Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

ZodiacThe story of the Zodiac Killer who terrorised California in the 60s and 70's told through the eyes of a policeman and 2 journalists who worked the case. Long and lacking in the action that many seem to crave these days but IMO brilliantly told and paced with excellent performances all round especially Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jnr and Mark Ruffalo. Not dissimilar to All The Presidents Men and the cinematography is excellent. 9/10
The History Boys A film adaptation of an Alan Bennett stage show about bright Northern kids preparing for the Oxbridge entrance exam. A brilliant soundtrack and excellent performances all round. Despite the film betraying its stage show origins I think that this is probably my film of the year. 9.5/10
The moral majority were horrified by the gay themes BTW.

Fecking spastics that they are.
Dog Day Afternoon - Great little movie. Al Pacino at his best

Eklavya - All you non-Indian cnuts, I'd recommend this movie. Nice little story told and shot well

YOu think it was worthy of being sent for the Oscars ? Haven't seen it ... but the general reaction seems to be that it doesn't desrve to be the official entry.
YOu think it was worthy of being sent for the Oscars ? Haven't seen it ... but the general reaction seems to be that it doesn't desrve to be the official entry.

Haven't seen Dharm so I can't decide

The movie's a good one, been lambasted by the audiences unfairly. Plus the man who made it tackles interesting subjects and has made a few cult classics over his career and has been criminally overlooked at times. You need to have talent to have your first movie out of graduation be nominated for an Academy award

On an overall basis it was spot on. Feck off Chak De India
I'll be watching Infernal Affairs III next, followed by The Emperor and Assassin. . .and a couple of Yugoslavian movies(once I get a skype account sorted.)
:lol: Nappy still takes the cake though

Anyways, enough derailing for the time being:

Bourne Identity - Delayed watching it so as to read the book till I fecked that saw it anyways. Good stuff, although I don't really rate Damon as an actor
ZodiacThe story of the Zodiac Killer who terrorised California in the 60s and 70's told through the eyes of a policeman and 2 journalists who worked the case. Long and lacking in the action that many seem to crave these days but IMO brilliantly told and paced with excellent performances all round especially Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jnr and Mark Ruffalo. Not dissimilar to All The Presidents Men and the cinematography is excellent. 9/10

watched this last night. Very well made and the acting is excellent as well, really enjoyed Robert Downey Jnr's performance. just found that the 2nd half dragged a little bit. very enjoyable though. 8/10 for me

Surprisingly enjoyable. A really watchable pop corn movie, it doesn't suffer from any of the grating cliches and tedious scenarios that these films so often do, as a result there is real tension. It's not exactly an art house film, so don't expect to be wowed by the amazing cinematography.

It gets massive bonus points for the hemorrhoid inducingly attractive bird in it, Sarah Roemer. :wank:

We Own The Night, saw a sneak this past weekend good movie 8/10