The People's President
I've got Devil's Backbone on DVD. Watched it for 30 mins but I just couldn't get into to it. Is it any good?
Then again, it parallels what's happening in the world today. US for example, not allowing nations they deem a risk to national security, to have nuclear weapons.
No-one sensible allows a nation they deem a risk to national security to get nukes. Not if they have the power to stop them. It's common sense.
Worth it if you persevere, I really enjoyed it but in terms of genre its not really describable as a wholeI've got Devil's Backbone on DVD. Watched it for 30 mins but I just couldn't get into to it. Is it any good?
Very much looking forward to seeing this one.No Country for Old Men
It was Fargo all over again. Are there any Fargo fans here? They'll love this movie. I'm not a Fargo fan.
Anyway, Bardem was great. The first hour of this movie great and then it was just one anti-climax after another. I left the theater feeling cheated out of a good movie.
Modern Times - Fantastic. Probably enjoyed City Lights a tad more, though.
Spoony made you wet?Think I'm going to have to dig out my old Chaplin VHS's...or invest in the DVD box set. You've wetted my appetite Spooney!
Be interesting to see what you make of The Great Dictator.
No Country for Old Men
It was Fargo all over again. Are there any Fargo fans here? They'll love this movie. I'm not a Fargo fan.
Anyway, Bardem was great. The first hour of this movie great and then it was just one anti-climax after another. I left the theater feeling cheated out of a good movie.
I'd love to see what the studio's original version of the movie was.Touch of Evil was very good. Cinematically it was a masterpiece. Not very dissimilar to The Third man, with the titled camera angles and use of light.
I'd love to see what the studio's original version of the movie was.
Probably. At first the studio edited their version. Welles sent them a 60 page memo saying what needed to be changed. For the DVD they went through and based on that memo tried to reconstruct that movie. It's closer to Welles version, but I don't know if it's 100% his vision.I think I downloaded Welles's vision.
I'll probably give it a watch. Looks to be decent enough.I'm in two minds as to whether to see I Am Legend, but have never been sure about Will Smith...thought he was great in Enemyof the State, but can't bear his 'comedy'.
Anyone seen it or thinking of seeing it?
Loved the book...unsure of film.
Spoony, you have a 1000+ posts in this thread. You sad man.
mehro, you have counted at least 1000 of someone else's posts in this thread. You sad sad man...![]()