Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The cinema is about other things than storytelling. What you remember from a good film -- and let's only talk about good films, not the contemporary tosh dumbo forces upon himself for some reason, sure we get funny movie reviews but life's too short to watch lousy films, he's welcome to my pad in Amsterdam any time where I've got a hard drive full of primo old, non-narrative shit -- What you remember from a good film - is not the story, but a particular and hopefully unique experience that is about atmosphere, ambience, performance, style, an emotional attitude, gestures, singular events, a particular audio-visual experience that does not rely on the story. - Peter Storey Greenaway

Would you outlaw all commercial film if you were granted the power to do so.
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Actually, my film choices are really examples of subtle post-modern irony: not every cineaste can appreciate Ben Affleck in Aliens vs Mac and Me.
Prometheus (2012)

A disappointment.

Busquets is a better actor than the twits in that film, chief.
Busquets is a better actor than the twits in that film, chief.
fassbender though.. and Idris.. and budget tom hardy! I don't understand how so few people like it. Maybe I need to rewatch it soon, now you're making me doubt myself.
I couldn't find it in the shops, so I bought Alien vs. Predator.
ThatsGreat said:
I don't understand why people don't understand why people care about movie grosses. How else are you going to find out how good a movie has been, Rotten tomatoes/Metacritic can be gamed.

Having a look-see at the actual movie and making a critical judgement would definitely be in my top 20 best ways to find out how good a movie has been. Tarot is another one.

Observing the tides of dirty industry cash advance and recede would seem to me a rather poor way to find out how good a movie has been.
Booksmart Started off badly but did pick up in the second half. Very unevenly paced and the humor is rather hit and miss but it means well and it is worth a watch. 6/10
Which version?

Probably doesn't matter as you have no soul.

Directors cut I am presuming, but don't think it would have made a difference - just found the concept and plot dull. Graphically well shot but just not my cup of tea - couldn't relate to any of the characters. Shame as I do love a good sci-fi film.
The Final Cut is the best version but the original is very different due to the Sam Spade style voice-over.
The cinema is about other things than storytelling. What you remember from a good film -- and let's only talk about good films, not the contemporary tosh dumbo forces upon himself for some reason, sure we get funny movie reviews but life's too short to watch lousy films, he's welcome to my pad in Amsterdam any time where I've got a hard drive full of primo old, non-narrative shit -- What you remember from a good film - is not the story, but a particular and hopefully unique experience that is about atmosphere, ambience, performance, style, an emotional attitude, gestures, singular events, a particular audio-visual experience that does not rely on the story. - Peter Storey Greenaway

The stories told before the flickering flames of the communal fire - our proto-cinema - would sooth that primal, Jungian ache to order and understand the world around us. To regale and to be regaled dear friends is the art of storytelling. The herbert who showed up later on to explain the intricacies of how a Sudoku works was doused in hog fat and thrown into the fire. It was a just time.
fassbender though.. and Idris.. and budget tom hardy! I don't understand how so few people like it. Maybe I need to rewatch it soon, now you're making me doubt myself.
Yes you should - it's really bad. How anyone rates that film is beyond me.
I couldn't find it in the shops, so I bought Alien vs. Predator.
Covenant is even worse than Prometheus. And I don't even think I've seen Covenant.
Having a look-see at the actual movie and making a critical judgement would definitely be in my top 20 best ways to find out how good a movie has been. Tarot is another one.
Phantom Thread - I couldn't help but think that DDL was channeling Richard E. Grant for this role and spent most of the film imagining what it would have been like if Grant had starred in it instead. Anywho, I expected something more visually interesting from a PTA period drama, some more eleborate camera work, Ophüls style and I understand that he didn't want a period drama glow but it looked truly hideous. He also left the kinky shit a little too late.

Saw Us just now and I expected a lot more from it with Get Out still fresh in my mind. The whole premise didn't make any sense. Disappointing. I give it a SteveJ/10.
Phantom Thread - I couldn't help but think that DDL was channeling Richard E. Grant for this role and spent most of the film imagining what it would have been like if Grant had starred in it instead. Anywho, I expected something more visually interesting from a PTA period drama, some more eleborate camera work, Ophüls style and I understand that he didn't want a period drama glow but it looked truly hideous. He also left the kinky shit a little too late.

Interesting, I thought he was channeling Nick Broomfield, complete with tantrums. I liked but didn't love the film, though I hugely admired its construction.

I wouldn't have seen the connection myself but thinking about it now I can stretch a link between the way both Ophuls and Anderson show the to-be-respected at their most disreputable. Churchman, Lola, The Master, duelling gents, etc.
Yeah I reckon it's a crap B movie, wrapped in a good B movie, trying to obscure a madly creative spasm.
That's too meta for me
Well it contains a better rendition of Milton than Phillip Pullman managed and there is a moment when the Davids gaze into one anothers eyes that summons up Caravaggio's Narcissus, with an accompanying double entendre that is so delicious.

But the best moment of all is when the spacewoman Charlie Chaps it on the blood spill and ends up burning everything down. Amazing comedy timing.

What a film.
The lazy reference to HAL, using a Halfords bike dynamo placed next to decapitated David's head...
Well it contains a better rendition of Milton than Phillip Pullman managed and there is a moment when the Davids gaze into one anothers eyes that summons up Caravaggio's Narcissus, with an accompanying double entendre that is so delicious.

But the best moment of all is when the spacewoman Charlie Chaps it on the blood spill and ends up burning everything down. Amazing comedy timing.

What a film.
Wait, wait, I was talking about Alien Covenant here. Blooming french quoting etiquette causing my reading skills to fail.

Watch Alien Covenant steve.

Prometheus is junk.
I'll watch it, safe in the knowledge that, whether it's good or bad, I won't be able to tell the difference.
After seeing the Engineer's impression of Rick Wakeman, I can tolerate anything.