah, that was a bit of a weak defence by the lovers, to be fair. I loved Watchmen for example, so it's not like I don't like the genre.
Comic book/graphic novel to film adaptations.

Watchmen wasn't sci fi though. It was big blue man with huge cock genre.

For me I see the content as different to the medium. I know what you originaly meant but it narrows the broad spectrum of the various comicbook genres. For instance nobody thinks that when they watch Road to Perdition when that was a comic originally. Anyway I was just being anal.
For me I see the content as different to the medium. I know what you originaly meant but it narrows the broad spectrum of the various comicbook genres. For instance nobody thinks that when they watch Road to Perdition when that was a comic originally. Anyway I was just being anal.

Yes, which is why it's such a blanket statement to make when people say only comic book fans'll like Scot Pilgrim. To be fair, it clearly looked like a comic book adaptation even though it was far too heavy handed(yes we know it's a comic book...). Then again, so was Sin City, but it was done with more style. Movies and comic books are different mediums....which is why I wished Scott Pilgrim hinted at its comic book background rather than ram it down our throats.

And you're gay.
Yes, which is why it's such a blanket statement to make when people say only comic book fans'll like Scot Pilgrim. To be fair, it clearly looked like a comic book adaptation even though it as far too heavy handed(yes we know it's a comic book...). Then again, so was Sin City, but it was done with more style. Movies and comic books are different mediums....which is why I wished Scott Pilgrim hinted at its comic book background rather than ram it down our throats.

And you're gay.

You too big blue cock watcher.
What's the difference between graphic novels and comic books, just a more fancier word?

Nothing it was just a publishing ploy to make collected comic books seem more like high literature instead of kiddy fare.
Probability of me watching Scott Pilgrim now approaching zero. I didn't like Watchmen or Sin City either.
I watched Saw 3D last night - it was feckin' ridiculous, and the gore was even more enhanced.

I laughed and looked away all the way through - so i suppose it acheived what it's supposed too.

The 'twist/ending' is a bit shite though.
The Expendables

Weak plot. A lot of loopholes in the story. A lot of cheesy moments.

But they blew shit up. Which was refreshing to see.

The massacre by the docks

had me whooping in the theater.

This doesn't get an 8 cause they couldn't fit Steve Austin's trademark move into the plot. I think him giving Sly the 2 fingers, kicking him in the nuts and stunning him would have been orgasmic.



Personally Id go with 4 out of 10. Rubbish. Films like this enhance my belief that the movie Idiocracy is actually a true story.......

That Arnie bit about being the president :lol: