Abducted/LA Slasher
I feel betrayed. When I was last in HMV I grabbed five films because they had this five for £20 thing. One of them was "Abducted" just to make up the numbers. It's called LA Slasher in other places, but the cover here has Dave Bautista (he of Guardians of the Galaxy and Spectre) holding a gun, so I took it to be this Taken rip-off, and grabbed it expecting a bit of fun (because I like Dave).
He's in two scenes, for about maybe ten minutes of the film. The rest of it is this serial killer voiced by Andy Dick (the words "voiced by Andy Dick" are now going to haunt my nightmares) going around killing "celebrities" (basically takes on the Kim Kardashian/Snooki/Paris Hilton types). Other cast members include Danny Trejo, Eric Roberts, and Tori Black. You'll find better acting in a lot of Tori's other films...or so I'm told.
It might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. I'm making a genuine effort here to think of worse, and I'm really struggling. The acting is painful (the people I've mentioned are barely in it, but it's like they turned up, did a take, and left), the editing is awful, and I'm actually ashamed of myself for buying this. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy.