Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Finally saw the new Star Wars film, albeit on a plane. Can't believe how bad Daisy Ridley's acting is. So wooden it cast a shadow over the whole film.

Didn't even realise there was anothed Fantastic Four reboot out. Now I know why. Very slow and far too little action and Dr Doom.
Finally saw the new Star Wars film, albeit on a plane. Can't believe how bad Daisy Ridley's acting is. So wooden it cast a shadow over the whole film.

Didn't even realise there was anothed Fantastic Four reboot out. Now I know why. Very slow and far too little action and Dr Doom.
A lot of people thought she was good in the role.
A pregnant woman (Isla Fisher) and her husband move to the countryside and she starts seeing terrifying visions. At first, I was enjoying this. It really built up suspense well, choosing to use silence instead of silly music in the tense scenes, was quite fresh but in the end, the scares seemed to get more and more flat as the film progressed and essentially this just became a shameless and gore-less ripoff of the french horror film Inside. It had potential but just decided to become as predictable as an Antonio Valencia attack from the right wing 5/10
Decided to give Cinema Paradiso a watch unfortunately. Sentimental drivel which just feels calculated. Every scene with that overbearing score and nostalgic romanticism is grating as hell. I really don't understand how it's so highly rated.
Shiner - 2000 film starring Michael Caine as a shady boxing promoter. Andy Serkis is in it as well. Decent enough film, elevated by Caine's being in it. 6/10
Son of Saul - grim, claustrophobic Holocaust film. I didn't buy Saul's motivation at all, it seemed contrived to bring about a story ,but there's a lot to admire about how the film's made and its recreation of Auschwitz. The decision to shoot close on Saul the entire film was an inspired choice.
I agree with you Gol, I'm not sure why people praised her acting, I agree with the term 'wooden' which is spot on, for me.
I have a few ideas as to why people thought she was great but I've discussed that enough in the Star Wars thread.

She was the weak link and stood out like a sore thumb at times. As bad as Carrie Fisher.
Son of Saul - grim, claustrophobic Holocaust film. I didn't buy Saul's motivation at all, it seemed contrived to bring about a story ,but there's a lot to admire about how the film's made and its recreation of Auschwitz. The decision to shoot close on Saul the entire film was an inspired choice.
Premiered at Cannes last year and it's still not 'available' yet. :/
I have a few ideas as to why people thought she was great but I've discussed that enough in the Star Wars thread.
Cos some fanboys would excuse anything while they squirted one out over her, despite her being nothing overly special?
Hateful 8

Meh... tarantino have lost his mojo. Really average movie with nice music at time. The acting was bad in general. Boring shit with boring dialogues.

Crap, don't know what to watch this weekend at the cinema... I'm definitely watching 1 but maybe can squeeze in 2... It's between:

The Witch
The Boy
10 Cloverfield Lane

Currently I'm thinking of definitely watching The Witch and possibly The Boy as I feel 10 Cloverfield Lane will make my pregnant wife sick because it's shaky cam...
Crap, don't know what to watch this weekend at the cinema... I'm definitely watching 1 but maybe can squeeze in 2... It's between:

The Witch
The Boy
10 Cloverfield Lane

Currently I'm thinking of definitely watching The Witch and possibly The Boy as I feel 10 Cloverfield Lane will make my pregnant wife sick because it's shaky cam...
Go on your own.
Crap, don't know what to watch this weekend at the cinema... I'm definitely watching 1 but maybe can squeeze in 2... It's between:

The Witch
The Boy
10 Cloverfield Lane

Currently I'm thinking of definitely watching The Witch and possibly The Boy as I feel 10 Cloverfield Lane will make my pregnant wife sick because it's shaky cam...
Go see The Witch, it's the tits.

I've heard 10 Cloverfield Lane is very good as well.
10 Cloverfield Lane - superb schlock, considerably superior to the original (feck found footage). My one issue with it is

that it has anything to do with Cloverfield. The stuff in the bunker is A+. As soon as she leaves and the aliens appear it all falls to shit. This should've been a standalone film about nutty John Goodman holding people prisoner
Eddie the Eagle - surprisingly good. "Feel good fun" is the best way to describe it. 8/10
I wouldn't exactly call it an adult film......more like a lad film. But yeah, it's solid fun stuff.
Bound To Vengeance
A woman escapes from captivity and then forces the captor to drive her around town so she can free the other girls he has locked away in shoddy houses, when in reality, she could have just called the cops and let them deal with it. Every decision the characters make, especially the main character is so farfetched and is basically the opposite of what a real person would do and that makes the film a real chore to watch. The ending was also more flat than Keira Knightly's boobs. It was shot quite well, had decent gore and quite good performances, especially from the main actress but overall I wish I hadn't seen this. Waste of time 4/10
In case anyone was considering sitting through Allegiant, don't.

It doesn't deserve any more words in terms of a review. Just don't.
10 Cloverfield Lane - superb schlock, considerably superior to the original (feck found footage). My one issue with it is

that it has anything to do with Cloverfield. The stuff in the bunker is A+. As soon as she leaves and the aliens appear it all falls to shit. This should've been a standalone film about nutty John Goodman holding people prisoner
It is actually a sequel? I liked Cloverfield, even if the ending was somewhat predictable.