Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Aladdin - Did this have production problems or something? Did Guy Richie clash with the studio about how to approach this? It was horrendous. Like a bad panto but without any of the fun or charm of actually being at a panto. So much is just straight copied from the original animation, forced in whether it fits in or not. Will Smith is caught between trying to be Robin Williams and failing, and being himself which is annoying. Jafar is exceedingly dull as well, he could at least ham it up. Terrible as well as pointless.
Just watched Alladin. I loved it and thought Will Smith did a good job. The actors that played Alladin and Jasmine did a great job bringing those characters to life as well. There wasn't enough Iago though, that was a letdown. The highlight of the musical numbers for me was the performance of 'a whole new world' and the new Jasmine solo song 'Speechless'. 7/10
Alien 3 (1992)

Rubbish compared to the previous two.

Gloria Bell Great score on Rotten Tomatoes but how wrong can you be? The premise wasn't great - divorced middle aged woman who likes to go to 70 style disco clubs occasionally - but it is so much worse than you could imagine. Possibly the dullest film that I have ever watched. Just about nothing ever happens and when it does it is at a glacial pace and you don't care about any of the characters anyway. The total lack of chemistry between the main characters makes it almost awkward to watch. Avoid at all costs. You have been warned. 0/10

I wasn't expecting to like this because although the trailer looked cool (who can resist the A24 logo made up of skateboards?) but it seemed a little too much like Kids to take seriously.

And, yes it is heavily inspired by Kids (there's even a cameo appearance by Harmony Korine) but it is a much tamer, gentler, arty, inverted version of Kids, with more emphasis on skating than drugs/sex.

Jonah Hill's style is what makes this film - he is definitely one to watch for the future - what a fantastic debut. It's shot in the square aspect ratio and looks like 16mm - that captures sun-bleached 90s LA beautifully. And the performances Hill gets from the kids adds to a very raw, real-feeling movie.

The only downside - the story is quite a formulaic coming-of-age story but Hill hits the usual beats in ways you don't expect.

Very original and enjoyable and the music is fantastic.

Is it the one where the alien gets sucked through a tiny hole in the window at the end?

Because that one was horrendous.
An Alien running around a prison planet with bad actors and a thin plot. What's not to like?
I also saw Aladdin. And I feel as the defacto deal breaking arbiter (of at least this page) I take great relish in definitively stating that Aladdin (2019) is absolutely, incontestably, uncontraversially ... Aladdin.

It’s definitely Aladdin. You’ve seen Aladdin, right? Of course you have. Well its that. Very much that. But with humans. With hair and everything. Only it has a slightly more feminist Jasmine (which worked) and a weirdy sexy Jafar (which didn’t) and with Will Smith playing the Genie exactly how you’d imagine Will Smith would play the Genie...which is actually kinda charming when you go with it. Because Will Smith is actually kinda charming, when he’s not making terrible serious films. Which anyone who grew up in the 90s (who’d ironically also be the very same people potentially annoyed by the remaking of Aladdin!) would already know. So... yeah.... that’s fine.

The dodgy CGI from the trailers though? Yeah, they didn’t fix that. It looks really weird and cheap all the way through.

It’s probably the second best Disney live action remake so far. Technically the best, considering The Jungle Book is only very tenuously live action, on account of being 95% animated, and 5% one small child in a nappy.

Is it the one where the alien gets sucked through a tiny hole in the window at the end?

Because that one was horrendous.

No that was the 4th one. The 3rd one was an interesting idea imo, they just got people angry by killing off all the survivors from Aliens (except Ripley). :lol:
No that was the 4th one. The 3rd one was an interesting idea imo, they just got people angry by killing off all the survivors from Aliens (except Ripley). :lol:
Is it the one where she's in the mech robot and throws the aliens into space through the hatch in the end?

I feel like I'm on an alien spoiler alert roll.
Is it the one where she's in the mech robot and throws the aliens into space through the hatch in the end?

I feel like I'm on an alien spoiler alert roll.

That was Aliens (the 2nd one).

This is a pretty similar conversation I had with a friend the other day when it transpires he watched all the Terminator films and had no idea what the actual plot was and kept getting Kyle and John Connor mixed up. :lol:
Dagnabbit, you'll be spoiling the end of Nosferatu next!
Yup. Watching Resurrection tonight, mate.
Are you on the wind-up, mush?

I'd watch Prometheus, if nothing else its visually impressive. Covenant was a gigantic bag of toxic Alien turds. Would not recommend. Probably the worst film of all the franchises.

I found the AvP films entirely stupid but fun nonetheless. As long as you go in expecting them to be dumb then you'll come out entertained.
Hell, I'll watch anything from Cash Generator.
Cannes winners:

Palme d'Or: Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho
Grand Prix: Atlantics by Mati Diop
Best Director: Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne for Young Ahmed
Best Actress: Emily Beecham for Little Joe
Best Actor: Antonio Banderas for Pain and Glory
Best Screenplay: Céline Sciamma for Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Jury Prize: Bacurau by Kleber Mendonça Filho/Juliano Dornelles & Les Misérables by Ladj Ly
Special Mention: Elia Suleiman for It Must Be Heaven
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury: A Hidden Life by Terrence Malick
Alien Resurrection (1997)

Entertaining enough, and far better than 3. Sometimes, it was unintentionally* funny (example: General Perez's hilariously prolonged death).

*Might've been intentional.

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Excited about the new Bong Joon-ho. Whatever the unwieldiness of his films, they've all been brimming with imagination.
No that was the 4th one. The 3rd one was an interesting idea imo, they just got people angry by killing off all the survivors from Aliens (except Ripley). :lol:
The real problem they had was it's the start of where the series became more about Ripley than the Alien. She became too big for the franchise and it got ridiculous. Resurrection took that to it's natural conclusion and turned her into a super hero with fancy powers.

There's actually a screenplay that was written back in the 80's where Hicks and Newt live that they didn't go with. It's been turned into an audiobook by Audible, I think it's coming out soon. It stars none other than the man, the myth, the legend Michael Biehn as Hicks. Their Alien stuff is pretty good actually, they are more like radio dramas than audiobooks. One had Rutger Hauer as Ash, which was odd but cool.
That was Aliens (the 2nd one).

This is a pretty similar conversation I had with a friend the other day when it transpires he watched all the Terminator films and had no idea what the actual plot was and kept getting Kyle and John Connor mixed up. :lol:

Upgrade - Fantastic stuff... Puts most big budget sci-fi films to shame.

The ideas, the set pieces, the camera work and what they were able to achieve, is quite something. Budget Tom Hardy is really good in it too... I might have to start remembering his actual name.
Upgrade - Fantastic stuff... Puts most big budget sci-fi films to shame.

The ideas, the set pieces, the camera work and what they were able to achieve, is quite something. Budget Tom Hardy is really good in it too... I might have to start remembering his actual name.
Have you seen Venom? Not sure who is the budget version these days.
John Wick

With some acting and fine tuning in scripting this could have been decent entertainment. I thought this was a Keanu Reeves' comeback film but I haven't seen such bad acting in a while. Too many stupid things in it (e.g. a guy being hunted and called for by the city mafia rents a noisy flashy Mustang) ruined the movie pretty much for me.
Also the cool at first fight scenes got repetitive.

Avengers Endgame.

After reading some reviews , I was not really expecting that much, but I liked it.
The final fight was pretty epic.
A fat drunk Thor was funny, thought Hulk was a bit of a dick at first, but liked him in the end.
Captain Marvel deserved more than a bit part.
Chris Evans and Jeremy Rimmer both very good.
Wont give any spoilers away about who dies , bit it was done very well, the funeral was emotional.
Capt America lifting and using Thor's hammer was not something I was expecting.
Loved the ending where , Capt America went back in time to put the stones back and stayed to live his life out with his date from the first Capt America.
Was it overhyped , yes of course it was, Never ever ever use time travel in any movie... unless it's a comedy like Back to the Future.
Infinity War I thought was better.

Avenger's Endgame -10,000/10
Biggest steaming pile of inexcusable shite I have ever endured. A trainwreck from beginning to end that managed to just continuously get worse, that proved again and again that less is more, and adding countless random nobodies from other films only proves to show they should all have their own Universe to live in and be safely locked up there and not allowed onto the silver screen again. One can hope it really is the Endgame for all future Marvel films.
Avenger's Endgame -10,000/10
Biggest steaming pile of inexcusable shite I have ever endured. A trainwreck from beginning to end that managed to just continuously get worse, that proved again and again that less is more, and adding countless random nobodies from other films only proves to show they should all have their own Universe to live in and be safely locked up there and not allowed onto the silver screen again. One can hope it really is the Endgame for all future Marvel films.
Dude you just gave it 1000 times the perfect mark, it's like going to yelp and writing a negative review calling it the worst restaurant ever only to give it 5000 stars out of 5