Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I would just like to add.... that White House Down is significantly better then Olympus Has Fallen.
They both came out at the same time as well. Remember watching a trailer for each and thinking they were the same thing.

I can't remember a scene as tense as that border shootout one :drool:
Ridiculously tense. Lacked any payoff though.
I just watched London Has Fallen tonight. Extremely far-fetched but good viewing nonetheless. Sometimes you really just want the main baddies to get theirs in a big way but they always seem to get dispatched quickly and cleanly right at the end of a movie with no hint of torment or suffering! Similarly it always amazes me how the good guys always seem impervious to heavy gunfire with usually deadly accurate gunmen failing to land a single shot??

That aside, the movie jogs along at a steady pace with good set pieces and car chases through the streets of London. Wonder where they'll head to next ?

Has anyone seen The Forest by the way??
Good one. It's been a long time since I've seen Heat, and I'm sure there's a few more in other movies.

But the one in Sicario stands out from recent memory. The music played a huge part, and I love how "clean" the shootout actually was :D
Omaha beach scene in Saving Private Ryan. Intense as hell.
I just watched London Has Fallen tonight. Extremely far-fetched but good viewing nonetheless. Sometimes you really just want the main baddies to get theirs in a big way but they always seem to get dispatched quickly and cleanly right at the end of a movie with no hint of torment or suffering! Similarly it always amazes me how the good guys always seem impervious to heavy gunfire with usually deadly accurate gunmen failing to land a single shot??

That aside, the movie jogs along at a steady pace with good set pieces and car chases through the streets of London. Wonder where they'll head to next ?

Has anyone seen The Forest by the way??

Good one. It's been a long time since I've seen Heat, and I'm sure there's a few more in other movies.

But the one in Sicario stands out from recent memory. The music played a huge part, and I love how "clean" the shootout actually was :D

I was surprised it didn't win best score because the music really gave the atmosphere to the film.
The black hole science was still massive BS. He would've been crushed by its gravitational pull long before he even went inside of it.

The only explanation they had for that black hole scene was "We don't know what is in a black hole so anything could be" and apparently a larger black hole has weaker gravitational pull. Of course, considering its gravitational pull is strong enough to have multiple planets orbiting it, its safe to say it would still crush his weak body.
Can you explain to me exactly what a black hole is please. And exactly what would happen to anything that gets sucked into a black hole.
Im assuming by the laws of physics that everything that gets sucked into a black hole has to go somewhere. So where does it go?
Can you explain to me exactly what a black hole is please. And exactly what would happen to anything that gets sucked into a black hole.
Im assuming by the laws of physics that everything that gets sucked into a black hole has to go somewhere. So where does it go?
A black hole is just a massive amount of gravitational force. Its so powerful even light cant escape it. It isn't really a hole as such but is called a black hole because it is black due to their being no light and kinda looks like a hole.

What happens when things go into black holes is they get crushed at a sub atomic level due to the amount of force it exerts. You wouldn't be a being any more but a stretched amount of particles that are being crushed into nothing.

I'm not an expert on black holes though so my knowledge of them is pretty basic. Its also not the thread for it.
How is it possible to break something like a planet into nothing? Actually feck something up so bad that it just disappears. Explain.
At least the explanation in the film makes sense.
How is it possible to break something like a planet into nothing? Actually feck something up so bad that it just disappears. Explain.
At least the explanation in the film makes sense.

Here is a better explanation for them. Apparently earth could orbit a black hole the size of the sun.

Black holes are pretty ridiculous in and of themselves. Light has no mass that we know of. Yet a black hole has such a powerful gravitational pull it can pull in light. That's why not a lot is known about them.

Its just a bit annoying when a film prides itself on scientific accuracy and then goes "feck it, anything can happen just because we don't know what is inside a black hole".

I will take a guess and say there isn't a pocket sized gateway to space/time travel within a black hole.
Spotlight 9/10

I rarely agree with the Oscars and their choice of best motion picture but this year I agree wholeheartedly. The film is outstanding with truly excellent performances by every member of the cast. It is telling that it relies only on the subject matter and although it is very slow burning with no action or violence or sex scenes and very little bad language, yet it is still thoroughly gripping and truly enthralling, not to mention extremely shocking. It also handles the very delicate subject matter delicately and with great sensitivity. I loved it, and will undoubtedly go back and watch it again in the near future.

Pretty entertaining, it's comedy is hit and miss but I like the how the character of deadpool was developed. Also, some of the fighting scenes went on for too long. Entertaining but ultimately overrated.

South Central

I thought this was supposed to be a classic 'Hood film? One of the most terribly acted films I can remember. Everyone is a caricature. 'Loco' might just be one of the worst movie characters of all time. The Prison Nazis are hilarious, though they're not supposed to be. It tries to be sinister, and it just comes off as goofy. Just utter rubbish.

It has nothing on Boyz N The Hood. Great 'Hood film.
Just watching Terminator Genisys on Sky. Opening salvo not great- did chuckle that they'd changed the actress in the Sarah Connor in a jeep pic, hated John Connor's 'tonight we take back Zion' rabble-rousing speech and did they splice in old footage of Arnie landing after time-travelling? He looked oddly young.
I read some of you lot's reviews and yeah, seems like its heading to be a mish-mash of all the past ones combining to make a shite, garbelled mess.

EDIT: It's only due to the rapidly fading good will of the first two that I got to the end. What a load of shite- John Connor suddenly becomes the baddie. Please make it the last one.
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Terrible action movie is probably my favourite genre of film. This ticks all the terrible action movie boxes. Dredd turns up to a tower block, kills a bunch of people, then leaves. Spoiler alert*** Dredd gets shot with a bolt that penetrates a brick wall and then goes right through his body. He pulls out a sewing pack from his utility belt. Stitches himself up, and gets on with it. Kills a few more bad guys, like, absolutely annihilates them. Saunters out. Roll credits.

9 out of 10.

Terrible action movie is probably my favourite genre of film. This ticks all the terrible action movie boxes. Dredd turns up to a tower block, kills a bunch of people, then leaves. Spoiler alert*** Dredd gets shot with a bolt that penetrates a brick wall and then goes right through his body. He pulls out a sewing pack from his utility belt. Stitches himself up, and gets on with it. Kills a few more bad guys, like, absolutely annihilates them. Saunters out. Roll credits.

9 out of 10.
It's like a shit sci-fi version of The Raid.
Riddle Room
A woman wakes up locked in a room and has no idea who put her there and why. She then embarks on a journey to bore the viewer to death. fecking awful film and I only can think of one person who would watch it besides me... @pauldyson1uk / 10


Been meaning to watch this for a while since I missed it when it came out in the cinema but unfortunately I was quite disappointed. The comedy sections weren't really funny, the horror sections weren't scary and the film felt really long despite only being 138 minutes. They also didn't show enough of Krampus itself which was annoying but I still did enjoy the overall story and set up as well as the final act 6/10
Been meaning to watch this for a while since I missed it when it came out in the cinema but unfortunately I was quite disappointed. The comedy sections weren't really funny, the horror sections weren't scary and the film felt really long despite only being 138 minutes. They also didn't show enough of Krampus itself which was annoying but I still did enjoy the overall story and set up as well as the final act 6/10

I'd call that long anytime!
Thought it might be something like that. ;)

Not an encouraging review though, was thinking of seeing it tonight. Maybe I'll go with Sisters.
Thought it might be something like that. ;)

Not an encouraging review though, was thinking of seeing it tonight. Maybe I'll go with Sisters.
Oh no dont let me put you off. It was ok, I just had too high expectations going in that's all.
The Sky Trembles And The Earth Is Afraid And The Two Eyes Are Not Brothers - Ben Rivers (2015)

I know, longass title. It comes from a Paul Bowles passage. Saw this by accident at a film festival here in Colombia and thought it was fantastic. I´d never heard of this British director, Ben Rivers, before, but I guess he´s big in the experimental film scene. The movie takes place in Morocco and loosely follows a European film director shooting a film with natural Moroccan actors. Apparently, after the film is finished shooting, the director is traveling and gets kidnapped, thus kicking off a bizarre adventure with his captors.

This sort of film isn´t for everybody, as the narrative is quite weird and very slow. But behind its wackiness is a profound meditation on the relationship between first and third world countries in a post imperial world. It had a very Paul Bowles vibe to it, being set in Morocco and all, so I´m very much a sucker for that, being a Paul Bowles groupie. I loved the film.

9 cocks up
Riddle Room
A woman wakes up locked in a room and has no idea who put her there and why. She then embarks on a journey to bore the viewer to death. fecking awful film and I only can think of one person who would watch it besides me... @pauldyson1uk / 10


Been meaning to watch this for a while since I missed it when it came out in the cinema but unfortunately I was quite disappointed. The comedy sections weren't really funny, the horror sections weren't scary and the film felt really long despite only being 138 minutes. They also didn't show enough of Krampus itself which was annoying but I still did enjoy the overall story and set up as well as the final act 6/10

She could have suggested watching United play instead.
The Hateful Eight, Sisters, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, and Krampus.

Loved the most first hour of Tarantino's movie, Sisters were fun, Krampus quite unfunny considering the cast, and the Games just bore me - should've left it at one silly movie. 6.5/10 Sisters, 6/10 The Hateful Eight, 5/10 Krampus and The Hunger Games.
Marnie - There were a lot of things to like and dislike about this film but I was too captivated by Diane Baker to pay any real attention.

Even though his cult was on the rise, I think Hitchcock's talent was in steep decline through the 60s.

His attempt to turn Tippi Hedren into the new Grace Kelly was always doomed - she lacked Kelly's spark. Mind you this was a tough role, and picture, for any female lead to shine in. The movie was flat and dull; and Hitch laid on the cod psychoanalysis with a trowel.

Plus the awful rape scene in which Hitch seems to have unleashed his own Id all over the set. The only thing worse was a scene in Frenzy with a close up of a girl being strangled to death. The Hayes Code was Hitchcock's best friend.
I have obtained it. It's on tonight's schedule. Is the sequel worth a watch too? I managed to get both.

Such great films. The cinematography in the second one is incredible, its almost like a video game when they enter a new location and you just think, wow some good fighting can go down in here. Hope you've got the subtitled version as there is an English dubbed one out there which kind of kills it a bit, the voice acting is really below par and they do not capture the characters emotions properly.