Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I saw 20 mins of In The Mood For Love today. Looks good so far. Unfortunately I don't get the time to watch entire movies anymore so have to watch then in bits and pieces.
Erm none. But read some good stuff about him.

"Ozu is possibly as well known (if not more) for the technical style and innovation of his films as for the narrative content. The style of his films is most distinctive in his later films, and he had not fully developed it until his post-war talkies. He did not conform to most Hollywood conventions, most notably the 180 degree rule. Also, rather than use the typical over-the-shoulder shots in his dialogue scenes, the camera gazes on the actors directly, which has the effect of placing the viewer in the middle of the scene. Ozu also did not use typical transitions between scenes. In between scenes he would show shots of certain static objects as transitions, or use direct cuts, rather than fades or dissolves. He moved the camera less and less as his career progressed, and ceased using tracking shots altogether in his color films. He also invented the "tatami shot," in which the camera is placed at a low height, precisely where it would be if one were kneeling on a tatami mat."
Japanese cinema was pretty amazing in the 60's by all accounts. There's another Japanese (new wave?) director of the 50's and 60's on my to check out list. I have forgotten his name, though. Made some samurai flicks. No, not Akira.
What about Japanese Drama Serial? Some short 20 odd episodes are mildly entertaining.

Movies I've seen for the past two weeks:

Aragon: Good effort with less emphasis on special effects.
The Covenant: For kids.
Epic Movie: A bit funny. The music video is cute though.
While not a movie review, I would like to say that Saturday, October 13th(in roughly 8 hours) I make my directorial debut. I'm making a short film that I wrote, directed, and produced. This one will be followed up quickly by another one I plan to shoot by the end of the year hopefully.
While not a movie review, I would like to say that Saturday, October 13th(in roughly 8 hours) I make my directorial debut. I'm making a short film that I wrote, directed, and produced. This one will be followed up quickly by another one I plan to shoot by the end of the year hopefully.

I'm not at all jealous in any way. Break a leg.
This is a legit short film too, not just something my friends and I are doing. My gaffer(person in charge of lighting) has been working on movies for 30 years. Just an hour and 19 minutes til call time. I'm a bit nervous.
Excellent stuff, Ole, you lucky bastard. Hope it turns out the way you want it to. (Personally, I'd stick some hot lesbian action in there)
you'll have to stick in on-line and post us the link, especially if theres hot lesbian action like Spoony suggested
Alright. Got done about 5pm central time. Went really well. Got almost everything I wanted. I think it should turn out pretty well. I'm addicted. I want to shoot something else tomorrow.

Sadly, there was no lesbian porn in it.
Good luck on your movie Ole. We'd exempt it from illegal download if you hereby promise a link to every videoed sex tape that you happen to make with the increasing number of pussy that you'd get your mouth on

Hearts of Darkness - A film maker's Apocalypse
Saw this just now. Bloody brilliant. If Apocalypse Now is a classic as a movie, it is surely as big if not bigger a classic in terms of it's journey. The amount of shit that Coppola had to go through should serve an early lesson for anyone entering into this field as to what to expect and overcome. Brando re-writes himself as a big girl's blouse with movie makers, but the fecker is so darn good Coppola didn't feck about

Amazing documentary

By the way, when is FFC directorial return due?
The Quiz Show - 9/10

Really enjoyed it. Rob Morrow. Who the hell is this guy? Why hasn't he done anything else that I've heard of? He was bloody excellent. And I had no idea Redford was any good at directing.

C'monnn Hollywood. Make more movies like this.
Quiz show was decent but I didn't like it as much as you.

Rob Morrow was in Northern Exposure and is now in Numbers.
Northern Exposure was excellent. Set in Alaska where Rob Morrow is a NY Jewish Doctor who is sent there as part of a deal he signed for some previous scholarship. A funny and rather charming fish out of water story. Great for 5 seasons but the last was a car wreck with Morrow leaving and other changes.
Saw Truffaut's 'Fahrenheit 451' over the weekend. Enjoyed it. Decent interpretation of Bradbury's masterpiece.

For any one who has read the book and seen the movie ... what did you think ? I was gutted that he chose the leave out the role of Faber(who was such a critical character in the book) and the Mechanical Hound(Such coolness).
Amazing documentary

By the way, when is FFC directorial return due?

His next movie is called 'Youth without Youth'. It stars Tim Roth and bruno Garz(the guy who was brilliant as Hitler in 'Downfall'). I think its supposed to come out later this year or early next year. Can't wait !! :smirk:

I's amatuer hour at the sci-fi convention. feck off Danny Boyle, and Alex Garland, yet again, they're being heralded as the fecking saviour of art house/sci-fi/cinematic history. My arse.

Totally agree. Nice shots of the sun, but I had no interest whatsoever in the characters or story.

The Great Dictator

First Chaplin film I've seen. Blackadder was wrong - he's a genius. This was one of his first talkies, and the dialogue's pretty crap. But the stuff he does as Hitler is absolute quality.

The scene with the inflatable globe has to go down as one of the top 10 in film history.