Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

We get it Eddy, you're a very enthusiastic actor. I liked the start, but it devolved into being rubbish.


Rewatched it after, no idea how long, the movie isn't very good, but my God, if the hypothesis behind it isn't true.

Detective Pikachu
The trailers were great, the film was ok. The first act is so slow, with no Pikachu, only a depressing sob-story. The kids at the screening were all getting restless. Once Pika is introduced, the film gets much better but just as it gets to a point where I'm really enjoying it, it goes back to the uninteresting emo moments. needed to be funnier and a slight let-down but kids will probably love it everytime they see a Pokemon on screen 6/10

American Assassin

After the death of his girlfriend at the hands of terrorists, Mitch Rapp is drawn into the world of counterterrorism, mentored by tough-as-nails former U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Stan Hurley. Really strong opening scene, very harrowing. The first half of the film is quite fun but the second half is generic, switch your brain off action. I'm ok with that as that was what I was hoping for 6/10
R.N7 said:
I’d only recommend that film to people who can handle Claire Denis’ style tbh
Such is my movie expertise, I thought she was the mum from Outnumbered.
At Eternity’s Gate - Everything about this was just a tad too overblown. My eyes were rolling as Willem Dafoe was rolling around and throwing dirt in his own face with the score a-blazing.
Bel Ami (2012)

With Robert Pattinson Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci.

Pattinson tries his best but the women, both actresses and characters, steal the show entirely.

Burning - a brilliantly ambiguous and dark relationship drama of sorts from Lee Chang-dong. Starts off with some Murakami bingo - gormless 20 something male weirdly desired by beautiful free spirit, missing cat, lots of jerking off - and manages to really capture his surrealism in way the tumescent adaptation of Norwegian Wood failed to do. Steven Yuen gives one of my favourite performances in a long while as a sociopathic, glassy-eyed spiv.
The Age of Innocence (1993)

Great performances by Day-Lewis, Ryder and Pfeiffer in this 19th-century tale of frustrated love.


The Happy Prince (2018)

This film about Oscar Wilde was a real labour of love, by all accounts, for Rupert Everett. Sadly, it's very bad, especially as Everett's impersonation of Wilde is so dreadful as to be grotesque (in the old sense of that word). I was actually stunned by this movie, in all the wrong ways, and that's a great shame because a) I'm a Wildean, and b) Rupert famously put everything he had into getting the film made.


Nice flick, weird and mysterious.


Sort of a sequel of Resolution, happening in the same area with some characters re-appearing. It was excellent, if you like non-gory mysterious science fiction/horror flicks, might enjoy this one.


Didn't like this one at all, loud garbage. Can't believe Nazis + zombies would be dull.
Burning - a brilliantly ambiguous and dark relationship drama of sorts from Lee Chang-dong. Starts off with some Murakami bingo - gormless 20 something male weirdly desired by beautiful free spirit, missing cat, lots of jerking off - and manages to really capture his surrealism in way the tumescent adaptation of Norwegian Wood failed to do. Steven Yuen gives one of my favourite performances in a long while as a sociopathic, glassy-eyed spiv.
Event Horizon (1997)

Mostly good, occasionally silly.


Valkyrie (2008)


Event Horizon is the definition of schlock. In the best possible way. Great production design. Bonkers film.

Sam Neil in a bloody demonic naked skin suit > Sam Neil in Jurassic Park
'HMV two dvds for ten quid presents Event Horizon: The Shining meets Solaris'.
Prospect - ultra low-budget Netflix sci-fi with a well developed concept, some nifty world building, but let down by sophomoric writing. Pedro Pascal is forced into some risible dialogue but to his credit, mostly pulls it off. Worth watching, rough as some of it is. Also has Jay Duplass and Bubbles from The Wire.
“They’re gonna show the fecking Driller Killer at the fecking Museum of Modern Art, bro!” That’s one of the first things Abel Ferrara says when you meet him, standing in the lobby of the historical institution, flanked by a publicist and someone from the Italian consulate, surrounded by tour groups of young students ranging from middle-school to high-school age and who, it’s safe to assume, have never seen Ferrara violently drill a hole into another person’s head onscreen. (He also plays the title character.) Or, for that matter, watched Harvey Keitel masturbate against a car door, or Laurence Fishburne in a derby hat ask a dying man where his chicken is, or a mute Zoë Lund dressed as a nun and gunning down rapists. (Again, onscreen.)
Burning - a brilliantly ambiguous and dark relationship drama of sorts from Lee Chang-dong. Starts off with some Murakami bingo - gormless 20 something male weirdly desired by beautiful free spirit, missing cat, lots of jerking off - and manages to really capture his surrealism in way the tumescent adaptation of Norwegian Wood failed to do. Steven Yuen gives one of my favourite performances in a long while as a sociopathic, glassy-eyed spiv.
It's so good.
John Wick 3 - More of the same really. Barely any plot, just tons of great action sequences and it finishes before it starts the drag. There was a thing with a horse that didn't really work and a sequence with some glass cases but other than that it's just a lot of fun.
John Wick 3 - More of the same really. Barely any plot, just tons of great action sequences and it finishes before it starts the drag. There was a thing with a horse that didn't really work and a sequence with some glass cases but other than that it's just a lot of fun.

Just got back from seeing it. Enjoyed it, I think the series is getting better film by film and the next one should be interesting following the ending which for obvious reasons I won’t discuss further :).

I’d give it 7.5/10
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Fracture (2007)
Starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling. It is the story of a man who shoots his unfaithful wife, and then engages in a battle of wits with a young assistant district attorney.
Good, twisty entertainment.

@Mystry question for you on John Wick 3:

Do you think Winston really did double cross Wick at the end when he threw him off the roof or would he have known that he would survive and the High Table will be out for mass revenge in the next movie? If so then how does the Bowery King fit in?
@Mystry question for you on John Wick 3:

Do you think Winston really did double cross Wick at the end when he threw him off the roof or would he have known that he would survive and the High Table will be out for mass revenge in the next movie? If so then how does the Bowery King fit in?

To be honest it could go either which I think is the point as it leaves it open for whatever they decide in the next film.
The Laplace's Demon was fun.


It's classic "team of scientists get invited by another scientist to secluded island where they find out an astonishing and impossible secret and get picked off one by one".
Avengers: Endgame

So I watched it again with my boys today and man, did that drag. Apart from the last 40 mins or so when Thanos makes his appearance, it really was quite tedious. Watching a bumbling, overweight Norse God of Thunder having a panic attack, having previously kept the peace in the nine realms for hundreds of years was just about the dumbest thing I've seen on the silver screen. That along with not unleashing the full fury of the Hulk (there was an opening in the plot to facilitate this) and an underwhelming cameo from Captain Marvel were all travesties in the script that were frankly, quite unforgivable. Yeah the tear-jerking moments still managed to hit the spot, even on a second viewing. I'm sure the lady behind us was shedding some tears. I didn't notice the 'girlpower' scene first time round but how cringeworthy was that! Ok, we get it!

I get that everybody on the planet would have wanted to see this but it doesn't deserve top billing in the movie ranks...not by a long stretch. Watching it again, everything seemed so rushed but they did have a lot to cram in. Infinity War/Endgame could/should ideally have been a three-parter to finish this Marvel Phase with the proper love, care and attention that the franchise has cumulatively deserved since Iron Man hit the screens all those years ago.

Now that I've seen it twice, I have no desire to watch it again for a long time...and I've already watched Infinity War about 5 times. Whatever rating I gave it first time, I'll take 2 pts off. If anybody still hasn't seen it yet, you'll be absolutely fine getting to the cinema two hours into this film if you've got other things to do.
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Marathon Man (1976)

Thrilling, chilling, drilling etc.


Nice flick, weird and mysterious.


Sort of a sequel of Resolution, happening in the same area with some characters re-appearing. It was excellent, if you like non-gory mysterious science fiction/horror flicks, might enjoy this one.


Didn't like this one at all, loud garbage. Can't believe Nazis + zombies would be dull.

Loved both Resolution and the Endless. Director made a pretty great love / horror movie between them called Spring, which is worth a watch too
Avengers Endgame.

After reading some reviews , I was not really expecting that much, but I liked it.
The final fight was pretty epic.
A fat drunk Thor was funny, thought Hulk was a bit of a dick at first, but liked him in the end.
Captain Marvel deserved more than a bit part.
Chris Evans and Jeremy Rimmer both very good.
Wont give any spoilers away about who dies , bit it was done very well, the funeral was emotional.
Capt America lifting and using Thor's hammer was not something I was expecting.
Loved the ending where , Capt America went back in time to put the stones back and stayed to live his life out with his date from the first Capt America.
Was it overhyped , yes of course it was, Never ever ever use time travel in any movie... unless it's a comedy like Back to the Future.
Infinity War I thought was better.

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Avengers Endgame.

After reading some reviews , I was not really expecting that much, but I liked it.
The final fight was pretty epic.
A fat drunk Thor was funny, thought Hulk was a bit of a dick at first, but liked him in the end.
Captain Marvel deserved more than a bit part.
Chris Evans and Jeremy Rimmer both very good.
Wont give any spoilers away about who dies , bit it was done very well, the funeral was emotional.
Capt America lifting and using Thor's hammer was not something I was expecting.
Loved the ending where , Capt America went back in time to put the stones back and stayed to live his life out with his date from the first Capt America.
Was it overhyped , yes of course it was, Never ever ever use time travel in any movie... unless it's a comedy like Back to the Future.
Infinity War I thought was better.

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Avengers Endgame.

After reading some reviews , I was not really expecting that much, but I liked it.

Infinity War I thought was better.

Mate, I've seen it and most people probably have but I'd spoiler most of that.

Pet Sematary (2019)
Preferred to the original. The tone was nicely dark, quite suspenseful at times, good acting. The original had some silly character motivations and this lessened that a bit, which was good. However, not scary at all, very slow and the final act could have been a comedy 6/10
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