Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I guess it's a preference thing.

I absolutely loved the shit out of Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction (one of my all time favourite films), Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill 1&2, Django Unchained and Hateful Eight.

I haven't seen Jackie Brown and thought Death Proof was garbage.
I like most of his films Bastards my fav and both Kill Bills.
Was going to put on hateful 8 the other night, the missus said three hours of the N word? No thanks.
So watched Revenant instead.
Was going to put on hateful 8 the other night, the missus said three hours of the N word? No thanks.
So watched Revenant instead.
Don't know which i found more boring to be honest. Not that either of them were bad really but definitely felt bored at times watching both.
Tim Roth doing a imitation job on Christopher Waltz was a bad sign early on the movie... should have stopped it right there. Forgetable movie and nowhere near Tarantino's best. I gave it a 5/10 on imdb, being generous.
Abducted/LA Slasher

I feel betrayed. When I was last in HMV I grabbed five films because they had this five for £20 thing. One of them was "Abducted" just to make up the numbers. It's called LA Slasher in other places, but the cover here has Dave Bautista (he of Guardians of the Galaxy and Spectre) holding a gun, so I took it to be this Taken rip-off, and grabbed it expecting a bit of fun (because I like Dave).

He's in two scenes, for about maybe ten minutes of the film. The rest of it is this serial killer voiced by Andy Dick (the words "voiced by Andy Dick" are now going to haunt my nightmares) going around killing "celebrities" (basically takes on the Kim Kardashian/Snooki/Paris Hilton types). Other cast members include Danny Trejo, Eric Roberts, and Tori Black. You'll find better acting in a lot of Tori's other films...or so I'm told.

It might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. I'm making a genuine effort here to think of worse, and I'm really struggling. The acting is painful (the people I've mentioned are barely in it, but it's like they turned up, did a take, and left), the editing is awful, and I'm actually ashamed of myself for buying this. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy.

Abducted/LA Slasher

I feel betrayed. When I was last in HMV I grabbed five films because they had this five for £20 thing. One of them was "Abducted" just to make up the numbers. It's called LA Slasher in other places, but the cover here has Dave Bautista (he of Guardians of the Galaxy and Spectre) holding a gun, so I took it to be this Taken rip-off, and grabbed it expecting a bit of fun (because I like Dave).

He's in two scenes, for about maybe ten minutes of the film. The rest of it is this serial killer voiced by Andy Dick (the words "voiced by Andy Dick" are now going to haunt my nightmares) going around killing "celebrities" (basically takes on the Kim Kardashian/Snooki/Paris Hilton types). Other cast members include Danny Trejo, Eric Roberts, and Tori Black. You'll find better acting in a lot of Tori's other films...or so I'm told.

It might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. I'm making a genuine effort here to think of worse, and I'm really struggling. The acting is painful (the people I've mentioned are barely in it, but it's like they turned up, did a take, and left), the editing is awful, and I'm actually ashamed of myself for buying this. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy.

The floor is yours @pauldyson1uk :lol:
Abducted/LA Slasher

I feel betrayed. When I was last in HMV I grabbed five films because they had this five for £20 thing. One of them was "Abducted" just to make up the numbers. It's called LA Slasher in other places, but the cover here has Dave Bautista (he of Guardians of the Galaxy and Spectre) holding a gun, so I took it to be this Taken rip-off, and grabbed it expecting a bit of fun (because I like Dave).

He's in two scenes, for about maybe ten minutes of the film. The rest of it is this serial killer voiced by Andy Dick (the words "voiced by Andy Dick" are now going to haunt my nightmares) going around killing "celebrities" (basically takes on the Kim Kardashian/Snooki/Paris Hilton types). Other cast members include Danny Trejo, Eric Roberts, and Tori Black. You'll find better acting in a lot of Tori's other films...or so I'm told.

It might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. I'm making a genuine effort here to think of worse, and I'm really struggling. The acting is painful (the people I've mentioned are barely in it, but it's like they turned up, did a take, and left), the editing is awful, and I'm actually ashamed of myself for buying this. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy.


:lol: I had to witness this abomination on the weekend too. My Dad likes to pick up these run of the mill action thrillers, and so I was expecting, like yourself, something trashy but fun. It is unequivocally the worst film I've ever seen. It's incredible how they stick Bautista on the front cover and he barely features at all.
Watched 3 movies this easter weekend

Superman vs Batman
I'm going to be honest I didn't like MOS so maybe this movie wasn't for me. It had some good actions scenes but it was straight
up one of the most convoluted and in cohesive movies I've ever seen. Ben Afleck was a good batman and alfred was also very good
and he ended up being the only comic relief in the film. I just don't know why Zach Snyder can't put together a good story. All the pieces
were there for an interesting script but its like he forgot to put it together.


Went into this with my little cousins thinking it'd be your typical kids movie with your usual jokes etc. But god I was wrong, its
easily the most important movie disney has ever done. I'm not even sure this is a kids movie, it's message is too important and
relevant. It tackles issues that most adult films are too scared to go into and for disney to potray it in such a powerful way was masterful.

It's genuinely funny, beautiful and impactful.
My only real complaint is there are no great songs.
Well done Disney you did it again


10 Cloverfield lane
I liked the original cloverfield and thought this would be similar. But it's literally nothing like that at first I was a bit disappointed by this.
But honestly it's the most tense I've been in a movie theater for a long time. It's very unpreditable just as you think you've worked out
what is going on in this universe it flips it on its head. The performance of John Goodman is honestly horrifying. Great thriller.


I was surprised honestly by this weekend of movie watching. I didn't expect to see two great movies. I cannot wait to get the blue ray of Zootropolis.
The Priests (Korean)

It's pure dark themed exorcism done in Korea, not bad I suppose, they didn't try to incorporate anything Korean apart from dialog and actor/actresses, the exorcism is done in latin/chinese???/korean, standard sick girl, demonic sound, violent rocking, psychology attack from the demon, vatican relics, pastors, etc.

Not too bad of a horror movie, although it's not very scarry to be honest

So after watching good films like 10 Cloverfield Lane and Hateful Eight, I thought I'd better get back to my bread and butter. This films about 5 people who wake up dead, and are living in their own personal hell. There is a demon as well. They have to figure out how to free themselves. I didn't mind the idea but boy this film was a cnut. Horrible... horrible CGI, awful acting and I'm pretty sure the camera operator was blind and the sound recordist was deaf... some really poor production design and the film was paced so inconsistently. So yeah really bad 1/10

P.S. You see a man get butt-raped on the beach by a demon smoke monster.
Dirty n' Pauly

Two regular guys become Caf heroes after sitting through marathons of terrible Horror films. The movie follows their fellow members' visit to the old asylum in which the two are inmates. But when the guests arrive at the abandoned Institute, strange things involving ghostly smog monsters from Hades occur, and the visitors are horribly murdered one by one...
Dirty n' Pauly

Two regular guys become Caf heroes after sitting through marathons of terrible Horror films. The movie follows their fellow members' visit to the old asylum in which the two are inmates. But when the guests arrive at the abandoned Institute, strange things involving ghostly smog monsters from Hades occur, and the visitors are horribly murdered one by one...
For a second there I thought it was a real movie. Even imdb it :lol:
For a second there I thought it was a real movie. Even imdb it :lol:
Have you seen Hostel III? Can't remember if I have or not- quite possibly have and it was shite and I've forgotten. It's on Zone Horror on Friday. I liked the first, less so the second...


Friday 1st April @ 22:45

Vegas vacation gore-fest. When four men head to Vegas for a bachelor party they are enticed away from the strip and end up becoming pawns at the most sadistic show in town. (2011)

Next On Horror: Friday 1st April @ 22:45

Directed by: Scott Spiegel
Starring: Thomas Kretschmann, Kip Pardue, John Hensley,Skyler Stone
Year: 2011
Genre: Movies / Horror
Have you seen Hostel III? Can't remember if I have or not- quite possibly have and it was shite and I've forgotten. It's on Zone Horror on Friday. I liked the first, less so the second...


Friday 1st April @ 22:45

Vegas vacation gore-fest. When four men head to Vegas for a bachelor party they are enticed away from the strip and end up becoming pawns at the most sadistic show in town. (2011)

Next On Horror: Friday 1st April @ 22:45

Directed by: Scott Spiegel
Starring: Thomas Kretschmann, Kip Pardue, John Hensley,Skyler Stone
Year: 2011
Genre: Movies / Horror
Have seen it. Can't remember it well but from what I do remember, I liked the start but then went downhill. Also, the worst of the trilogy by a mile.
Dirty n' Pauly

Two regular guys become Caf heroes after sitting through marathons of terrible Horror films. The movie follows their fellow members' visit to the old asylum in which the two are inmates. But when the guests arrive at the abandoned Institute, strange things involving ghostly smog monsters from Hades occur, and the visitors are horribly murdered one by one...
:lol: love it .
Batman vs. Superman

I caught this on Monday, and thought it was actually a pretty good enjoyable action film. I think these kind of films are never going to please everyone as there's too much history in this world with too many differing versions to compare it against.

I've never been a fan of the comic books, or Superman as a character, so i quite like this slightly darker version of Superman some people are complaining about. Also, even though i kinda dislike Ben Affleck (maybe still not forgiven for Daredevil) i have to admit his Batman is pretty damn good. Reminds me of the older more bitter Batman from some of the animated movies.

If i sit down and analyse it there were things that annoyed me... a few 'oh come on' moments, and a few times i actually noticed the music in certain scenes and thought it was overly cheesy. I think i shouldn't notice the 'mood music' if it's done well, it just just feel natural.

But good action, Batman fighting scenes awesome in particular, try not to think too hard and you'll have an enjoyable couple of hours.

If you're a major fan of the comics/cartoons/other films, and you can't help but compare it to these, then you might find it hard to get past the issues to just enjoy it for what it is.

Have you seen Hostel III? Can't remember if I have or not- quite possibly have and it was shite and I've forgotten. It's on Zone Horror on Friday. I liked the first, less so the second...
It was a while ago, so maybe my memory isn't great, but I recall hating the first one and thinking the second one was decent.
Abducted/LA Slasher

I feel betrayed. When I was last in HMV I grabbed five films because they had this five for £20 thing. One of them was "Abducted" just to make up the numbers. It's called LA Slasher in other places, but the cover here has Dave Bautista (he of Guardians of the Galaxy and Spectre) holding a gun, so I took it to be this Taken rip-off, and grabbed it expecting a bit of fun (because I like Dave).

He's in two scenes, for about maybe ten minutes of the film. The rest of it is this serial killer voiced by Andy Dick (the words "voiced by Andy Dick" are now going to haunt my nightmares) going around killing "celebrities" (basically takes on the Kim Kardashian/Snooki/Paris Hilton types). Other cast members include Danny Trejo, Eric Roberts, and Tori Black. You'll find better acting in a lot of Tori's other films...or so I'm told.

It might actually be the worst film I've ever seen. I'm making a genuine effort here to think of worse, and I'm really struggling. The acting is painful (the people I've mentioned are barely in it, but it's like they turned up, did a take, and left), the editing is awful, and I'm actually ashamed of myself for buying this. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy.

I have this to watch now , will watch it later, imdb says it is a Comedy, Crime, Fantasy
It was a while ago, so maybe my memory isn't great, but I recall hating the first one and thinking the second one was decent.

I find it hard to separate them, they all just turn into one long shouty, choppy, watch out tourists kinda film... that said i do like trashy horrors like these :)
It was a while ago, so maybe my memory isn't great, but I recall hating the first one and thinking the second one was decent.
I find it hard to separate them, they all just turn into one long shouty, choppy, watch out tourists kinda film... that said i do like trashy horrors like these :)
The second one is basically a rehash of the first but with birds in it. First one felt vaguely original at least. Got a nagging I have seen the third and it's real law of diminishing returns stuff as schweini and pauldi say.
Just watched Trash . 2014 Brazilian film, worth a watch. Similar themes to City of God/City of Men but nowhere near as good (especially compared to the former).
I will see your LA Slasher and raise you with.

Mosquito (1995)

An alien starship dumps a space-trash in a swamp in a U.S. National Park. Some mosquitoes begin to feed from the alien's corpses, causing them to grow to the size of a vulture. These mutant insects became very aggressive, killing every human being they find. Will the few survivors fight successfully against this nightmare...?
If you think it sounds bad , you are right it is even worse than Birdemic.
Has a cheesey crappy Sci-Fi film it works , you know it is going to be bad, it has everything you would expect a crappy Sci-Fi film to have , bad story , bad acting , really bad writing, some of the worst special effects I have seen, you even have a guy with a chainsaw.
You have to watch this with tongue firmly in cheek.
I actually liked it , made me laugh more that some comedies I have seem, but I suspect not many will, but still it is not worth any more than.

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Violent Shit: The Movie

Rome is shattered by a series of gruesome murders that paint the Eternal City deep red. The suspicion grows that these atrocious crimes are connected with the return of one of the most heinous serial killers of our time - Karl the Butcher.

FFS what have I just watched !!!
This was just bad , not in a funny way but just bad.
The final 20 mins was just blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore, at one point it was like watching a crappy 80's porn and then it went full on gore.
If you like blood, gore and mutilation then you might like this, I do like blood and gore but this went a bit too far even for me.

So after watching good films like 10 Cloverfield Lane and Hateful Eight, I thought I'd better get back to my bread and butter. This films about 5 people who wake up dead, and are living in their own personal hell. There is a demon as well. They have to figure out how to free themselves. I didn't mind the idea but boy this film was a cnut. Horrible... horrible CGI, awful acting and I'm pretty sure the camera operator was blind and the sound recordist was deaf... some really poor production design and the film was paced so inconsistently. So yeah really bad 1/10

P.S. You see a man get butt-raped on the beach by a demon smoke monster.

I raise you Yakuza Apocalypse by Takashi Miike!
Violent Shit: The Movie

Rome is shattered by a series of gruesome murders that paint the Eternal City deep red. The suspicion grows that these atrocious crimes are connected with the return of one of the most heinous serial killers of our time - Karl the Butcher.

FFS what have I just watched !!!
This was just bad , not in a funny way but just bad.
The final 20 mins was just blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore, at one point it was like watching a crappy 80's porn and then it went full on gore.
If you like blood, gore and mutilation then you might like this, I do like blood and gore but this went a bit too far even for me.

That feeling when a @SteveJ parody film has a more believable plot than a pauldy film.
Oh I love that.

"He's one of the most heinous serial killers of our time."
"Ooh 'eck, who is he?"

ominous music
Violent Shit: The Movie

"Shit's going down..."
"You mean we're going to put shit in prison?"
"No, I mean, stuff is happening."
"The shit's going to hit the fan."
"Don't you start.."
Oh I love that.

"He's one of the most heinous serial killers of our time."
"Ooh 'eck, who is he?"

ominous music
Exactly! Karl the Butcher sounds like a really friendly butcher where I wouldn't mind doing my meat shopping.

Violent Shit: The Movie

Rome is shattered by a series of gruesome murders that paint the Eternal City deep red. The suspicion grows that these atrocious crimes are connected with the return of one of the most heinous serial killers of our time - Karl the Butcher.

FFS what have I just watched !!!
This was just bad , not in a funny way but just bad.
The final 20 mins was just blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore, at one point it was like watching a crappy 80's porn and then it went full on gore.
If you like blood, gore and mutilation then you might like this, I do like blood and gore but this went a bit too far even for me.

I have no idea if this is real. :lol: