Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Just watched Naked Among Wolves.

Bleak, sobering, film but excellent nonetheless. Would definitely recommend.
10 Cloverfield Lane - Very very good. I'd give it a 9/10. Wasn't crazy about the ending of it, but it's not a deal-breaker. Thoughts in a spoiler (not all of them are spoilers, but I like to be safe).

They could have ended it when she's trying to get the lock off the skylight thing for the tense ending. Or when she's out in the open and she can hear the birds for a happier ending. The alien battle was all very tacked on, and it would have been nicer to see them leave John Goodman (who was amazing) as the lone "villain" of the film. I thought the aliens looked fine, and it wasn't a deal breaker by any means, but none of that final part matched the tension of what happened in the bunker.

If they want to carry on from here and kind of link more solidly back into the Cloverfield story with another film starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, then I am perfectly OK with that
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Not sure about this one. Found the characters a little bit too...quirky, if that's the right word. The main characters, mainly. Carrey is mostly decent, but Winslet's character annoyed me from the start. It's interestingly done though and the premise is quite good. The sub-plots are alright, although kind of suddenly seem to fade in and out of the film.
Straight Outta Compton - so aggressively conventional it might as well have been a lifetime movie. I got to 100 minutes (of 147 wtf). Atrocious. Paul Giamatti is everyone's manager these days.
Finally saw it. I thought it was great.

Reminded me too of the time me and a friend were on the dance floor in a club in Camden back in the late 80s when NWA's feck the police came on and when we realised what it was we noticed that were the only two white guys on the floor, surrounded by a lot of much bigger black guys.
We decided to go back to the bar :lol:
Chungking Express

Great movie. A two-part story which follows policemen dumped by their girlfriends, looking at isolation, love etc. Not sure which story I preferred more...the first has a more surreal sort of vibe to it at times, while the second felt incredibly realistic, capturing the minute details of every day life. Enjoyed it, though.
Was going to watch it before I realised the two were connected. Cloverfield absolutely shite.
They sound barely rated tbh. I liked Cloverfield despite normally hating shaky handheld camera stuff.
They sound barely rated tbh. I liked Cloverfield despite normally hating shaky handheld camera stuff.
It's the shaky cam that did it for me.

15. Didn't realise it was a remake, the older version even better?
Not sure, the older version is the only one I've seen. Was just wondering if the newer one held up to it. Will give it a watch.

It's very good and isn't like Cloverfield, just based in the same universe, which is in itself a poor decision. Would've been best as a self contained movie but I guess the brand recognition will help the box office.
In that case I'll go ahead and give it a chance.
Deadpool I'm not a fan of superhero movies but this was great fun. I'm not a fan of Ryan Reynolds either but he was great in this. Good gory action, filthy jokes and an all round fun adult film. Roll on the inevitable sequel. 9/10

I enjoyed the opening sequence, then for the next 10 minutes or so I began to worry that it was going to be a little too smartarse with metaphorical self parodying appreciative nods all over the shop. That said, I let it go and fully enjoyed it from that point forward. It was done really well and although it's part of the comic book movie 'universe', it felt quite fresh and fun. I tend to watch most of the superhero movies, mainly because I feel I should rather than want to, but ultimately enjoyed this more than I have other comic book releases recently. 8.5/10
Moonlight Kingdom

Really enjoyed a lot of the scenery in this one, quite similar to Grand Budapest in that respect. The child actors are decent as well, with very good performances from Norton and Willis. Plenty of surprisingly comedic moments, too. Good coming of age film.


Thought this was brilliant. It's funny right from the start, despite it's serious undertones at certain points. Main character is a complete dick, but it's hard not to find him entertaining at certain points. Good performance from Bill Murray as well.
Chungking Express

Great movie. A two-part story which follows policemen dumped by their girlfriends, looking at isolation, love etc. Not sure which story I preferred more...the first has a more surreal sort of vibe to it at times, while the second felt incredibly realistic, capturing the minute details of every day life. Enjoyed it, though.
Watched Akira again for the first time in ages, still magnificent. Breathtaking animation, great sound design and so forth.
I need to rewatch it. I actually remember it being hard-going. I had a manga phase a while back with Ghosts in the Machine, Vampire Hunter D etc...
Watched Akira again for the first time in ages, still magnificent. Breathtaking animation, great sound design and so forth.
How did you watch something again for the first time? Do you have a time machine? :lol:

The Boy
Went to watch The Witch but because I didn't want to wait for an hour, I watched this instead. Right off the bat, I would say Maggie from the Walking Dead is :drool:. Ok so it's a film about an american woman who goes to baby sit a young boy in a closed off retreat somewhere in the UK for a few months. The boy she is babysitting is in fact a creepy doll and as you probably have guessed, spooky shit happens. This film was shot and lit really well and had really good acting, surprisingly for a horror film. However, it relied on too many jump scares, half of which worked. The story was decent though and did quite enjoy the ending. It didn't really add anything new to the genre though 7/10

The Abandoned

A woman takes work as part of a 2-person night security team in an abandoned hotel. She discovers a room that is not on the blueprints and a haunting begins from when she enters this room. Very low budget but it had great atmosphere. The scares though were at a minimum and I didn't really like the ending so much as I predicted it a mile off. There's still something to enjoy here 6.5/10


A bunch of teens have a drug fueled party at a church that was built over an insane asylum for children. Suddenly, a demon gatecrashes. I knew what to expect as the first shot of the film is of a flabby ass that belongs to an addict 'woman'. It seemed tonally confused as I assumed it to be a horror comedy but reading about it, there are no comedy labels for the film genre... I laughed out loud twice during the first half of the film. The setup was really quite good but then it takes a plunge for the worse as the moments of comedy are replaced by non-stop cheap gore and it just falls in genre cliche after genre cliche. Was left really bored 5/10
How did you watch something again for the first time? Do you have a time machine? :lol:

The Boy
Went to watch The Witch but because I didn't want to wait for an hour, I watched this instead. Right off the bat, I would say Maggie from the Walking Dead is :drool:. Ok so it's a film about an american woman who goes to baby sit a young boy in a closed off retreat somewhere in the UK for a few months. The boy she is babysitting is in fact a creepy doll and as you probably have guessed, spooky shit happens. This film was shot and lit really well and had really good acting, surprisingly for a horror film. However, it relied on too many jump scares, half of which worked. The story was decent though and did quite enjoy the ending. It didn't really add anything new to the genre though 7/10

The Abandoned

A woman takes work as part of a 2-person night security team in an abandoned hotel. She discovers a room that is not on the blueprints and a haunting begins from when she enters this room. Very low budget but it had great atmosphere. The scares though were at a minimum and I didn't really like the ending so much as I predicted it a mile off. There's still something to enjoy here 6.5/10


A bunch of teens have a drug fueled party at a church that was built over an insane asylum for children. Suddenly, a demon gatecrashes. I knew what to expect as the first shot of the film is of a flabby ass that belongs to an addict 'woman'. It seemed tonally confused as I assumed it to be a horror comedy but reading about it, there are no comedy labels for the film genre... I laughed out loud twice during the first half of the film. The setup was really quite good but then it takes a plunge for the worse as the moments of comedy are replaced by non-stop cheap gore and it just falls in genre cliche after genre cliche. Was left really bored 5/10

Love your horror movie reviews. You pretty much are awesome at weeding out the shite, which, let's face it, forms over half of the movies you watch.

Also, totally with you on Lauren Cohen. Ridiculous specimen.
Love your horror movie reviews. You pretty much are awesome at weeding out the shite, which, let's face it, forms over half of the movies you watch.

Also, totally with you on Lauren Cohen. Ridiculous specimen.

There's a LOT of this in the horror genre yet for some reason, I always switch on a horror movie with high expectations :lol:
Sushi Girl - pretty much a Tarantino tribute. Lots of over-the-top violence. Tony Todd and Mark Hamill are fun in it. 6/10.
Star Wars The Force Awakens

Loved it , right up there with the original 3 , yes there was plot holes but it was a Star Wars I did not care.
Loved the story line and how it unfolded.
2 hours of everything you want in a Sci-fi film, not the perfection that was Empire Strikes Back but not far off

Cant wait for 8.


Oldie featuring Tom Hanks. Charming film with a welcome light touch.

Aww, crap. :( Still, swings n' roundabouts, mate - Chopsticks gets on my nerves. :D
Batman vs. Supermeh Feat. Wonder Woman

I don't get what's the hate with this movie, it's brilliant from start to finish except for Supermeh (Henry Cavill is a wooden log). The action is top notch as expected from Superheroes movie and dare I say more realistic than MCU (people dying, collateral damage, even heroes bleed) and Doomsday is a motherfecking bad ass compared to whimpy Loki and any other Marvel villain dubbed to be the most dangerous creature in the universe (yes.. you Ultron) but looking wimpy as a fecking kitten infront of the avengers.

Jeremy Irons is a good actor but we've had too much caine to erase it's hard picturing a more healthier and robust Alfred. Gal Gadot steals the show, less talk more ass whooping, and they made her so good that she can stand toe to toe with Doomsday I kid you not, the only thing lacking about her Wonder Woman is the D cup that dones Linda Carter's rack. Affleck is great and toed in as Batman, just how i picture and ageing batman should be after 20 years of trying to weed out the bad guys. Lex is kinda overacting imo but critics says he's good so who am I to argue. The bat fight is a tribute (can I say tribute?) to the TDK game, how he fights is almost frame by frame a recreation of the game.

I'm happy with darker superheroes movie, enough of the "we won't kill thugs, but we smashed a spaceship the size of New York park and crashed it into the city".

I don't care what haters saying, it's a solid 9/10 for me

EDIT: I love how they portray the US of A. "It's time to launch the Nuclear sir, they're out of the country. But what about Superman? Launch it" No more hypocritical political bravado. Hurray!
Moonlight Kingdom

Really enjoyed a lot of the scenery in this one, quite similar to Grand Budapest in that respect. The child actors are decent as well, with very good performances from Norton and Willis. Plenty of surprisingly comedic moments, too. Good coming of age film.


Thought this was brilliant. It's funny right from the start, despite it's serious undertones at certain points. Main character is a complete dick, but it's hard not to find him entertaining at certain points. Good performance from Bill Murray as well.
If you liked these I'd suggest Darjeeling Limited as well. Wes Anderson is my favourite director
Cabin Fever (2016)
I really liked the original Cabin Fever. Yes it had many flaws, but I really enjoyed the story and it stuck with me for a while. This beat-for-beat remake however was completely pointless. They pretty much 90% copied the original script (with one of the major changes being replacing the male deputy with a hot female one) but they didn't fix any of the original's problems. It STILL has bad dialogue, awful acting and comedy segments that just fall flat. Had this been the original, I would be more forgiving but as a remake, it's completely pointless 3/10

Jack & Diane

A romantic horror film based around a lesbian relationship that manifests into some dream monster. Yes the film is as shit as the synopsis sounds. Boring, slow, no pay off, horrible soundtrack and a complete waste of time. Avoid at all costs 0/10

People start logging into a website called and suddenly they die. A cop played by Stephen Dorff must investigate. Lord what can I say? I kept falling asleep watching this and had to constantly rewind making a 90 minute film seem like 3 hours. Not scary in the slightest and hammed up by the cast. Seemed like a student project... I did however enjoy the soundtrack but overall it was just... ugh 2/10

Prom Night

I really liked the 1980's version of this movie but this remake was bloody awful. The only similarity really was the film title. I got so angry watching this, I went downstairs and punched my cat 1/10